This deck is for 'The Rogue Master Brewer Competition' N2, based on 'Rally the Ancestors', here:
The strategy is simple: invoque every creature you have to resist, exploit them, sacrifice them, fill the graveyard and then, Rally them to trigger the winning strike.
A card by card explanation:
Ruthless Ripper: a death touch creature to rise the defense line the first turns, and even to make a surprise killing with is morph cost in the late game, taken 2 life of your oponent. Her casting cost works well with Rally, specially having a Purphoros or Impact Tremors in play.
Butcher of the Horde: while is casting cost is tricky, a 5/4 flying creature, with potential haste/vigilance/lifelink, is not something to underestimate. His ability works well too before Rally, for example, and to save your creatures of the Rally's exiling trigger.
Mogis's Marauder: his ability works very well when taking the Aggro route, but has a great sinergy with Rally too. All our creatures (with exception of Purporos) are black by the way.
Purphoros, God of the Forge: his presence in the deck is obvious, and his sinergy with Rally too. But just one copy for me, because of his casting cost and my experience in play with this deck. It can be Rally too, with triggers and all.
Grim Guardian: his ability with Rally works very well, and it has a great butt to resist.
Bloodsoaked Champion: works very well when we take the Aggro route in the first turns, but in late game it works well too with expliot creatures and the Butcher. With Rally, his casting cost is a good advantage, better if we have a Mogis's Marauder and/or an Impact Tremors in play.
Qarsi Sadist: the exploit ability works well with Rally, but in the first turns a 1/3 body isn't bad.
Grim Haruspex: card advantage is very important for the deck, and the idea is to have our creatures dying to fill the graveyard. Why not take some advantage of that?
Minister of Pain: Aggro decks like Red Deck Wins or Elspeth Tokens are a great threath to the deck. Minister's ability tries to stop the stampede of creatures, while giving us a 2/3 creature with great sinergy with the Rally combo.
Rally the Ancestors: the star of the deck. The potential of this card is great, and winning using it is super fun! Just fill the graveyard and be ready to Rally. Impact Tremors/Purphoros in play or an Outpost Siege in Dragon mode for the exiling trigger to make the last bit of damage. All the cards in the deck are there to prepare and/or work with the Rally combo.
Outpost Siege: incredible card advantage in Kahns mode and incredible sinergy with Rally the Ancestors in Dragon mode.
Crackling Doom: to eliminate big threaths when preparing the combo. 2 damage to oponent isn't a bad thing too.
Impact Tremors: little Purphoros with the advantage of a lower casting cost.
Kolaghan's Command: to eliminate little threaths and maybe some hand menace at instant speed among other things.
The Sideboard focus basically on aggro decks.
This deck can be developed more. Some cards can be replaced. Any feedback will be thanked.