Updated board:
4x Lingering Souls
2x Warleader's Helix
1x Cliftop Retreat
1x Rakdos Keyrune
1x Assemble the Legion
2x Pillar of Flame
1x Sire of Insanity
Took it to a FNM Last week went 3-1.
Round One: Played against Grixis Control went 2-1 I'd say that after sideboard deck is very strong against control with slaughter games, duress and sire of insanity.
Round Two: Played against a standard Jund Deck, went 2-1 lost the first game due a very early ground seal, Game two added in more threats such Assemble the legion and Duress to over with hard casting Auriela and had reckoner and olivia on board. Game 3 Blew him out with a t4 Obezdat and hard casted Auriela t6.
Round Three: Played against GR aggro 2-0 won the first game pretty easy t4 rited an AoS, Game 2 sided in Gloom Surgeon he couldn't get through reckoners and gloom surgeons, eventually hard casted Auriela winning the game after that.
Round Four: Played against arguably the best guy in the LGS lost 1-2 Ended up not having time to stabilize in game 1 and died. Game 2 used the reckoner/blasphemous act combo to win. Game 3 ended up keeping a bad hand that was too slow, and couldn't stabilize and misplayed attacking with reckoner and got blown out by a rampager.
Over all the deck is pretty fun and it seems kind of hard to sideboard against. The strengths in this deck is it's weakness as well. I feel that its has a lot of answers but sometimes its may not be the best answer thats out there. For now I will keep testing, I want to see how blood baron will play out in this deck as well.