rbw super friends? HELP!
Review 1 —Aug. 2, 2012
-1 Ajani Vengeant
reasoning: making room
+2 Chandra, the Firebrand
reasoning: another cheap planeswalker that can do some damage as well as possible copy my token generators and/or Backlash
-1 Oblivion Ring
reasoning: needed to make some room
- 1 Flicker
reasoning: probs dont need 4, needed to make room
+3 Lingering Souls
reasoning: token generator with flashback, dont know how I missed this on first go >.<
Thoughts: havent really played this through much. When trying to find room for Chandra, I kinda stumbled upon Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, which would compliment nicely being a 4 drop and token generator, helping Sarkhan. Not to mention his other abilities also help! His emblem buffing my tokens/dragons and his bust refilling my planeswalkers if need be and/or destroying my opponents board. Backfall to him is $$$, 1 for about 12.50 :-/. We will have to see, up till now I have been pretty good keeping this deck financially sound.
I am trying to find room for some proliferate and/or some faith shield still.
hi! best friend decks are my absolute favorite! Planeswalker Spam! i absolutely agree that some Volt Charge 's are a must for this deck!
my fav thing about having proliferate in a planeswalker deck is that it makes it extremely difficult for an opponent to keep the walker under control - i owe many pw ulties to the fact i was able to cast them when i wasnt supposed to. best prolifs for these colors are Contagion Clasp Contagion Engine Volt Charge card:Tezzeret's Gambit (only if u consider to pay life instead of blue mana)
lingering souls would also be perfect in this deck as the flashback ability is available to these colors. i tend to use mine immediately for four spirits and they are amazing chumpers.
perhaps the additions of some card:Faith's Shield would not go astray also. many times has it saved the asses of walkers on the brink of ulty-dom.
creature wipes are also very good for this type of deck Day of Judgment as it gives you walkers time to power up.
flicker spells such as Cloudshift occasionally find their way into my walker decks also due to the fact that this effectively heals them. this could be good for Sarkhan the Mad as he has no +1 loyalty abilities
good luck, hope you have fun.
August 1, 2012 4:42 a.m.
oh and perhaps there are too many ajani's? it sucks when you dont wanna use cards coz itll kill the other, id say definately swap some for a Chandra Nalaar or Chandra, the Firebrand
August 1, 2012 4:47 a.m.
darkavengerotk says... #4
Change the deck!! We want to see a new and improved build!!! :D
darkavengerotk says... #1
Ok I LOVE RBW decks! This deck looks pretty cool! You should consider finding a spot for Chandra. More other Super Friends that are pretty cheap price wise, what about Sorin, Lilliana Vess, Gideon Jura, Elspeth Tirel, and Koth. You should use Proliferate Cards too. Like Volt Charge and the two Proliferate Artifacts from Scars. Some more creatures wouldnt hurt. Tokens too, like the new goblin fodder; Krenko's Command. Captains Call. Oh and Lingering Souls! Good targets for Sarkhan! Life gain for Ajani's ability and more Black Control like Murder, and Doom Blade or other legacy stuff.
July 23, 2012 12:20 a.m.