I like the idea of Bladed Pinions . Couldn't ever find flying enchantments or globals for black and the flavor text pretty much made it seem like a lock for a black deck.
I'm wanting to stay away from splashing red since there are quite a few vamp choices in that color. I have seen the Goblin Fireslinger used to bloodthirst in red decks, though.
Any other suggestions? I'm really looking for a good 3-drop to even things out or easier ways to activate bloodthirst in black.
December 11, 2011 3:42 a.m.
Kitesail if that's still standard?
I personally suggest Spectral Flight . Give it +2/+2 and enchantments are difficult to deal with.
December 11, 2011 4:03 a.m.
The 2 blue in Levitation make it a little tricky without splitting the lands. I'd rather wait out until turn 3 and use Shimmering Grotto for Spectral Flight than wait on the equip cost for the Bladed Pinions . Still, the artifact stays on the board if the creature dies and it gives first strike. Kind of a tough decision...
I'm more apt to use Levitation in deck:mono-black-zombie-7 along with some blue zeds.
December 11, 2011 4:18 a.m.
metalmagic says... #5
I understand wanting to stay within a theme, and I support that 100% for casual decks, but if this is going to be an FNM deck I don't think sacrificing efficiency for a theme is a good idea. Whichever you are intending for this deck, I'd suggest to adjust accordingly. There really aren't any good black 3 drops in standard that fit the deck. Blind Zealot is probably the closest match, but even it isn't that great. Enslave is one of the few black cards that can actually enable bloodthirst outside of attacking creatures.
December 11, 2011 4:28 a.m.
Just out of curiosity, what would you change to make it FNM worthy? I'm really getting tired of this deck stalling on me...
December 11, 2011 4:43 a.m.
Bump in the Night could help bloodthirst go off. And the blue isn't really needed in this deck. your running only 2 different blue spells. I would go to red black bloodthirst vampires. It also gives you the option of using red vampires like Stromkirk Noble , and the Curse of Stalked Prey . You could even still run the metamorphs. It may sound like a deck everybody is using, but vampires aren't all that popular at the moment.
December 11, 2011 11:16 a.m.
From what I understand, Bump in the Night doesn't trigger bloodthirst since the text reads as loss of life, not damage. Taste of Blood and Consume Spirit are the only two ways I've found to trigger bloodthirst in black.
Currently, my actual deck doesn't have any blue spells, but I'm just fooling around with the idea of splashing another color. Still up in the air as to whether that will be red or blue. Lots of playtesting to do still.
December 12, 2011 3:25 a.m.
SwiftDeath says... #9
Tormented Soul is great for triggering bloodthirst turn one Stromkirk Noble is the more expensive version. also because bloodthirst gives +1/+1 counters I would add in Volt Charge and card:Tezzeret's Gambit they have great effects and the proliferate helps make your creatures even bigger. also bloodthirst doesn't work half as well as aggro vamps with Rakish Heir and Curse of Stalked Prey . thats if you add red. if you add blue you can use Invisible Stalker and Thrummingbird if you still decide to make it a bloodthirst deck then I have made two a mono black deck:black-vampire-bloodthirst I made for my friend and a red/black deck:the-thirst-1. my vampire aggro deck is deck:another-vamp-deck-2 I made it while helping someone else with there vamp deck.
December 13, 2011 1:53 a.m.
icekillaxx says... #10
The deck is all over the place....... check out my Olivia N Her Subjects deck and grab some ideas off it i use Stromkirk Noble for my bloodthirst along with Perilous Myr when heartless summonings out, ive ran this in fnm and it does well its solid but RDW kills me, as does the b/u control decks. Even if heartless summonings is out if you have your Bloodlord of Vaasgoth out you can get him out as a 3/3 or a 6/6, fyi bloodthirst stacks
December 13, 2011 11:15 a.m.
Not sure what you mean by "all over the place". Pretty simple, really. Heartless Summoning comes out in front of Bloodlord of Vaasgoth , hopefully with an Adaptive Automaton out on the board to cushion the -1. This effectively gives all of my vampires (all 11 remaining ones) bloodthirst. At this point, I can cast a bloodthirst 3 Bloodline Keeper Flip Flip for 2B, a bloodthirst 4 Bloodrage Vampire for 1B, or a bloodthirst 3 Child of Night for 1B. Flip a Bloodline Keeper Flip Flip and every vamp gets +2/+2, including the Adaptive Automaton . If all else fails, a Goblin Fireslinger or a Shock can bloodthirst other vampires. The Volt Charge adds counters to anything that has been bloodthirsted.
