Rawr RUG Monsters! (2nd @ FNM, Top 8 @ Game Day!)

Standard WomboCombo


Divbalari says... #1

Your curve is pretty high!

September 24, 2014 7:38 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #2

It is, but there's enough mana dorks to make it work most of the time.

September 24, 2014 8:58 a.m.

totalyepic says... #3

i agree with divbalari, aggro is still going to be mean even with the mana dorks to block for you when there not already tapped for mana.

September 24, 2014 4:26 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #4

Very good point. I still need to come up with a good sideboard to fill the gaps this deck has, aggro being one of them. I'm thinking of adding some Magma Spray and Magma Jet to keep the board clear for a few turns.

September 24, 2014 5:43 p.m.

totalyepic says... #5

if you look at my version of RUG walkers it may give you an idea. my deck also needs more playtesting though

September 24, 2014 5:51 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #6

Thanks dude. I had a quick look, Anger of the Gods is an interesting choice IMO. It COMPLETELY blows out aggro, but kills all of your dorks at the same time. Probably worth it though...

This deck still needs a bunch of play testing too. Hopefully I will have all the cards for this by Friday and be able to play it in FNM to see where it falls over.

By the way - How do you find Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker ? I've had a few friends suggest him for this monster list, but I prefer just running Stormbreath Dragon instead.

September 24, 2014 6:17 p.m.

totalyepic says... #7

sarkhan and stormbreath= walker killers. and you would play anger when theres to much for you to deal with anyways and your mana dorks are going to be toast from blocking anyways. anger of the gods is also amazing with curse of the swine because you can remove really big stuff and also pesky gods. also sarkhan is amazing with kiora because your swinging with a 4/4 indestructible flyer every turn and protecting him and herself from the bigest threat every turn. also look into genesis hydra more. not only does it grab big guys for you but with xenagos you can ramp him to dig through 1x cards and you get a 10/10 AND you can grab walkers with him plus if hes countered you still get the card you search for because of the way he is worded!!!! he is way better then coard of calling in my opinion. hope this helps =]

September 24, 2014 6:38 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #8

Thanks man. Looks more to consider now :)

Curse of the Swine + Anger of the Gods seems like a really sweet combo which could even be useful in a mirror match to clear the opponent's board.

Genesis Hydra can sit in the maybeboard for now. I really feel that its a much better card in a mono-green list with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to REALLY accelerate him, though I could be wrong.

September 24, 2014 6:50 p.m.

totalyepic says... #9

in response (lol) 1 shrine may not be a bad idea to add even more ramp to your deck. most of your permanents have at least 1 green symbol on then with the exception of stormbreath dragon and keranos. with courser of kruphix adding 2 to your devotion it seems to me to be more at home. also, the mystic.... in my opinion is not as good as rattleclaw mystic because, 1 rattleclaw mystic does cost 1 more but shes not just ramp, she is mana fixing which is very important in 3 color, 2 if your going to play a mana dork for with 1 toughness you might as well get as much value out of them as possible, 3 if they are open you will be swinging with them for 2 damage instead of 1. just my 2 cents =]

September 24, 2014 7:24 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #10

Really appreciate the responses :D

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx will need a bunch of testing. I'm a bit scared to use it just because I am using 3 colors now, but I will see.

I actually had a discussion with my local play group about Elvish Mystic vs Rattleclaw Mystic . We eventually concluded that using Elvish Mystic was the better and more consistent way to go after I added Wooded Foothills to the deck as well.

I love that Rattleclaw Mystic adds a bit more more in terms of color fixing and being able to trade with a Goblin Rabblemaster or whatever, but getting out a turn 3 Polukranos, World Eater and more often just seemed better. Another thing to play around with I guess.

September 24, 2014 7:37 p.m.

totalyepic says... #11

if you get out rattleclaw mystic on turn 2, you can still cast polukranos on turn 3. mystic is great because its a 1 drop and you can drop sylvan on turn 2 but the mana fixing in my opinion is what makes rattelclaw the slightly better fit for the deck. i would not mind if you let me know how your play testing works out either way =]

September 24, 2014 7:44 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #13

True enough. I guess part of the issue was that I WAS running 12 scrylands before and it really devalued the Elvish Mystic , so we changed up the land base with fetches to make it a little better.

If I do manage to run it at FNM this week, I'll add the results of each round. Then I'll have a better idea of where this deck falls over.

September 24, 2014 8:42 p.m.

weisemanjohn says... #14

Here is my build of Temur monsters

the key word is temur

That is quite the maybe board you've got there...

