R/B/W Vampire Human Deck (ADVICE WANTED!!!!!)

Modern* Nyrab


Nyrab says... #1

I had considered Doomed Traveler but with all the humans I have for food my champion becomes a threat fast, and he can always be used as food as well,

And the reason I have all the humans in here is firstly because of surprising the opponent, all of the humans do serve purposes as either food, food producing or giving double strike to big threats.

And I had thought about rakdos's return, but I frequently win on between turns 7-9 (depending on if I go first) , it's quite a quick deck, I am semi thinking about adding another aristocrat and maybe cutting the champs for 2x Ash Zealot

December 12, 2012 1:49 p.m.

Nyrab says... #2

Thrandir that is really useful feedback, I think that Reverberate is one of the most useful instants for me at the moment, at my local FNM everyone is running guild charms and there is a lot of green white aggro, so reverberate ruins their existences.

I will definitely consider O-Rings, as you're quite right it would be really useful for me, and another blood artist would be great as well, I find sorin very, very useful, for getting vamps on the field to flip the keeper, or for emblems that just make double strike that much more vicious. I had cut gather the townsfolk a few weeks ago, and my deck actually became that much better because of it, but I'll reassess my choice, and see if I can work it back in, appetite for brains is on my want-list, I am keeping an eye out for it, It will be getting added to my sideboard as soon as I can get it. I'll check out your deck in a sec'

December 12, 2012 1:59 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #3

Check out Dirty BWR for ideas.

December 12, 2012 2:01 p.m.

zandl says... #4

If you want my advice, here it is: Don't mix Human Tribal and Vampire Tribal. You're not going to do either one justice.

December 24, 2012 6:48 p.m.

jared1259 says... #5

I like your deck a lot. I have a vampire deck myself Vampire B/R Final and i really really wanted to add white to it, but i'm waiting for the Gatecrash lands.

Constructive criticism. I feel that Olivia Voldaren and Falkenrath Aristocrat don't work well together in a deck. One is playing to control the board and one is trying to end the game quickly by hammering your opponent. I'd pull one or the other and probably one of the Bloodline Keeper  Flip s too. IMHO its best for a deck to do one thing well and i can't tell if its trying to overwhelm with tokens or feed the aristocrat. If you're trying to feed the aristocrats you might be better off pulling out some of the expensive token generators for cheaper humans(Knight of Infamy ). That way there's food ready when the aristocrats hit the board on turn four.

If you want a crazy idea (what i'm waiting on the shock lands to do), try including Seance instead of the token generators. That way you can reuse your dead creatures for the aristocrats later. Paired with Rootborn Defenses i think it would allow you to maintain a creature advantage while feeding the aristocrats.

December 24, 2012 7:17 p.m.

Nyrab says... #6

zandl Thanks for the advice but I will have to disagree, I feel the vampire tribes' full potential needs some humans e.g. for the aristocrat.

jared1259 Yeah gatecrash lands will fix everything, but about olivia, you are completely right, I'll pull the olivias' and add another aristocrat asap, and probably another land too.

Seance is a very interesting idea, especially with the slayers strongholds, I don't think it will be stable enough until gatecrash but I will possibly a couple of copies to my sideboard

December 26, 2012 8 p.m.

jared1259 says... #7

I'm glad you liked the suggestion! If you want i'd appreciate a look at this deck.

December 26, 2012 10:52 p.m.

mycurse7726 says... #8

No Thrull Parasite? :c

February 7, 2013 11:48 p.m.

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