In my opinion Rakshasa Gravecaller was an overlooked card back at prerelease and the reason i won all my games was thanks to him but not only is he great for limited being a 7/10 for 5 he is a beast in standard creating major board presence not only tanking the infamous Siege Rhino and killing it with his army of zombie but being like a an extra Sidisi that doesn't die to that darn legendary rule. Rakshasa Gravecaller in my opinion is the big beast the Sultai Brood missed out on in Khans. (temur with their knukleheads, mardu with their butchers, jeskai with their mantis riders, abzan with their rhinos and now the sultai with their gravecallers)
Basically this deck is my take on the classic Sidisi Whip but using the new Rakshasa Gravecaller for the purpose of ruining the day of all who appose us by flooding their field with zombies and if our plan goes pear shaped and we get stuck with a control deck use our good friend from the Atarka clan Surrak and swing for fatal on turn 5 or even use the old whip trick.
or of course we can use the temurs old khan Yasova to gain control of our opponents creatures and use them as the target for our gravecaller's swarming as long as we make it to turn 5 we win.
Anyways i would just like to know if there are anymore cards / combos I'm missing out on. I've put all cards that interest me and could see some playtesting in the maybe board and i was hoping that some people could tell me how to make my deck even more over powered and just correct me if my numbers of any cards are messed up. I am also wondering if it is worth throwing in the exra surrak in replacement for Yasova
ok now for the fun stuff the combos/setupThe best possible hand to start with is 3 lands, satyr wayfinder or a ramper , surrak or sidisi undead, grave caller and tasigur or sidisi tyrant
Targets for Sidisi's Tutormost of the time SurrakIf its tokens SilumgarG/R or flyers hornet queenIf ur hand is bad any win conditionor if u milled surrak/gravecallers (all of them)grab a Whip or Soul of Innistrad
T1: play any land T2: Forest, Satyr Wayfinder grab a land dropOR Forest, Sylvan CaryatidT3: swamp, TasigurOR Swamp/Island Sidisi brood tyrant and a zombieT4: anyland, Gravecaller exploit wayfinder/caryatid swing for 3- 5T5: forest, Surrak giving him haste swing for 15-19turn 4 and 5 can pretty much switch spots still ensuring the win but if u play Surrak turn 4 and u give surrak haste and swing for insane amounts.
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Surrak, the Hunt Caller
its like they where made for each other