I know from experience at FNM with UG monster builds, Prophet of Kruphix is profit EVERY time she hits the table. If I have her and 5 mana, its done, she come out first. The field is guaranteed to flood with creatures once she is out because of the mana untapping and flash creatures for blocking and being fully active come your turn.

See the Unwritten has done extremely well in all of my proxies deck tests almost always landing ferocious trigger in a monster build. As far as losing 6 other cards, my tests show that at least 4/6 are lands or mana dorks which are no longer needed at 6 mana, and of the other 4 that arnt, you get to pick your favorite two to hit the field!

Rattleclaw Mystic as a mana dork, I run him side by side with Sylvan Caryatid why? The burst mana from unmorph and he can block-to-kill Goblin Rabblemaster

September 25, 2014 4:42 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #15

Thanks for the feedback weisemanjohn =D. I had a quick look at your list and I now have a few more things to add to my ever-growing maybeboard > _ <

I hear what you're saying about Prophet of Kruphix being profit (I also see what you did there). I've been using it as a proxy in some of the kitchen table testing I've been doing and I actually like what she brings to the deck. I will definitely try to make some room for 2-3 of her in the mainboard once I get a better idea of what can be dropped.

See the Unwritten is something that I haven't had a chance to try at all yet. Unfortunately I missed out on going to the prerelease so I didn't get to play around with any of the new cards yet. It definitely fits in the monster theme though and might have some synergy with any delve cards that end up being good. Maybeboard for now to keep this on my radar.

Rattleclaw Mystic vs Elvish Mystic is a hot topic of debate at the moment. Rattleclaw Mystic feels more powerful in terms of bringing ramp, color fixing and 2 power to the board (which is absolutely relevant if other people keep playing Goblin Rabblemaster ).

On the other hand, the land base was changed to allow Elvish Mystic to stay in and it just made the deck feel more consistent overall. I'm not sure flat out picking one mystic over the other is the best choice, may end up going with a 3/2 split of Elvish/Rattleclaw. Again this will depend on what other cards can be dropped to make room.

September 25, 2014 6:19 p.m.

weisemanjohn says... #16

I couldn't find room for it in my build, but a combo I'd like to see is See the Unwritten followed up by Dig Through Time considering dig has delve potential of 6 and you are guaranteed 6 cards to graveyard from STU.

September 25, 2014 6:28 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #17

Yeah I just noticed that potential synergy as well. Added to maybeboard as well.

September 25, 2014 6:32 p.m.

totalyepic says... #18

if you do go the route of STU and Dig through time you could also add Become Immense the used with Sagu Mauler or surrak or stormbreath is amazing. i wanted to fit it into my rug walkers deck but cant make room =[

September 25, 2014 7:01 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #19

Seems pretty good. I'll keep it in mind.

Looking forward to using Sagu Mauler tonight. There's sooooo much targeted removal people are using that the hexproof will be extremely relevant.

September 25, 2014 7:10 p.m.

totalyepic says... #20

only problem i see with sagu is his cost. he is awesome but if your playing against rabble red he may never even see the board.

September 25, 2014 7:18 p.m.

weisemanjohn says... #21

Do not look down on the power of this deck style. I managed in testing to stabilize at 1 life and win against jeskai rabble burn.

September 25, 2014 7:28 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #22

Will all depend on what decks people start playing post-rotation. Sagu Mauler would be sided out against the red-deck-wins style of aggro in favor of Anger of the Gods for example.

Even then, I have mainboard threats to annoy aggro players in Sylvan Caryatid and Courser of Kruphix . Game 1 I feel very safe.

September 25, 2014 7:59 p.m.

totalyepic says... #23

after a rotation everyone usually pulls together an aggro deck because the control decks need time for the format to become cracked and find out what works best. and @weisemanjohn im not looking down at it as im playing temur as well just a slower more control walker version. i know the power of it thats why im playing it lol. Curse of the Swine is also another great card. gets rid of big stuff and gods. like a swiss army knife. can even wipe there board if you have the mana to sink into it.

September 25, 2014 10:07 p.m.

WomboCombo says... #24

Curse of the Swine is already in the sideboard for the mirror matches. Works very nicely with Anger of the Gods too :D

September 25, 2014 10:09 p.m.

DonkeyPunch says... #25

I would not prefer a Soul of Shandalar over a Keranos, God of Storms

October 2, 2014 11:52 a.m.

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