Commander / EDH* yuval


Hakuryu says... #1

Yo! As I said I' ll try to help you out, lets see what we got here:

1) 37 lands are too many on my opinion... imagine that in my Kaalia of the Vast deck I was playing only 35

2) You can try to change Mana Vault for Sol Ring its almost the same but less dangerous also the two signets.. I dont like them so much, personaly I prefer the cluestones cause you can sac them to draw a card in a difficult situation

3) Creatures like Goblin Test Pilot and Goblin Bangchuckers are not very helpfull on commander, I also wouldn't keep Wild Wurm , neither Conjured Currency this suits better in a zedru deck or the Soul Conduit , its a nice trick but you will need instantly the mana to cast and use it or else I think you are gonna drag the attention of the table

I hope I helped you! +1 :)

May 21, 2013 10:25 a.m.

dominicd says... #2

First.. stuff you should cut: Jinxed Choker , Wirefly Hive , Drooling Ogre , Goblin Bangchuckers , Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle , Goblin Test Pilot , Loxodon Peacekeeper . Guild Feud is probably bad with all the small creatures you are playing.

Second... stuff you should add: Chaos Warp , Wheel of Fortune , Gamble . If you like Shared Fate you might want Knowledge Pool . Hakuryu is completely wrong about the signets--definitely keep them (why play cluestones when you can play Dreamstone Hedron ?)

Third... a friend in my meta plays a pretty mean Ruhan. His deck is called Big Chaos. Check it out. We all love it when he plays it.

Fourth... Shahrazad and Chaos Orb are banned.

June 8, 2013 8:35 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #3

I have a list of what are in my opinion the most chaotic/confusing cards in WUR! However, it is also a decklist:

deck chart A Judge's Nightmare

Commander / EDH mstancea Playtest

Also, @dominicd, Shahrazad is incorrectly on the gatherer banlist for commander. The mtg rule book says that the official commander website takes priority in banlist and Shahrazad is not on there. I was surprised to find out, but... overjoyed to say the least... xD

June 12, 2013 9:52 p.m.

yuval says... #4

Thank you guys so much for the tips! I took out most of what dominicd suggested, but added so much more stuff (mostly from mstancea's suggestions) that I'm now even more over 100 cards than before.

I would really appreciate if you guys could give it another look-through. At some point though, I'm just gonna put the deck together with over 100 cards, play it, and take out ones that aren't as fun as I expected.

July 3, 2013 4:09 p.m.

Rakkhive says... #5

Chaos Warp is good but so is Polymorph , and since you're going for straight chaos Mass Polymorph could work too.

August 5, 2013 1:33 p.m.

uxse pump methods to get Ruhan big and then just use battlaion and detain as well as tapping creatures and such to make ruhan unblockable also pump him into being a beast

September 20, 2013 11:31 p.m.

yuval says... #7

@Blood_berserker98 thanks for the tips but I really don't care about winning with this deck, and the stuff you suggested, while good for the competitiveness of the deck, does not move me towards my goal. Please read the description.

September 22, 2013 12:28 a.m.

hubatish says... #8

You certainly have some crazy cards in here! I actually don't see a problem with this style of deck having more than 100 cards - the whole idea is to be as random as possible, right? Besides, your playgroup will probably tell you enough "cards they hate" after you play this deck, so you can just take some of those out.

...I would totally cut Kaboom! though. It may have a great name, but it's pretty much just a bad multitarget Lava Axe . The tension to see if it'll be 7 or 8 isn't even that bad in Commander.

September 28, 2013 10:37 p.m.

yuval says... #9

Thanks for the tip! You're right about the playgroup telling me what they don't like, the problem is that can't happen until I build the deck and I don't have enough cards yet to build it. Since most of them are cheap I want to just order them online and that's why I'm using TappedOut, so any more suggestions you have for what to take out (took you advice on Kaboom! btw) would be welcome.


September 28, 2013 10:51 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #10

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , Bazaar Trader , Donate , Puca's Mischief , Ancestral Knowledge , Bronze Bombshell , Akroan Horse .... just some more chaos.

Sorry I'm not actually helping thin it out, but I really wanted to do a very chaotic deck recently. So these are just ideas I had.

October 1, 2013 3:47 a.m.

yuval says... #11

Hey Dorotheus, thanks for the suggestions. Actually, almost all of those cards used to be in this deck! But then I took them out because I decided they didn't do enough compared to the others.

Thanks anyway! Any tips on what I should take out?

October 1, 2013 4:09 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #12

No idea, be true chaotic and make a 198 card deck (ow o.)

October 1, 2013 4:11 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #13

I always get the mana I need with 35 lands and a sol ring, so I say take out Vivid Crag , Terramorphic Expanse , Boros Signet , Darksteel Ingot , Izzet Signet , Mana Vault , and after that, Strionic Resonator doesn't seem to do much.

Try it out and if you really need the extra mana, put the two signets and the vault back in, but at least you will know what cards to take out because they aren't chaotic enough. (Like perhaps Thran Lens ...)

