djnewellmit says... #2
FYI! Seth, "better known as SaffronOlive," at MTGGoldfish just published an article on Pummeler Pioneer. His original Pummeler Standard budget magic article from 2017 was my first introduction to our friendly little robot.
November 12, 2019 9:42 a.m.
djnewellmit says... #3
I went 3-1 at my LGS last night. I'll try and have a more detailed write-up in the next couple days. Beware Solemnity in the sideboards - many players are running those against the Hardened Scales and Aetherworks Marvel decks. Some good sideboard options for enchantment removal are Cindervines and Thrashing Brontodon .
clayperce says... #1
On Lands: IMO, 19 lands is totally fine in a RG build. With an Ave CMC of 2.05 (assuming Ghor-Clan Rampager and Collision / Colossus are 2-drops), we only need 22 Lands. But Attune with Aether counts as a land as long as we also have at least 14x untapped G sources (so we can cast Attune on Turn 1) and are not playing an opponent with enough counterspells in hand to counter our Attune. I played 20 lands back in Standard, so didn't even think about it when I ported the deck over. But I'm going to take a hard look at 19, and maybe even 18. So thanks!
On Maximize Velocity : Your comment about Questing Beast over on my deck made me think about how very good Haste effects are against Planeswalkers; I think I should probably take a relook at Velocity. Thanks here, too!
On Simic and Temur: Not sure about Simic, as Red has soooo many good Pump effects (plus Haste of course). But Temur seems quite decent, for Oko, Thief of Crowns (especially if it's banned in Standard and the price plummets) and probably Slip Through Space . I've always been amazed at how easy it is to splash colors in the deck (due to Aether Hub and Attune with Aether ). I have yet to do any serious testing with it, but over at Temur Pummeler (Pioneer), I'm starting with 4x Aether Hub , 3x Breeding Pool (pricy, but still less than Mana Confluence , 3x Stomping Ground , 5x Forest/2x Island/3x Mountain, and 0x Servant of the Conduit .
Good luck (and good skill) at your tournament Wednesday!!!
November 12, 2019 8:42 a.m.