My most beloved card type are Enchantments. Worst thing about them: once destroyed, it is quite hard to get them back. So how to get around that deficit? Karador, Ghost Chieftain is here to rescue us! Not only can he recur useful enchantment creatures but also get back the whole support cast of non-enchantment creatures.

How the deck started out: Show

How the Deck is built: Show

What the deck is trying to do: Show

How the deck plays out: Show

How the deck wins: Show

How the Deck loses: Show

What the deck doesn't need: Show

  • All the Bestow cards: All of them are overpriced in mana and offer little. Only Nighthowler remains, as he is a nice beater.

  • Sigil of the Empty Throne: Needs at least 6 mana to spawn the first flyer. Draws too much attention. Found myself sacing the tokens more often than attacking with them.

  • Celestial Ancient: When I had him, enough creatures to boost and enough enchantments to trigger him, I was winning already.

  • Starfield of Nyx: Costs 5, does nothing for a turn. The interaction with gods is very complicated and was almost never in my favour.

  • Deadbridge Chant: A 6 mana, mill 10. Nets only one card each turn. Never hit the creature I needed if it even hit. Felt very underwelming compared to the enchantresses.

  • Courser of Kruphix: Really slow card advantage. Just not good enough without multiple land drops.

  • Spirit of the Labyrinth: With all the enchantresses this was effecting my deck the most. I could play around it with sacing and reanimating but it was too much of a hassle.

  • Karmic Guide: Never was amazing. Could get an instant win with Altar of Dementia using the Boonweaver Giant chain which is too cheesy for my taste.

  • Varolz, the Scar-Striped: Thought I needed a sac outlet on a creature. Enchantments are plenty fine though.

  • Helm of the Gods: Nice boost in damage but weaker than Nighthowler.

  • Strength from the Fallen: If you can trigger this enough to kill someone you either have a full graveyard or many enchantments in play which means you are winning already. Either sat in my hand doing nothing or won me the game when any other Constellation would have done the same.

  • Phyrexian Arena: Sounds weird but never amazed me in this deck as a draw option. Only good in the first 5 turns. Feels just weak compared to an enchantress.


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  • OUT Ajani's Chosen -> IN Flickering Ward: The cat was about the weakest creature in the deck. Doesn't feel great to lose a pseudo Constellation trigger for a way to get more Constellation triggers, but it was the weakest anyway.

  • OUT Abzan Charm -> IN Journey to Eternity  Flip: A new plaything. Has about 15 targets. While the transformed part shouldn't be that usefull it still ramps.

Curve has been lowered a bit. Over all MOAR VALUE!
