First go at standard FNM. 1-2, drop.The losses were very close, and a couple games I was hurting for mana. Dual lands will help fix that problem.
Overall, really fun games. I had 2 Hanweir Militia Captain
on the board and absolutely destroyed eldrazi. Also, Rattlechains is so powerful.
On another note, I think I'm definitely gonna need a playset of
Hallowed Moonlight
in the sideboard.
Second go at standard FNM, 2-1 drop. The only reason I dropped was because I was getting tired, but the deck was dominating.First match-up (0-2) was against Esper enchantments. Did not expect that match-up and did not know how to play against it. He played that enchantment that makes all his enchantments creatures. Got dominated.Second match-up (2-0) was against red-blue control. He was running a playset of baby jace, playset of thing in the ice, and a couple chandra. Both games went very long actually. We went to time at the end of the second game. I was able to out-control him. I bounced his baby jace with Reflector Mage in the second game three times. Dirty.Third match-up (2-0) was against blue mill splash red. It was the best mill build I've ever seen actually, but hands were just too fast for him. He was a good sport.
All in all I'm getting the hang of this deck. I really like my recent tweaks because it's more of a control build compared to the last one. That helps with match-ups against control.
I should also mention that I only played with 5/8 dual lands, so there was definitely luck involved with my mana draws. And, I don't have a playset of
Hallowed Moonlight
for the sideboard yet. Luckily that didn't really come into play, but still essential to have I think. Gonna get more sleep and play this deck again next week. Going for 4-1!