How is this not cohesive?December 13, 2011 5:20 p.m.
throw in 4 more dual color lands and trade out a bloodlord for an olivia? and IMO i wouldnt run 3 chandras make it even
January 16, 2012 11:24 p.m.
Vampires will rule the plains of Innistrad again. Check out my more aggro centered Dark Ascension Vampires. Don't forget to +1 if you like it.
January 18, 2012 4:03 a.m.
What about Falkenrath Aristocrat ? :) Stromkirk Captain ? :)
January 18, 2012 4:51 a.m.
I plan on using Stromkirk Captain when it is released, but probably not the Aristocrat since I don't have any humans in the deck. Wanting to keep it strictly tribal unless the "sac a human" effects are really good.
January 18, 2012 3:48 p.m.
:-) I think Bloodlord of Vaasgoth is too slow. Better is obv Captain. And what about Falkenrath Noble? :-) Do you try deck with that card?
January 19, 2012 2:18 a.m.
It isn't worth the mana unless I use a board wipe like card:Life's Finale, which is way too mana intensive for this deck.
January 19, 2012 12:41 p.m.
The way this deck is playtesting, Bloodlord of Vaasgoth is kind of a "win more" card, but still fun to play with. Sometimes Stromkirk Noble and Rakish Heir will get big enough to do finish someone off on their own, especially if I can proliferate.
January 19, 2012 12:44 p.m.
rckclimber777 says... #21
I'd go with Shrine of Burning Rage as it has to be dealt with at some point or will take out your opponent by itself. A card that has gone practically unnoticed lately is Assault Strobe , but on a Stromkirk Noble will really makes things hard for people on turn 2. With a turn 3 rakish heir, you're looking at a 5/5 noble on turn 3.
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth isn't bad, but not entirely sure it's worth it for the deck. I'd probably cut it for something else. A two of for Devil's Play would be good as well or a Red Sun's Zenith to ensure that you can add that last few damage near the end of the game.
Also I would probably support your decision to make this mono-red if it weren't for Olivia. She's just so good in general. Also some kind of card draw would be good as well. Perhaps splash blue or go with Altar's Reap .
January 21, 2012 2:12 p.m.
I really think since it helps the whole tribe. On the same token, Altar's Reap slows down tribal by forcing me to sac. To be honest, I don't think this deck needs draw. There just isn't room without disrupting synergy of other mechanics and/or adding a third color, which is something I don't care to do. Curse of Bloodletting may find a spot in here when DA comes out.
January 21, 2012 3:38 p.m.
id toss some Surgical Extraction 's in the sideboard if your using Liliana of the Veil then which ever card they discard give it a possible x4 of card removal to the exiled'..works good for all the grave play these days'..
January 25, 2012 6:15 a.m.
generalmoepie says... #24
+1 volt charge +1 curse of stalked prey -1 contagion clasp -1 chandra
February 17, 2012 9:03 p.m.
internofdoom says... #25
Thanks so much for your comment on my deck, I did reply. As for your take on a somewhat similar concept, I want to offer the suggestion of cutting Curse of Bloodletting -- it is an awesome effect, but it is essentially a 5 cost setup card. Your style may be different then mine for an aggro deck, but on turn 5 I need to have the heat turned up high, and stalling out the flow of creatures for a turn when you hit that critical 6th go around does not seem like the way to go. Bloodlord I think would fill that slot better for you.
metalmagic says... #1
I think you should try out Bladed Pinions over Cobbled Wings if you want flying on a stick. First strike can be extremely beneficial, and the effect is amplified exponentially by the deathtouch given by Onyx Mage . I think you should probably make room for at least 2 more land, as your mana curve is medium-highish with quite a few dudes as 4 and 5 drops. With only 21 land, you'll only be casting 1 thing per turn when you play the bombs.
Using some RB duals to add in Goblin Fireslinger could help enable bloodthirst much more easily (even though he isn't a vamp). You could get rid of the Taste of Blood which only works for 1 turn, where the goblins work every turn, plus you get more bodies for blocking with. The 1 damage per turn adds up, also.
December 11, 2011 3:19 a.m.