Reaper King's Good Stuff (Feedback Please)
Commander / EDH
Stormbringer007 says... #2
While that's true that it's not a may ability, all of the triggers go on the stack at once, so I must select all 25 permanents before any of the destroy effects go through. This gives me the option of selecting the same permanent multiple times, causing the remaining destroy effects to effectively fizzle due to their target leaving the battlefield prior to resolving. That's how I understand it according to a couple different places I read up on it.
Also, thanks for the compliments I'm glad you like the deck, I considered putting in a bunch of tutor effects, but I feel like their best use would be to find my general after someone fateseals it. I might throw in Diabolic Tutor because I have one of those, and perhaps even Lightning Greaves because I realized copy effects get around shroud. I feel like playing my general will draw a lot of aggro so I need things to protect him. Maybe even Whispersilk Cloak ? Idk, I feel like more cards that give my things flash would be cool (considering there is only 1 instant). Then I could copy my general in response to someone killing him or something, which I think would be stronger than shroud/hexproof/indestructible because then I get to not only keep my general, but VindiCrow on top of that.
Thanks for the feedback though I'm considering a lot of options for this deck, this is pretty much a rough draft really, Hopefully I'll be able to evolve it as time goes on and make it better. If I can get ahold of some of those cards I will probably put them in. I just don't want to make it too ridiculous that it ends up like my Arcum Dagsson deck and no one wants to play with me XD
November 23, 2013 1:37 a.m.
All these scarecrows/shapeshifters shambling around... They could probably use a Cavern of Souls
November 25, 2013 6:43 p.m.
I love myself some harvesting, and I have my own Reaper King EDH deck. I love cloning things and I love what you did with it, but I have a VERY competitive meta. This seems way too slow due the all the lands that come in tapped, you could think about running Amulet of Vigor . Also, with all those creatures, Ancient Ziggurat could help. Five color decks are the hardest to run mostly due to needing all your colors, so Fist of Suns could help you drop those high-cost spells earlier while making sure King never cost more than five. Maelstrom Nexus seems like a good include, but once someone drops Avacyn, Angel of Hope or something similar, you're irrelevant. Legacy Weapon is in fact a card, and there is an infinite mana combo with Grand Architect and Pili-Pala you could consider, as well as Scarecrone equipped with Thornbite Staff and Composite Golem (which allows for exiling all graveyards with Heap Doll ). This deck also has synergy with Nim Deathmantle , Turntimber Ranger , and Glissa, the Traitor
November 26, 2013 6:43 a.m.
rathalos3000 says... #7
I would suggest adding Kokusho, the Evening Star and Yosei, the Morning Star , that may be very funny xD
December 12, 2013 4:54 p.m.
infinitemana says... #8
Awesome idea. Survival of the Fittest is a great tutor that you should include
December 12, 2013 4:59 p.m.
rathalos3000 says... #10
This deck is very awesome, I tried to build a Reaper King deck as well and it's a lot of fun. Have a look at it, if you want: How to get hated
December 15, 2013 6:44 p.m.
PhageTheUnbeatable says... #11
If you improve your mana base, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker should be in here as an extra Splinter Twin .
January 29, 2014 8:08 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #12
He only copies non-legendaries, but I could see him doing good stuff with Turntimber Ranger , Rune-Scarred Demon , etc.
January 29, 2014 8:11 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #14
How could I have overlooked all the crazy combos with Storm Crow! It's out of my budget right now but as soon as I get my hands on one it's going to be a for sure include!
January 30, 2014 2:03 p.m.
Very nice deck you got there! ;)
I like the idea and will start building my own reaperking soon - what do you think of including some bringers from fifth dawn?
A possible 5cc Bringer of the Blue Dawn or its black pendant eg. seem quite nice to me..
January 30, 2014 8:12 p.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #16
I considered using Bringers, but I am just not very impressed by what they do for their mana costs, the blue Bringer for example, I like him but I'd almost rather have a Consecrated Sphinx .
January 30, 2014 8:22 p.m.
iceiceiceMTG says... #19
You are missing out on the good fun of Legacy Weapon
! ...idk if you feel the same way but i play tribal reaper king and i get a TON of vindicate triggers its so great! what do you think about adding a Gemstone Caverns
? also with access to all of the colors Genju of the Realm
is sweet, Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
has been good fun too. another awesome and fun way to win and nice flavor. Grafted Exoskeleton
March 21, 2014 12:08 a.m.
Stormbringer007 says... #20
There is too much removal in my playgroup to rely solely on reaper king as much as I love gimmicky stuff (which is why I can't let go of Xenograft or rite of rep). If I can't get Reaper King to stick then the scarecrows alone are just plain too bad to run. :- that land and legacy weapon will go in the maybeboard. I would put in Karn Liberated if that was in my budget. I like your suggestions I'll consider them all. Thank you.
Amnesiac_ says... #1
Let me start by saying I love this deck. I used to have one until it became a 5 color planeswalker deck (walkers' wake.) Now lets talk for a second about the Rite of Replication play on the king. I feel I should warn you that the king's static ability is not a may. You must destroy all 25 permanents. If there are not enough on your opponents' fields you must start popping your own. Now since your creature base is not tribal scarecrows you have made use of Xenograft and Conspiracy . Both of these are great for the deck, almost necessary. I would look at adding some tutors so that you can get to them more consistently. Things like Vampiric Tutor , Demonic Tutor , Enlightened Tutor , Diabolic Tutor , and Academy Rector could all prove very useful. Even if you don't use them to get one of the mentioned enchantments they still let you use your entire deck like a toolbox, setting up what you need for the next play. Great deck, keep up the good work!
November 22, 2013 4:52 p.m.