Reaping Life Devastation!
The Very word 'Reap' means to receive something as a consequence of one's own or another actions, simply put if your opponent allows you to gain too much life they'll be consequences! Devastating Consequences!
Early-Game Plays (Amount of Mana 1 - 3)
Hopefully you've gathered this is a life gain deck! So to start out on turn one you want to be playing Serra Ascendant who's 1/1 with lifelink, this isn't to much of a problem for your opponent but the more life you gain the deadlier it becomes! After that you want to play Nyx-Fleece Ram who's going to be gaining you life every turn and acts as basic defender early on in the game. Now to up the anti with a Vampire Nighthawk on turn 3 with lifelink and deathtouch it's pretty self explanatory how much of a badass 3 drop card this is!
It's not all about the creatures in this early game you've got a card called Blind Obedience which gives your creatures that extra protection coming into the combat phase as when creatures or artifacts come into play under your opponents control they enter tapped slowing their defense. Not only that you can also bring out your Chalice of Life
which will later transform into Chalice of Death
Mid-Game Plays (Amount of Mana 4 - 5)
To increase your life gain further bring out your Rhox Faithmender which doubles the amount of life you gain or bring out your Heliod, God of the Sun giving your lifelink creatures vigilance so they're ready to defend and gain you more life. Enchant a couple of Rhox Faithmender's with Sunbond and you're golden for some late game tactics
Now release your Sanguine Bond and sit back and watch as the life you gain is taken from them they're in real trouble now.
Late Game Tactics. (Amount of Mana 6 - 9)
Beacon of Immortality to double your life total when you need to activate the chalice of life transform ability quickly or get your Divinity of Pride into position where it can become a 8/8 or same again with Serra Ascenedant. Also a Beacon of Immortality + Sanguine Bond
combo can finish the game early.
Enemies of this deck and how to deal with them.
The main Enemy of the deck has to be Erebos, God of the Dead which can stop you gaining life which is simply countered by Despise removing the indestructible Erebos before it can even ever the battlefield or exiling it with an Oblivion Ring, but watch out once the Oblivion Ring has been destroyed Erebos is back in play.
More info
This Deck Has been designed to be powerful yet fun to play so all suggestion are welcome but lets quickly point out the obvious cards like...
Felidar Sovereign
Cards like this are boring and this has been recommend to me before.
Exquisite Blood
This card combined with Sanguine Bond just makes the game incredibly boring it's just an instant win play