This deck is based around quick low cost mana rapid attacks That cannot be blocked. While the Rakdos Cackler is an unorthodox edition to a primarily Izzet Deck, this strategy is actually pretty unorthodox in the first place, which is basically because I'm applying a more Rakdos strategy which is basically attack quick with low cost creatures. The instants and sorceries are primarily comprised of tapping and delaying spells, meant to keep your opponent from attacking and blocking, leaving openings for you to continue attacking with your nasty little blighters, while powering up your smaller creatures with effects such as that of Kiln Fiend and Blistercoil Weird, perhaps even stacking up all those low cost spells to turn Kiln Fiend and Blistercoil Weird very massive. Hypersonic Dragon is the only high cost card in the deck allowing you to do A LOT in one turn. Perhaps the biggest weakness to this deck is that you empty out your hand pretty fast.

This Deck does have the potential to become Standard if Kiln Fiend is replaced with some more proper creatures. However, I haven't been able to find any low cost creatures as effective as Kiln Fiend in regards to temporary power boosts when using Instants and sorceries. Ral Zarek is the perfect planeswalker for this deck thanks to his tap and untap abilities, which give you a zero mana cost alternative to your instants and sorceries, allowing you to cast more spells to boost your Blistercoil Weirds in one turn, while taking care of more of the pesky blockers. Remember this deck's primary focus is to keep moving every turn, keeping your opponent's board defenseless while you move in for the attack.

Simic Manipulator's place in this deck is to primarily be a way to take care of any more blockers your opponent might send your way, It'll probably be an affordable card to swap with your sideboard though.

I'm still editing this deck, as I haven't yet thought of an effective sideboard.

One card I have already determined as a possibility for the sideboard is Teleportal, which works perfectly with the deck's overall strategy of leaving your opponent defenseless for every attack and block. Unsummon is also a key part of both early and late game strategies, as it forces your opponent to spend more mana getting creatures back onto the field, leaving little room for his or her instants and sorceries that might counter your strategy.

This deck is very strong against green/red decks, green decks, and white decks, green decks are hit especially hard since creatures take a long time to move onto the field in their case. Red Decks stand a slight threat if you're low on unsummons or Magmatic Chasms, but your low cost creatures should at least allow you to fill up enough of your field to delay fast attackers. Decks that are good at filling up the field with multiple creatures at once such as White and Green decks can be a large threat, since your unsummons and other tap spells only work on one creature at a time, so your opponent will always have blockers handy, ruining your strategy. At this point it's best to have Teleportal spells and tap spells with Overload costs on your sideboard. Of course these spells generally cost more mana, so it'll hinder it's quick draw strategy by a fair amount, so best to avoid decks such as the 2013 standard Goblin Deck.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

3 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.71
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