Illusion aggro deck, aim to win by high aggro power while keep a little control on the opponent. This version is more focused on the creatures, so the aggro part; previous versions were a hybrid aggro control deck, but I found it difficult to balance. If I want to be aggressive, I can't remain mana open for counter and so on. So I kept just a lighter control part, with single spell like Vapor Snag and Spell Pierce, and added some more creatures.Spell Snare is really strong too, but I don't have any right now.
My bigger dmg source is
Krovikan Mist
, wich can become pretty fast a 3/3 or 4/4 flying beater. I'm testing
Halcyon Glaze
too as the main source of damages: he is evasive, hits really hard and stays out of mass removal spell, which are usually sorceries. So far, so good.
Quickling is a recent addition to this deck. It s not an illusion, unfortunatly (like the faeries are not enough), but it s a 2/2 flying that can save one of my illusion if they became target of something or even activate my halycion glaze on opponent turn. Quickling doesn't target my creatures, so the sac ability doesn't trigger and, playing it with flash, I can bounce in hand my fragile illusions. Actually I think I can even bounce in hand my halycion glaze: as soon as Quickling enter the battlefield i put in stack its ability first, than the glaze's one. So first the glaze become a creature, than the quickling's ability resolve and a can chose the glaze, wich is a creature now. But I'm not sure about the last thing.
The bread and butter combo of all illusion decks is Lord of the Unreal
Phantasmal Image
: this give you a 3/3 lord hexproof that give hexproof, so you have just to worry about mass removal spell.
More of a for-fun combo, Meloku the Clouded Mirror
Krovikan Mist
- I relly love Meloku, but I know that in a competitive meta he is just too slow. But in casual games I actually use 2 of him, cause can easily fill your board with illusions, stronger and hexproofed by lord and that help
Krovikan Mist
to become bigger.
I tried the combo Archive Trap
Jace's Phantasm
. with the tech of Ghost Quarter too. Is a really strong combo, but to use it proficuosly I think it needs more cards to help it. Like, I don't know, Thought Scour and similar. I don't want to change too much the flavor on a mill deck, so I abandoned the idea. But have a 5/5 flying illusion on turn 2 is amazing.
In progress.
PS I know the illusion's deck version with the Grand Architect + Pili-Pala
. Is definitely strong, maybe stronger. But i don't like it. XD