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RB Suicide Slide



This was my standard deck until the Innistrad rotation, so now I'm thinking about adapting it for extended, but I'm not sure what all my options are and I'd love some suggestions.

The idea is to use immolating souleater and moltensteel dragon to pay a bunch of life and get one or two big swings( assault strobe is in there to help with that), maybe fling them for some more damage, and then drop death's shadow as a fat creature for one mana. There's a pretty heavy removal package to help make sure the attacks go through. souleater and moltensteel are both vulnerable to spot removal after investing life in their fire-breathing ability, but that's why inquisition and duress are in there.

Stone idol trap is a vastly underrated card I think, and has great synergy with this deck because it is an amazing target for both assault strobe and fling, causing potentially 18 damage for 3 mana.

Kiln Fiend offers a turn 3 wincon with the right one-drops in hand.

So, what do?


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens Construct 6/12 C
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