This Kalamax deck done with what I currently own. As I upgrade the deck I will include it here too. Recomendations and opinions are welcomed

Our game plan is very easy, we just want to copy our spells and abuse them in order to gain advantage until we can win.

These are our main ways of copying spells:

Kalamax, the Stormsire : Our commander, we need to have him tapped so that we can use its ability to copy the first instant spell that we cast each turn.

Dualcaster Mage : A 2/2 creature with flash and capable of copying an instant or sorcery.

God-Eternal Kefnet : A 4/5 flying creature hard to remove that can make copies of our instants and sorceries that we draw at the begining of our turn and reduces the cost of the copy by 2 mana.

Melek, Izzet Paragon : It let us cast instants and sorceries from the top of our library without having to draw them before being able to play them. Also, if we play a sorcery or instant from the top of our library with him in play, we will get a free copy of the spell.

Wort, the Raidmother :Thanks to her, our green and red instants and sorceries can get free copies just by the meager cost of tapping two creatures, wich in this deck shouldn't be problem thanks to all the token generators that we have included.

Double Vision : We get a free copy of the first instant or sorcery that we play in each turn.

Swarm Intelligence : Just like Double Vision , but in this case, it applies to each instant or sorcery spell that we cast and no only the first on each turn.

Thousand-Year Storm : An interesting option to add. While it won't copy our first instant or sorcery spell that we cast each turn (wich shouldn't be a problem thanks to all the other copy outlets that we have), it starts to shine if we are able to cast 2 or more sorceries or instants in a turn, making possible to get incredible amounts of copies in a turn.

Primal Amulet  :If we decide to flip it, we will get a land that can copy our sorceries and instants if we spend the mana created by that land on the spell.

Twinning Staff :A great two in one card, it makes an additional copy when we copy a spell, and in case of need, it let us make a copy of a spell (but in this case we will need to pay 7 manas).

Ral, Storm Conduit : One of our win conditions in this deck. Thanks to his -2 ability we can get extra copies of an instant or sorcery.

Mirrorpool : A land that in case of need we can sacrifice to copy any instant or sorcery that we cast. We can also use it to copy any creature that we have in play, but mainly we would be copying instants or sorceries.

Increasing Vengeance , Narset's Reversal and Twincast : We can get more copies of any instant or srocery spell played by us or an opponent, but it's main use is trying to get any of them in a copying infinite loop that can be used to either make or commander Kalamax, the Stormsire as big as we want thanks to his second ability or kill all opponents thanks to the static ability of Ral, Storm Conduit .

Expansion / Explosion : In case of need it can became an extra copy to Increasing Vengeance , Narset's Reversal or Twincast if we decide to use the first part of the spell. If not, it's better to keep it until we can use it's second part to kill one or two opponents in a single play thanks to the copies that we will make of it.

Repeated Reverberation : It get's us two copies of the next sorcery or instant that we play. If next we cast Increasing Vengeance , Twincast or any other of our copying spells we can start another infinite loop.

Isochron Scepter : Once we imprint any instant of 2 CMC or less we will be able to repeat that spell more than once. Most of our instants are great options to copy because the copy can be copied by Kalamax, the Stormsire due to the imprinted spell copy being casted.

In order to abuse of Kalamax, the Stormsire first ability we need to have him tapped. But we can't always send it to attack an opponent in order to tap it sinc it could die in the exchange. So, in order to have him tapped without the risk of him dying we have added the next options:

Cryptolith Rite : We tap Kalamax, the Stormsire and get a free mana that we can use in the instant that we want to copy with it's first ability. Also, thanks to the bunch of token generators that we run in our deck, we can pump great spells that we will use as game finishers.

Springleaf Drum : We tap Kalamax, the Stormsire and get a free mana that we can use in the instant that we want to copy with it's first ability.

Holdout Settlement and Survivors' Encampment : I would never have expected to run them in a commander deck. But in this deck they become one of the bests ways to tap Kalamax, the Stormsire for free getting also one mana of any color to spend on the spell that we want to copy with him.

Cultivator's Caravan : A mana rock that be used to tap Kalamax, the Stormsire thanks to the crew ability.

Our tokens can do varius tasks in this deck. We need to defend ourselves from our opponents attacks, so we need creatures to block. But we can also use them to generate mana with Cryptolith Rite or to copy our spells with Wort, the Raidmother :

Murmuring Mystic : Each time we cast an instant or sorcery spell we will get a 1/1 blue bird illusion with flying token.

Talrand, Sky Summoner :Each time we cast an instant or sorcery spell we will get a 2/2 blue drake with flying token.

Young Pyromancer : Each time we cast an instant or sorcery spell we will get a 1/1 red elemental token.

Wort, the Raidmother : We play her due to her ability to copy spells, but we can't say no to her two 1/1 red and green goblin warrior tokens when she comes into play.

Metallurgic Summonings : Each time we cast an instant or sorcery spell we will get an X/X colorless artifact creature token where X it's the spell converted mana cost. In case of need, we can also sacrifice it to get back to our hand all the instants and sorceries in our graveyard wich it can be great, but we will need to control at least six artifacts.

