Rare Metals

Legacy Dami


Dami says... #1

(*) I revert back to Lightning Greaves

September 27, 2014 2:47 a.m.

iwinulose says... #2

Nevinyrral's Disk , it destroys all creatures, enchantments, and artifacts on the field, but if you have Mycosynth Lattice , and Darksteel Forge then it wipes your opponents fields clean while you and your indestructable permanents are left to wreak havoc.

October 17, 2014 5:27 p.m.

Dami says... #3

Thanks for the suggestion iwinulose, I am aware of Nevinyrral's Disk combo but since when I made the deck I used to have All Is Dust in it so there was no need for Nevinyrral's Disk , but with time I noticed that was using it less and less so changed to Lux Cannon that is more controllable and can even use in my permanents if needed. But in any case I will test it in this deck when got some time and I will add it to the EDH version of this deck since forgot add it there.

October 18, 2014 3:05 a.m.

bradakan says... #4

Thespian's Stage / Vesuva can be used to copy legendary lands your opponent has in order to destroy them do to the legendary rule.

this does no longer work as the legendary rule got changed to look only at your board if you have 2 of the same legendarys with the same name

May 31, 2015 5:41 p.m.

Dami says... #5

@bradakan thanks for informing me about it, but since its only affects Thespian's Stage and Vesuva legend clause I'm not to bothered with it since they main work in this deck is copy the Post ( Post / Locus = Cloudpost + Glimmerpost ) lands so a simple text correction on the description should take care of it. Lately I haven't been rather busy so I don't have the time to check all the rule changes and keep the decks here up to date.

May 31, 2015 7:20 p.m.

Thanks for putting me in the honorable mentions, but after I saw how far this deck has got, I deleted the help deck lol. Might want to fix that in the desc. Sorry about that and I am amazed at how far this deck has come. I would +1 if I hadn't already done so about a year ago (wow this deck has been here long). I haven't had a serious or non-joke deck come this far and i'm happy for the help I gave. Thanks for the mention again though.

May 31, 2015 8:19 p.m.

bradakan says... #7

@Dami i figured it was something along those lines that's why i said it just to give a heads up

May 31, 2015 8:27 p.m.

Kegrat says... #8

This is beautiful. It's like Modern Affinity Robots' Big Brother in Legacy :D

May 31, 2015 8:52 p.m.

Dami says... #9

@Kegrat Thanks for your comment and I always try to have a theme for my decks to make them a bit more interesting not only to play but also to look at. In this one case was Clock Works that is something that is close related to robots, mechas and steampunk, and since this are all themes I like I tried keep them as present as possible in this deck when it created and evolved, and so the deck ended up like how it is now.

June 1, 2015 2:44 a.m.

Imp_Storm says... #10

Have you thought about playing Hangarback Walker in the deck? Seems like an interesting way to use the infinate mana when you cant pull off one of your win cons. You can also drop hin early only to power ramp him later with Voltaic Construct and the mana.

August 28, 2015 10:21 a.m.

Dami says... #11

@Imp_Storm Thanks for this suggestion as I never thought of using Hangarback Walker in this deck mainly because I tried use a creature to do a similar job before ( Chimeric Mass ) but things didn't work out in the end for me since it lacked the adaptability so the mana dump creature concept become ng for me. But unlike Chimeric Mass, Hangarback Walker seems to be much more adaptable for the job so I will at least give it a try and test it once I can get another one since I only own one at the moment and I want test at least 2 of them on the main deck.

August 28, 2015 3:29 p.m.

Imp_Storm says... #12

+2 Hangarback Walker -2 Mycosynth Golem would be my suggestion.

August 29, 2015 6:35 a.m.

Dami says... #13

I was thinking about that too I will be either -2xMycosynth Golem or -2xPlatinum Emperion. I will decide after see with one impacts the deck less but personally I'm more inclined in removing Platinum Emperion because at times his ability can negate the effect of other cards in the deck while Mycosynth Golem can easily turn all this deck creatures free to cast very quickly as well as combo Hangarback Walker ability that generate artifact thopter tokens that will well power the artifact affinity Mycosynth Golem and all the other artifact creatures affected by it.

August 29, 2015 9:59 a.m.

Imp_Storm says... #14

Good points. I went with Mycosynth Golem because with how easy it is to go infinate in this deck, you dont really need him. The affinity game doesnt really speed you up any. Now Platinum Emperion is more favorable because you feel less pain if your opening hand is nothing but Ancient Tomb and Darksteel Plate.

August 29, 2015 12:21 p.m.

Dami says... #15

All in all I think that for now I will keep testing but I will not place it on the deck at least until the new Zendikar set its out because I have high expectations that some really good colorless lands and / or artifacts may be included on it and if so I rather want include Hangarback Walker in a big update to the deck by then rather than in a small one right now just to remove it five weeks from now. In the mid time I will just keep testing and get familiar with it so that I have a more clear view of what do with it when the times comes to add it to the deck.

August 29, 2015 3:20 p.m.

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