Rawr RUG Monsters! (2nd @ FNM, Top 8 @ Game Day!)
WomboCombo says... #3
There's room in my heart for both of them, honestly. After a bit of thought, I decided to go with Soul of Shandalar in the main as he plays to me game plan of "Crash in with big monsters" a lot more than Keranos, God of Storms slowly grinding out a win.
However, Keranos, God of Storms gets sided in against control just because he is more resilient (being indestructible) and generates more value over the long game.
October 2, 2014 4:32 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #4
The other card that I've been toying with in that slot is Xenagos, God of Revels . He doesn't do much in the face of aggro (at least without devotion), but being able to drop a hasted Sagu Mauler which becomes a 12/12 with trample seems extremely powerful.
October 2, 2014 4:42 p.m.
Hunt the Hunter would be nice in SB for match ups against any G based deck
October 3, 2014 9:24 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #8
WomboCombo Just here to tell a fellow Temur player that I found the perfect solution to Hornet Nest . It is Scuttling Doom Engine but that isn't the only reason he is good. You should check out his description in my side to see more why is awesome sideboard tech.
October 5, 2014 1:25 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #9
Oooo I love it! Thanks BigHead066. Good explanation too.
I'll consider what to drop for it. Maybe I can maybe switch it out for Soul of Shandalar in the mainboard, since that slot in the deck is pretty open still.
October 5, 2014 5:12 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #10
WomboCombo I would definitely consider it, especially with these jund planes walker variants going around, and pretty much any deck that runs Hornet Nest . BTW is there any reason you don't run 4x Yavimaya Coast it is your only land turn one that allows for a turn 2 Savage Knuckleblade . This is why I run 2x Mana Confluence and 4x Yavimaya Coast in my deck.
October 5, 2014 6:44 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #11
Honestly I haven't seen too much Jund around my area and there aren't a ton of Hornet Nest either. I think with my recent addition of Crater's Claws , I should do a little bit better against planeswalker decks. But I'm definitely a fan of Scuttling Doom Engine !
I still need to work on my landbase a bit. Getting turn 2 Savage Knuckleblade is nice, but not critical for this deck. Getting Savage Knuckleblade hasted on turn 3 with Sylvan Caryatid seems just as good.
October 5, 2014 6:50 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #12
WomboCombo Well consider yourself lucky because I hate playing Hornet Nest . Scuttling Doom Engine is good against pretty much every control deck so its still worth thinking about. As for your second part of your comment, why settle for less. Trust me when you play a turn 2 Savage Knuckleblade followed by a turn 3 Savage Knuckleblade with haste, your opponent will cry. I did this and it was glorious.
October 5, 2014 6:57 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #13
Hmmm. good point. I'll try and re-jig the land base tonight, though I think I'll need to get a 4th Yavimaya Coast (My housemate is using 1 in his Sultai Control list at the moment).
October 5, 2014 7:04 p.m.
The_Wolf_Pack says... #14
I would change the Soul of Shandalar with Soul of Ravnica because...
- It's a 6/6 flyer that will be the most powerful flyer on the board.
- You can draw a lot of cards if you have a Savage Knuckleblade or Surrak Dragonclaw out on the board with him.
- He deals a lot of damage really fast
October 5, 2014 7:13 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #15
Good suggestion - Thanks The_Wolf_Pack!
That 1 deck slot is still open at the moment. Not sure weather this deck needs Soul of Shandalar , Soul of Ravnica , Scuttling Doom Engine or Xenagos, God of Revels , but I'll find out what I'm weakest too over the next week and decide then.
October 5, 2014 7:25 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #16
Wombo-Combo Well hope that works out. what is your opinion on Polymorphist's Jest vs. Curse of the Swine I like how Polymorphist's Jest is always the same cost with just as much of effectiveness. It is also at instant speed and most of the going to clear alot of their boars without giving them 2/2's. It also synergizes with Chandra, Pyromaster . Even though you said it wasn't a problem in our meta, if your opponent instant speed Lightning Strike on there own Hornet Nest then you can respond with Polymorphist's Jest .
