Rally the Ranks

Modern Abijoe


Nice. I'm working on a version that includes a few experimental items, and a more combo-ish concept: The Width of a Circle (BFZ additions???). Blisterpod and Zulaport Cutthroat work perfectly. I've also been trying to make Vampiric Rites work, but that's a bit sketchy. Would love feedback.

One thought about Yukuhiro's deck- I just don't think Satyr Wayfinder is worth it. It's really just jammed in there to help you hit your 4th drop for Collected Company (unless I'm missing something), but it doesn't help all that consistently - because you have to see the Wayfinder (4-of) and Coco (3-of) in that order for it to be any good - and it still doesn't get CoCo out turn 3, the way a mana dork would. If anything, Blisterpod might be better, because it can help you CoCo on turn 3.

October 5, 2015 4:05 p.m.

nice deck. good to see return to the ranks being used in modern

December 27, 2015 10:22 p.m.

PixelNation says... #3

Might as well not even call it Abzan.

February 2, 2016 10:17 p.m.

bromerta says... #4

No go on Athreos. He is kind of a nonbo that incentivizes your opponent to not pay the life and prevent you from properly using RttR.

February 2, 2016 10:18 p.m.

Abijoe says... #5

Thanks for the recommendation, is there anything you think I should add? Also, what should I call it, if not Abzan?

February 2, 2016 11:38 p.m.

PixelNation says... #6

Just W/G/B. It has almost 0 Abzan cards and doesn't have a similar play style to them. As for suggested cards.... I'm assuming you don't care if it's standard or not?

February 3, 2016 12:02 a.m.

bromerta says... #7

People often use those names as shorthand rather than listing the colors. This is general practice across many major Magic sites. So you are in the minority, Pixel. Regardless the task at hand is providing deck advice not being the name police.

February 3, 2016 12:29 a.m.

PixelNation says... #8

I know a lot of people do it but it doesnt make much sense to group decks together based on color alone. You can have so many different versions of W/G/B that are nothing like actual Abzan that it bothers me when people call them all Abzan. Also, Im looking around for certain cards that he might want so Im still planning on helping out

February 3, 2016 12:58 a.m.

jorjo10 says... #9

You asked me to come here and therefore here I am. I kinda like your list, it is very similar to mine. Though I don't have it listed here on tappedout, I've been brewing with the Zulaport Cutthroat and so far I agree with the choice. One thing I would recommend to you is Dryad Arbor. I quite like it, as in times of need, you can transform a land of yours into a creature which might be huge.

Have you playtested Rally the Ancestors? I have not, at least not yet, but I think I will give it a shot, even Rally for one should be huge in this deck and I like that it is an instant.

February 13, 2016 5:33 p.m.

Abijoe says... #10

Yeah the Zulaport Cutthroat has been a great addition to the deck, really keeps things consistent, i've even considered having more cutthroat than Blood Artist since it doesn't target and won't be dead to a Leyline of Sanctity. Though I think artist is more relevant most of the time.

I used to play Dryad Arbor, but I was always disappointed with it on every turn before 5, though I am thinking about putting it back in since Gavony Township is just a win-more card in this deck.

Funny you ask, I am actually testing Rally the Ancestors as we speak! I'm having a lot of success with the card honestly, if there are creatures in your yard (preferably an Artist effect and sac outlet, if you don't have one on board already) then it's almost always better than Coco. You can often combo out right then and there to take the game.

February 13, 2016 5:52 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #11

Yeah, I am kinda excited about the Rally the Ancestors and can't wait to test it myself, though I'm currently running some other projects which consume most of my time devoted to mtg. Great list tho, excited to see someone else who finds a strategy like this funny and good enough to play it.

February 13, 2016 6:21 p.m.

EternalRock9 says... #12

Hey there guys! Let me start by saying I love this deck. It's my pet deck and I'm in the process of foiling it out. All the creatures minus voices are foil as are all my ranks and ascendancys. I took a similar list to my very first GP in Pittsburgh back in November. I went 5-3 losing to twin, amulet, and living end while beating naya burn, gr tron, Merfolk twice, and twin. This deck definitely can hang with most others and since the 2 best combo decks "twin and amulet" have since left the format I really see this gaining ground. With all this being said I'm really curious to test rally as I've always been playing coco's. Rally makes us more graveyard dependent which its always scary going all in on one game plan but the potential and explosiveness of rally over coco seems too good to pass up. Also curious y you chose not to run Abzan ascendancy as I've had nothing but great results with it. Is it because your more in on a combo rout and don't find the value as necessary? Also not that Eldrazi should be an issue come April but I've been staying in the warmth of my house during "eldrazi winter" and haven't played against the decks aside from the original processor lists. Am I crazy to think that we have a pretty decent matchup vs that list? T-KS taking our payoff cards seems worst case scenario but aside from that and reality smashers trample big dumb creatures without evasion or trample have never scared us!!!

March 11, 2016 10:31 p.m.

Abijoe says... #13

Hey, glad to have another fellow deck bro! I definitely think that rally is better for the deck than Coco, you're exactly right about the sheer explosiveness rally provides due to bringing back an insane amount of creatures when you use it. It's definitely scary being more reliant on your graveyard as you can easily get hated out game two, but with a proper sideboard (and luck) you should be just fine.

You know, you might have a point about including Abzan Ascendancy. I used to run it, but i took them out for the rally actually. I'm thinking about maybe taking out e-witness to accommodate them again. I'll come back with results over spring break.

As for Eldrazi, I could just be a bad player, but that match up is INCREDIBLY awful for us, if not downright impossible to beat. Despite our deck being as explosive as it is, it simply does not win on turn 4 and under, which are the turns Eldrazi wins the most on, but that doesn't mean i wont stop trying!

March 12, 2016 1:03 a.m.

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