
Ramos, the jank engine

all the bouncelands, hoping to hit bloodsun.


setup: have 3WUBRG mana

1 - Cast Conflux. This puts 5 +1/+1 counters on Ramos and turos:

W: CloudshiftU: Maelstrom WandererB: PhyresisR: Chandra's IgnitionG: Congregation at Dawn

Ramos has 5 +1/+1 counters Mana Pool: 1G

2 - Activate Ramos' second ability


3 - Flicker Ramos with Cloudshift for W targeting Ramos. New Ramos has 0 counters.Mana Pool: 1WUUBBRRGGG

4 - Line up a Cascade:

Cast Congregation at Dawn for GGW, putting Dragonlord Dromoka, Etherium-Horn Sorcerer and Deepglow Skate on top of our library in that order.

Ramos has 2 counters.Mana Pool: 1UUBBRRG

5 - Cascade, cascade:

Now we cast Maelstrom Wanderer for 1UUBBRRG (5URG), which will cascade into Dragonlord Dromoka [4GW] and Etherium-Horn Sorcerer [4UR], which in turn will cascade into Deepglow Skate. The total colors from all of these castings is URG+GW+UR+U, so Ramos gains 8 counters, putting him at 10, which gets doubled by Deepglow Skate.

Ramos has 20 counters.Mana Pool: empty

6 - Make More Mana:

Use Ramos' second ability again, removing 5 counters from him. New Ramos has 15 counters.Mana Pool: WWUUBBRRGG

7 - Infect is Hilarious:

Cast Phyresis for 1B targeting Ramos. New Ramos has 16 counters.Mana Pool: WWUURRGG

8 - Win:Cast Chandra's Ignition, This puts 1 counter on New Ramos.New Ramos has 17 counters.

Infinite mana:

Have Mnemonic Wall and Zacama, Primal Calamity on the battlefield and 2U to cas Ghostly Flicker.

Flicker zacama and wall.

Flicker goes to graveyard. Target flicker in graveyard with Mnemonic Wall's etb.

Untap lands with zacama, rinse and repeat.

win with Villainous Wealth, Debt to the Deathless or Aurelia's Fury


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.37
Tokens Spirit 1/1 C
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