October 5, 2014 7:30 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #17
I haven't actually put too much thought it to using Polymorphist's Jest . And you're right in that it does deal with Hornet Nest + Lightning Strike .
I'm not sure if synergy with Chandra, Pyromaster is a thing. Sure, she can ping the 1/1's, but only once per Polymorphist's Jest and only on my turn. That's if your opponent doesn't have counters or anything beefing the frogs up too.
Polukranos, World Eater + Polymorphist's Jest would make better synergy if you're able to Jest + Monstrous in the 1 turn and can be done at instant speed, offensively or defensively.
Even though Curse of the Swine is sorcery speed and leaves 2/2's behind, being able to exiling opposing Scuttling Doom Engine or active gods like Nylea, God of the Hunt for example seems extremely good in mirror matches.
Also, it seems delve cards are seeing a bit more play each week so exiling is even more significant.
I guess it comes down to having the option for an instant-speed, but temporary combat trick in Polymorphist's Jest vs sorcery speed, but permanent removal with Curse of the Swine . I'll think on this a little bit more, but thanks for the suggestion :) Maybe there is room for both.
October 5, 2014 7:45 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #18
WomboCombo Well if we think about this in a mirror match perspective, a person who is hit with Curse of the Swine can still blow out his opponent with a Polymorphist's Jest , but a person hit with Polymorphist's Jest can't respond with with Curse of the Swine . Polymorphist's Jest can also hit creatures with hexproof akaSagu Mauler . There is also the hilarious time you have a huge board state your opponent plays Elspeth, Sun's Champion and uses the -3 and you respond with Polymorphist's Jest . Another thing is that after you play Polymorphist's Jest your opponent will think that you always have it therefore refusing to block alot of the time.
October 5, 2014 7:56 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #19
Oo those are some very good points. Didn't think about using Polymorphist's Jest targeting myself in response to Elspeth, Sun's Champion -3. That's pretty sweet :D
Maybe I can go with 2 Curse of the Swine and 2 Polymorphist's Jest in the sideboard if I drop Arbor Colossus ?
Polymorphist's Jest sort of deals with annoying flyers anyway...
October 5, 2014 8:02 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #20
WomboCombo I think I would go with a 2-1 split because any more would be a little excessive especially since you care more about putting creatures on the board than playing removal. Whichever one you want more of you should put. In my build I already run Savage Punch for removal so I go with the versatile combat trick that is Polymorphist's Jest .
October 5, 2014 8:07 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #22
I'll do some playtesting at home throughout the week and see which out of Curse of the Swine and Polymorphist's Jest I need more. I'm leaning more towards 2 Curse of the Swine at the moment, but this may change.
I may also be biased because I have my Boar tokens in bacon sleeves....
Will also be trying out Crater's Claws for removal this week. Nice being able to be remove Goblin Rabblemaster really cheap, doesn't cost too much to remove planeswalkers or I can simply sink a bunch of mana and burn face to steal a stalled game.
October 5, 2014 8:21 p.m.
BigHead066 says... #23
WomboCombo Lol I can see a biased because of Bacon sleeves. I mainly use Crater's Claws as a finisher which is why I run 1 in the main and 1 in the side.
October 5, 2014 8:26 p.m.
totalyepic says... #24
keep in mind Polymorphist's Jest doesnt remove +1 counters from creatures. just a heads up. i found it very frustrating in games i played with it. but a poly into Anger of the Gods is mean no matter how you look at it.
October 5, 2014 9:12 p.m.
WomboCombo says... #25
Thanks for the reminder totalyepic. I realized it before which I why I was leaning more towards Curse of the Swine as the "mirror-breaker".
Either Polymorphist's Jest OR Curse of the Swine work well with Anger of the Gods . The question comes down to do you prefer cooked frogs or cooked pork? :)
weisemanjohn says... #1
i've been beaten down by a Soul of Shandalar , that monster is a beast. Essentially you will need 10 toughness and 6 power to beat through him as a blocker because of that bolt ability and the fact that he first strikes. This is not easily done.
October 2, 2014 12:54 p.m.