October 1, 2013 12:14 p.m.

fluke32 says... #14

whoa... crazy deck!but erm, wait a min.. Why are Mana Clash or Krark's Thumb NOT in here?? @_@

October 21, 2013 6:08 a.m.

yuval says... #15

@fluke32 Actually they both used to be in here, but as you can see I'm still 7 cards over 100 and I used to be over by much more. Eventually I took out Krark's Thumb because I decided to truly embrace the chaotic nature of this deck and the "don't even care if I win or not" mentality, and the Thumb went against both of those.

After that I also decided to get rid of the coin-flipping sub-theme in the sense that I eliminated any cards that were coin-flipping just for the sake of coin-flipping. Many of them are still in there, but lots of those cards, such as Mana Clash doesn't actually create that much chaos outside of flipipng some coins. Yeah the results are unpredictable but in the end two of the four players just takes a couple points of damage and that's it. Not really the huge and chaotic game-changing effect I'm looking for with cards for this deck.

Anyway, now that I've said all that, my point is that you've touched upon the reason that it's been so hard for me to narrow this deck down to 100 cards. There are so many awesome cards I want to add, but it's hard to choose which ones to take out! Would you mind taking a look through the decklist and maybe suggesting a couple cards that aren't as awesome as the others?

October 22, 2013 12:13 a.m.

fluke32 says... #16

Okay, I'll make some suggestions to help you out somehow...

IMO, Telepathy doesn't fit the theme "Random" because it'll let your opponent see what will happen "probably" next. Mijae Djinn is just a jokey card, and you could probably remove it. Also Enchanted Evening could be removed. Only thing it really works w/ is Opalescence which is still kinda good on this deck on its own... UNLESS you also planned to kill off all the lands. That's a cool thing to happen, but it's kinda hard to get BOTH Enchanted Evening AND Opalescence in play with all the randomness that's bound to happen.

With removing 3 cards I've mentioned (Telepathy Mijae Djinn and Enchanted Evening), you're now at 102. So you only need to remove 2 more. I suggest that 1 of them be a land. As for the last cut, I don't know. I kinda like everything else in here.:D

October 22, 2013 3:32 p.m.

yuval says... #17

Awesome, thank you so much! I've thought about taking out Enchanted Evening for some time, but as you observed I'm tempted by its synergy with Opalescence . Your advice on the other cards is great though.

So, thanks to you, I'm closest to 100 cards than I've ever been. Thanks!

October 23, 2013 3:02 a.m.

yuval says... #18

@fluke32 btw, for the final two cards I took out Game of Chaos and Thran Lens . What say you?

I'm finally at 100!

October 23, 2013 3:10 a.m.

yuval says... #19

Nevermind, I put Thran Lens back in and took out Storage Matrix instead, because I decided that the Matrix simply isn't a fun card. And this deck already borders on being "unfun" in some people's opinions (not mine!) so i'm takin it out

October 23, 2013 3:40 a.m.

fluke32 says... #20

I think that Storage Matrix would end up making people look to add another card (or cards) to make it better, so I agree w/ your decision on it being one of your final cuts. I'm surprised you took out 2 spells instead of 1 land and 1 spell though. But now that I think about it, Game of Chaos' RRR cost is kinda hard to hit.

That aside, I think you should consider running this deck can w/ around 34-35 lands. You have 5 mana producing artifacts, so you essentially have around 40 mana sources. This is still good enough IMO since w/ 40 cards, you still have a 2/5 chance to get 2 mana sources on your starting hand.

October 24, 2013 1:09 a.m.

yuval says... #21

@fluke32 thanks for the tip, I'll definitely keep an eye out for mana-flood. The reason I'm sticking to the land count is that I'd rather be mana flooded than mana screwed, because then you just need to draw a bomb instead of play catch-up. Also, I think that many players don't play enough land. What use are your spells if you can't cast them?

Furthremore, this deck has a really high average CMC, especially for a non-green deck. But the real answer is that I'm gonna continue doing +1/-1 land here and there as I start to play the deck and see how it does. If I feel mana flooded, I'll definitely take a land or two out and bring back some of the spells.

Thank you!

October 24, 2013 2:40 a.m.

PixelBrady says... #22

Goblins' Chaos Engine I made with a similar vein of thought (albeit non-EDH). Sometimes just going in and trolling things up and making a huge mess of the world is the most fun way to play; especially when people kill you specifically because they're too curious to see what happens if you're left alive any longer !

A couple of cards I love that aren't on your list, as possible suggestions, would be Mana Clash , Cowardice and Polymorph .


October 31, 2013 1:03 p.m.

Brendan_McCoy says... #23

Me likey, inspiration for more stuff to keep an eye out for for my own Ruhan deck :)

November 2, 2013 3:47 p.m.

Brendan_McCoy says... #24

Spell Counter is one of my favorite Unhinged cards. I like the idea of using them when your group allows it, that really fits the spirit of the deck :)

November 2, 2013 3:51 p.m.

yuval says... #25

yeah, Unhinged cards are fun, but you have to be careful no to piss anyone off :)

@PixelBrady I actually used to have most of those in this deck already but they had to be cut to make room for what's currently in it :( For you though, if you like Polymorph , allow me to recommend Mass Polymorph . ahhh!!!

November 3, 2013 10:32 p.m.

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