I am very pleased with this showing at FNM. the results happened with the same exact list you are seeing on the website except I was running Kiora, the Crashing Wave
mainboard instead of the two Clever Impersonator that are currently in the list. Kiora is a really awesome card but I think that Clever Imersonator is really well-placed in the meta right now either being able to copy hexproof creatures or keep the pace of a whip deck by copying their Whip of Erebos or even an Outpost Siege in a red deck.
First Round: Won 2-0 vs. a Jeskai Dragons deck.
The guy that I played against is better than I am at magic overall but I had some well-placed cards against the deck such as mainboard Crus of Fate which blew him out game one and he also had some bad draws. I think on another day he would've beaten me but I played well and was very happy to start the night off with a win.
Second Round: Win 2-0 vs. Abzan Reanimator
This was a pretty familiar-looking Abzan reanimator deck that had Ugin, the Spirit Dragon as well as Assault Formation to keep things interesting. The first game was totally epic. It came down to him playing an Ugin and me immediately stealing it with Dragonlord Silumgar, using the minus ability to wipe the board of everything except Silumgar and Ugin. He then dropped Sidisi, Undead Vizier to tutor a Hero's Downfall to kill Silumgar. I had a Downfall of my own which I used to kill the Ugin. When he first dropped Ugin he bolted me down to two life and then that is when all of these shenanigans began so I am very happy to say that I came out on the positive side of this epic encounter. In game two I honestly won with little problem and was feeling very confident and vindicated in my deck decisions.
Third Round: Lose 1-2 vs. Mono Blue Devo. Splashing Green
I lost this match but am actually very pleased with the experience. The deck was an exact copy of a pro tour mono blue devotion deck that splashed green for Kiora's Follower and Collected Company. First game he ran out of gas and I won. Second game he won with little problem and I didn't see the sideboard cards that I would have wanted. Third game I made the very stupid mistake of Thoughtseizing away a Hypnotic Siren instead of Master of Waves
, thinking that I would have plenty of time to draw removal and be ready, or that I would draw one of my Virulent Plagues which totally bones the Master. I was wrong and he ended up beating me. Usually I am very upset when I lose to netdecked builds at FNM because I usually try to come up with something original but the person I was playing was a very standup guy who is fun to play against and I wasn't really that far from beating him so overall it was an easy loss to swallow.
Fourth Round: Win 2-1 vs. Mono-Black Warriors
He was playing a mono-black aggro deck centered around warriors such as Blood-Chin Rager and Tormented Hero. It is in matchups like this that Ultimate Price and Scaleguard Sentinels rocked the socks. He beat me one game because he was on the play and was too fast for me but in the third game I literally dropped a 3/4 Scaleguard Sentinels on turn two and killed everything he played until Icefall Regent hit the table and by then it was game.
Overall I like how this deck is working out for me and am looking forward to the upcoming FNM. I do not want to get too far ahead of myself because some of the decisions in the deck are kind of janky and this could've easily been a 2-2 night if the first person I played would have drawn better, but you never know. Thanks for reading and for any suggestions you may have given me!