Ramos, Spellslinger Engine

Commander / EDH SlavicGhaespar


Massive overhaul —April 4, 2018

Added Zacama so after a bit of ramping this turns into a neat battlecruiser deck that just keeps going.

Monomanamaniac says... #1

I'll have to look at this deck a little closer, it's been awhile since I've looked at a five color deck. I think door to nothingness is just too good to pass up, completely taking the strongest non-invincible opponent out in multi, or straight up ending the game against a single opponent. Conflux and Child of Alara Progenitus and such are always welcome. You could think on proliferate, Contagion Clasp Contagion Engine and especially Inexorable Tide. Surprisingly Hypersonic Dragon, Chromatic Lantern, Oracle of Mul Daya are going to round out my suggestions. It seems like a freight train, slow at first and then it doesn't stop once it gets going

December 9, 2017 8:01 p.m.

SlavicGhaespar says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions! Conflux and Door to Nothingness is something I was eager to put in here, but it kinda went the other way. Though, Conflux will end up being here as soon as I get it. Proliferate was at first here, but it ended up being pretty bad since Ramos is easy to kill.

December 10, 2017 1:34 a.m.