Ramirez DePietro - Terror of the High Seas EDH

Commander / EDH Tomahawk-Bang


Ruffigan says... #1

No Skeleton Ship ? That skeleton riding the flying sea turtle always brightens my mood.

July 28, 2014 4:54 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #2

Thanks for having a look at my deck and the upvote!

I agree, Skeleton Ship wins every contest about most hilarious artwork ever. :) I thought about playing Skeleton Ship when I built this deck, but decided against it and put in War Barge instead. The Skeleton Ship just doesn't go well with the deck's theme of stealing stuff and drawing cards and it has absolutely no synergy with any other card in the deck. War Barge works with Merfolk Assassin and it also allows me to kill any of my opponents creatures by giving them islandwalk if it is destroyed somehow which makes for a nice rattlesnake effect.

July 28, 2014 4:53 p.m.

Piracy isn't that great but FLAVOOOOOR.

Piracy Charm is also FLAVOR.

July 28, 2014 8:25 p.m.

Xinofos says... #4

July 29, 2014 1:12 a.m.

kenzki says... #5

you should trade those loots at a Trading Post

July 29, 2014 1:32 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #6

@NotSoLuckyLydia: Thanks for the suggestions and the Upvote! Piracy has great flavor, I agree, but since there is no more manaburn the other players can just tap their untapped lands in response to me castign the spell, which makes the card itself just bad. Piracy Charm is a bit better since it can give one of my creatures Islandwalk and therefore works with other cards in the deck like Merfolk Assassin and Spreading Seas . I'll keep that card in mind and add it to the maybeboard. Do you have any suggestions what I should cut for it?

@Xinofos: Thanks for the suggestions, but although I agreethat Treasure Hunt is full of flavor for a pirate deck, the card itself is just bad if the deck itself is not built around it imo. And I already have Sindbad in the deck which also has the ability to dig for lands if I am desperatly in need of more lands.

@kenzki: That is an interesting suggestion, thanks. When I first built the deck I had a Rishadan Pawnshop in mind for "trading" the stolen cards from my opponents, especially the stolen Commanders. :-) I'll add the Trading Post to the maybeboard. Do you have any suggestions what you would want to cut for the Trading Post ?

July 29, 2014 4:44 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #7

July 30, 2014 2:11 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #8

Thanks for the suggestion and the upvote sonnet666! I might actually include that card as another soft sweeper although it's only a sorcery. But the flavor is great and I have 2 big Krakens in the deck that are not affected by Whelming Wave . I think that Legacy's Allure might be one of the candidates for cutting so that I have a free slot to add the Whelming Wave . Do you have any other suggestions on what to cut for the Wave?

July 30, 2014 3:06 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #9

Hmm... I actually hadn't upvoted, but I hate taking undue credit so: +1

No idea on what to cut as I'm not usually a flavor deck person. I just thought the card sounded seaworthy.

July 30, 2014 3:32 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #10

It definately is seaworthy! :-) I've added it and removed Legacy's Allure for it.

August 4, 2014 5:17 p.m.

F3AR says... #11

Siren's Call has a sea lovers flavor and can destroy aggro, and pillow fort for 1 blue . Parallax Tide Shimmer are both mean land hate . shimmer has a pirate flavor text. what about a High Market ??

August 6, 2014 8:06 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #12

Thanks for the comment and the suggestions F3AR. I fear that Siren's Call , although it has great flavor, wouldn't be great in this deck as I usually play in FFA multiplayer games with pods of 4-5 people. If I cast Siren's Call my opponent can simply choose to attack where he will loose little or no creatures at all. Also if any creatures have tap abilities those can be tapped in response to me casting Siren's Call and then they won't be destroyed if they didn't attack.

Parallax Tide and Shimmer are mean land hate, I agree, but I am a bit unsure how they will fit into the deck because they don't go with the deck's general theme of stealing and (a bit of) card drawing. Both of the cards are pretty good on their own though, so I will add them to the maybeboard. If I feel that the deck needs some more raw power then I'll see if they can be included somehow.

High Market will be added as another sac outlet for my loots. I don't know how I missed this card as it is an auto-include in most of my other EDH decks. Thanks for reminding me of it!

August 7, 2014 4:08 a.m.

F3AR says... #13

yea Siren's Call is a tricky card to pull off. but in the rulings 2/1/2009 This will destroy creatures that weren't able to attack because they had been previously tapped. i use this card in combo with Sleep ;p

August 7, 2014 6:02 a.m.

F3AR says... #14

i would also like to mention that i love this deck its awesome , and i love old legends . it woould be awesome if u looked at my list, have u looked into Piracy use ppls mana and if they tap out in response u just go to next phase , and play whatever u want.

Hey check out my deck grixis artifact??

August 7, 2014 6:13 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #15

@F3AR: Interesting, I missed the rules change from 2009 on Siren's Call . I'll add the card to the maybeboard. But against true aggro strategies this slow deck usually has almost nop chance anyway, thankfully those dedicated aggro decks are pretty uncommon in my playgroup.
Piracy had already been suggested by NotSoLuckyLydia and although the flavor is brilliant, I doubt that I will ever play it in this deck.

I'll try to check out and comment on your deck as soon as possible F3AR. Thanks again for commenting on mine.

August 7, 2014 6:14 p.m.

F3AR says... #16

yea if u ever have a problem with agrro ,,, run a Maze of Ith with Thespian's Stage , and Vesuva today i had three mazes up xD plus u have alot of cool lands to copy :D

August 8, 2014 5:36 a.m.

F3AR says... #17

Dark Depths + Thespian's Stage = 20/20 creature turn 4?

August 8, 2014 5:39 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #18

I know about the Dark Depths combos, but those would dissuade the deck from it's focus on pirates way too much. Thespian's Stage , Maze of Ith or Vesuva have nothing in common with pirates that I can think of. If my deck manages to win then my opponents surely had a hell of a time loosing to it, if my deck looses it surely does so with style :-)

August 8, 2014 4:55 p.m.

F3AR says... #19

hahahah thats freakin awesome :D i can respect the full flavor !

August 9, 2014 4:40 a.m.

SadoChad says... #20

Conspiracy to make everything a Pirate?

August 10, 2014 6:43 p.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #21

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think that this would help the deck as I have nothing in the deck that could make use of a general creature type theme. My crew consists of pirates, smugglers, cutthroats and other do-no-goods that Ramirez was able to recruit in the various pirate friendly ports.

August 12, 2014 4 a.m.

ALX says... #22

Drowned ? there's always a few who fall overboard... ;)

September 17, 2014 8:14 a.m.

Tomahawk-Bang says... #23

That's an interesting card you are suggesting ALX and it also has a great flavor text that fits my deck's theme perfectly. :) I'll put Drowned it into the maybeboard for now as I don't see what I could cut from the deck for it. Thanks for the suggestion!

September 18, 2014 3:57 a.m.

galstaff says... #24

Thassa, God of the Sea and Treasure Cruise would both got in nicely.

December 26, 2014 2:44 p.m.

galstaff says... #25


December 26, 2014 2:44 p.m.

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