RDW is true

Modern HSF117


TheLitchKing says... #1

I think Lightpulsar9's suggestions are solid. You could cut 1-2 Slagstorm unless you're running into tons of zoo. I also think you could cut 1-2 Smash to Smithereens since you already have 4 Destructive Revelry. 1 Spellskite might also be worth changing. I would only add 1-2 Reality Hemorrhage but you also have room for a few Molten Rain which are in a great position in this new meta.

February 11, 2016 2:17 p.m.

HSF117 says... #2

TheLitchKing, Lightpulsar9: Before I make a final decision, how relevant do you think Spellskite is going to be moving forward?

February 11, 2016 3:21 p.m.

TheLitchKing says... #3

I don't think it will be that amazing. There aren't as many Grixis decks loaded with removal and with big mana decks being popular, you'll end up with a useless sideboard card in a lot of matches. Preventing life gain and outracing Infect, Zoo, and the like is the best way for burn to pick up wins. Destroying mid-range decks' lands while dealing damage is often back breaking for them. I wouldn't run more than 1 Spellskite in the board if the meta is going to be lots of Eldrazi and aggressive decks.

February 11, 2016 3:34 p.m.

Lightpulsar9 says... #4

Well originally, Spellskite I'm sure was used for twin, shutting down infect and maybe stopping the occasional Arcbound Ravager. It still kills infect, but that's already a good matchup for you. The only thing it's really doing is eating removal/ burn spells in most games you have it, and possibly slowing down affinity. How much do you value your creatures in the most popular matchups. And how scared of affinity are you? Of course, it also depends on your local meta. But for the majority of the matchups now, it probably isn't the best.

February 11, 2016 3:56 p.m.

HSF117 says... #5

Alright so Slagstorm is ineffective, Spellskite's lifespan in my deck ended when Twin was banned, and Smash to Smithereens is redundant. If all of that is true, then that means 7 cards in my sideboard need to be replaced. If I add 2 each of Reality Hemorrhage and Molten Rain, that leaves 3 spots left unfilled.

February 11, 2016 4:55 p.m.

Lightpulsar9 says... #6

Honestly though, tuning your sideboard isn't important right now unless you're going to a GP. I'd wait until after the next GP to see what's popular, then adjust your sideboard accordingly.

February 11, 2016 5:01 p.m.

lucwarm says... #7

I would recommend upping the molten rain count to a full play set, as it's extremely powerful against Eldrazi and Tron. I would drop the Reality Hemorrhage's as very few decks run Kor Firewalker these days. As for the main board you might want to think about adding a Wild Nakatle or two. To do this you could drop a couple Searing Blaze's or lightning Helix's, as both are a little too situational to deserve a main board play set.

February 13, 2016 9:32 a.m.

HSF117 says... #8

lucwarm: I'm not concerned about Kor Firewalker but I am concerned about Etched Champion, that's why I will run Reality Hemorrhage for now. Wild Nacatl is too slow to play in a burn deck because it does not do anything the turn it is played but that is just my opinion. The same can also be said for Eidolon of the Great Revel but that ability is too good to pass on. Also, Wild Nacatl is just as situational as Searing Blaze because they both deal with having some sort of land, but Lightning Helix is a 6 point life swing in most situations so it isn't really situational at all.

February 13, 2016 9:47 a.m.

HSF117 says... #9

So I have an idea. In my opinion, the only time that I want to cast Eidolon of the Great Revel is turn 2 or 3 so the marginal return after that is quite low. I was thinking of some ways to bring something in that would have a higher marginal return than Eidolon. Then I thought, I have Deflecting Palm in the side. This is my proposal. Replace the 4x Eidolon of the Great Revel in the main with 4x Deflecting Palm and keep 2 Eidolons in the side just in case I play Storm. With this change, when the Eidolons are in the main, this guarantees that I won't be drawing a 3rd and 4th copy. Thoughts?

March 1, 2016 2:01 p.m.

I like having 2 Eidolons in the board, but am a little iffy on a full playset of deflecting palm in the main. I don't see it being a card you want to have in the first game against every deck you play, but I could be wrong. Have you considered [Vexing Devil]? that card is underrated af.

March 1, 2016 3:11 p.m.

Lethgorias says... #11

If you find yourself taking too much damage from Eidolon of the Great Revel, you could replace two of them with Scab-Clan Berserker

March 2, 2016 7:39 a.m.

HSF117 says... #12

Lethgorias: I don't mind taking damage from the Eidolon since I'm a burn deck and I don't really care about my own life total. I mean I need to playtest obviously but Eidolon is such a dead draw in the late game that I hardly ever want to see it past turn 2 and certainly not in multiples. But if I have 3 Deflecting Palms then to me I am, at the very least, going to survive 3 more turns and hope to draw into what I need. But drawing multiples of Eidolon isn't great.

March 2, 2016 10:04 a.m.

You should go down to 3 copies of Eidolon then. For the open slot, you can play a deflecting palm for now until you figure out something better lol

March 2, 2016 2:19 p.m.

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