Razigur Evolution

Commander / EDH Matzizzet


Matzizzet says... #1

Considering an additional Razaketh line

Would need to add LED, Eternal Witness, and Animate Dead

Razaketh line (0 mana floating, 0 cards in hand, 2 other creature available):

1.Sacrifice 1 creature for LED (Floating: Nothing)

2.Crack LED for GGG (Floating: GGG)

3.Sacrifice another creature for Eternal Witness (Floating: GGG)

4.Cast Eternal Witness and get LED back into hand (Floating: Nothing)

5.Cast LED and crack it for BBB (Floating: BBB)

6.Sacrifice Eternal Witness for Animate Dead (Floating: BBB)

7.Cast Animate Dead and bring back Eternal Witness, which will also get LED back (Floating: B)

8.Cast LED and sac it for UUU (Floating: BUUU)

9.Sacrifice Eternal Witness for Thassa's Oracle and cast it (Floating: BU)

10.Let Thassa's Oracle enter the battlefield and respond by sacrificing Thassa's Oracle and finding Demonic Consultation / Tainted Pact

June 13, 2020 4:53 p.m.

Matzizzet says... #2

Razaketh line (G mana floating, 1 creature availible, 2 lands in play)

Sacrifice the Creature for Life / Death

Cast Life / Death making all your lands into creatures that can be sacrificed to Razaketh

Follow the steps above

June 13, 2020 5 p.m.

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