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Ral, lily and Jace walk into a bar....

Standard Control Four Color Reanimator


A control deck with hard to het rid of creatures. This deck main goal is to control the board state to your advantage while being able to hit damage and not losing creatures in the process.I'll explain the card choices.

Izzet charm - cycle cards counter spell or 2you damage to creature

Azorius charm- draw card lifelink or send a creature away.

Blood baron- protection from most kill spells and has life link. Can turn into 10/10 flyer

Ghost council -in 2 damage a turn if not most 7 and gain 2 life a turn

Lavinia of the tenth - stops most aggro protection from red

Silence - stops spells for a turn get an advantage or helps you staplelise.

Ral- shock somebody or tap a permanent and untap your permanent

Lilliania of the dark realms- gets you land and can kill creatures or buff yours.

Jace memory adept- alternate win condition and draw power.

Aetherling- hard to deal with and can hit for 8 unblockable.

Isperia - draw power and a 6/4 flying beater.

Obzadats aid- returns creatures or permanents back to the battfield.I like the deck but there is always room for improvement. Thanks for looking a reading.


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I was able to win most matches I played thanks to ghost council. Also blood baron scares most decks so he usually is a instant threat. I went 2 and 0 against a tibilt burn deck. He got me to low life but ghost council saved me every time while blood baron attacked and blocked for life gain.

Next game was a aetherling esper control deck. He played aethering and board wipes sphinixs revelations and jace archtech of thought. He manged to be able to beat me once. Thanks tothe aetherling and ghost council coming out before my counter spells could affect him. Game 2 and 3 was different thanks to the four colors and having more draw power when needed. I was able to keep him scared and played key game changing counters.

Next match was against grixis super friends I was no match for them. I coulndt draw my negates and izzet charms to counter Liliana of the dark realms or nicol bolas. I couldn't keep a threat on the board thanks to mutilate. And that was play testing. So far i really enjoy this deck.

I decided to add mainboard supreme verdict and side eviction. thanks for the advice i know still much is needed.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms
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