The more spells we are able to cast each turn the better, so we play some ways to reduce the mana cost of our spells:

Goblin Electromancer : A 2/2 for two mana that reduces the cost of our instants and sorceries by one? I'm in!

Jace's Sanctum : Instants and sorceries cost 1 mana less and we get to scry 1 each time we cast an instant or sorcery. Nice.

Primal Amulet  : Instants and sorceries cost 1 mana less and we put a charge counter on it each time we cast one. Later if we need it, we can tflip it into a land that copies our spells.

We play green, so we have access to some of the best ramp spells so that we can play bigger spells faster than our opponents:

Rampant Growth : Just for 2 manas we search for a basic land and we put it in play tapped.

Sakura-Tribe Elder : A Rampant Growth with legs.

Farseek : Better than Rampant Growth . We can search in ou deck for any Mountain or Island card and put it in play tapped. (Anyone has said Shock land, Battle land or Trioma?)

Springleaf Drum : We tap Kalamax, the Stormsire and get a free mana that we can use in the instant that we want to copy with it's first ability.

Cryptolith Rite : All our creatures became mana dorks.

Wilderness Reclamation :We have two options here after untapping our lands, either we cast some more instants or we wait for our opponents turn to cast them. We can also tap all our lands, untap them, and tap again in order to cast a very big instant using all the mana generated.

Seedborn Muse : We get to untap all our permanents in each turn, inclouding our opponents one.

Myriad Landscape : We can always sacrifice it to search for two basic lands.

Crop Rotation : One of the best spells to copy in this deck, as we only have to sacrifice one land to search for all the ones we want, because sacrificing the land counts as an additional cost (The number of lands you search for depends on the number of copies of Crop Rotation you make).

Growth Spiral : Draw a card and put a land from han on play. Nice spell to copy.

Harrow : Similar to Crop Rotation , but in this case can only search for basic land cards.

Sol Ring : Why wouldn't you be playing the best 1 drop in commander?

Arcane Signet : One of the best mana rocks printed for commander.

Cultivator's Caravan : One mana rock that in case of need we can use to tap Kalamax, the Stormsire .

Niv-Mizzet, Parun : Each time you or an oponent cast an instant or a sorcery you draw a card and make 1 damage to any target? Why wouldn't you play it on this deck?

Rashmi, Eternities Crafter :Either a free spell or a card draw depending on what was on your top deck.

Wavebreak Hippocamp : Being able to draw about three cards per round can be really useful.

Chemister's Insight : Card draw that can be copied.

Fact or Fiction : One of the best card draw cards.

Frantic Search : Not only you draw cards, but you even get to untap three lands. Interesting card to copy.

Impulse : Card draw that can be copied.

Mystic Confluence : While most of the time you will use it as a counter, it can become a draw 6 or 9 cards for only 5 mana.

Pull from Tomorrow : Just keep drawing cards.

Return of the Wildspeaker : Seeing how easy we can make Kalamax, the Stormsire grow, we could end drawing all our deck just for 5 mana.

Expansion / Explosion : In the ideal situation you will use Explosion as a win condition to kill your opponents, but you can also use it to draw.

Mystical Tutor : We can use it to search for the instant or sorcery that we need the most at that moment. Another great target to copy.

Mission Briefing : Being able to replay some of our spells in the graveyard is always useful.

Metallurgic Summonings :If we control six artifacts or more, we can always sacrifice it to get back all the instants and sorceries in our graveyard.

Electrodominance : Kill a creature or player and play a spell free.

Our opponents play too, so we need to be ready to respond to any danger that can make us loose the game:

Beast Within : Destroy any annoying permanent that and give in exchange a 3/3 green token beast.

Counterspell : The name says it all.

Deflecting Swat : Since your opponent is trying to kill you or your permanent, why don`t you let him know how it feels?

Krosan Grip : Split second is always useful.

Mystic Confluence : Just counter or get rid of that annoying creature.

Narset's Reversal : Not only you can use it as a copying spell, you can use it as a temporary counter too.

Reality Shift : If you exile it, it can't come back from graveyard.

Snap : Get rid of a pest and untap lands. Great spell to copy.

Stubborn Denial : It shouldn't be hard to be able to trigger the Ferocius if you have Kalamax, the Stormsire on play.

Sublime Epiphany :More counterspells.

Tribute to the Wild :If we copy it we can destroy a lot of artifacts and enchantments.

Veil of Summer :Nice counter you have, hope you don't mind sending it to your graveyard. Also, thanks for letting me draw a card.

Swiftfoot Boots :Giving hexproof to our commander is always useful

Burn Away : Right now there are a lot of graveyard decks, so being able to get rid of them and kill a creature at the same time is always useful.

Comet Storm :Kill a player o pest.

Soul's Fire : Kill a player o pest.

Chandra's Ignition : Kill all other creatures in game and maybe our opponents too.



92% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.18
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird Illusion 1/1 U, Construct X/X C, Copy Clone, Drake 2/2 U, Elemental 1/1 R, Goblin Warrior 1/1 RG, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Spellslinger Ideas, Kalamax, the Stormsire
Ignored suggestions
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