RDW standard (help on turning into boros agroo)

Modern darklordnot


QUIGIB0 says... #1

deck is pretty solid, but i would suggest putting in Vexing Devil as a really good one drop as well as putting some black in, like Undying Evil once you run into some burn and tragic slip to put down the big Selesnya creatures. Also giving you the option of Desecration Demon which will make your opponent scramble to get it off the field or get multiple hits with a 6/6 which is much better than Thundermaw Hellkite given you get it out a turn sooner and is +1 +1 stronger. I've also made a rush deck and yours as it sits gave it a run for its money. Adding these will put it over the top and give it the potential to be tournament ready. Looking back on your update, screw brimstone volley. its lesser comparison to all the ones ive mentioned if you splice in some black in. If you chose that route put in a few enchants, such as deviant glee and dark favor. this will make your one drops REALLY annoying and hard to kill. Thats my input hope it helped

December 16, 2012 5:34 a.m.

darklordnot says... #2

i have a problem with Vexing Devil as its more of a burn card, b/c if you put it out on first turn your opponent will take 4 and you in development

splashing black for Desecration Demon and Deviant Glee dosen't really work as i generally win turn four when dropping Hellrider

thundermaw and the crucible are only for late game if i need them

December 16, 2012 5:48 a.m.

Stonewright is good, maybe even better than Stromkirk Noble , as it combos well with Ash Zealot And has the advantage of being able to do something as it hits the field after the first turn, which is obviously important in RDW. Also, consider Traitorous Blood for those Thragtusk decks.

January 7, 2013 8:11 p.m.

MollyMab says... #4

Too many lands, I would say. Cut down to about 23.

January 11, 2013 7:21 p.m.

darklordnot says... #5

the lands help for consistancy so that i can always (almost) cast thundermaw turn five with a hellrider on the board for a 1 or two turn clock

January 11, 2013 7:23 p.m.

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