Across Forests and Fjords

Standard smoothtraveler35


zetaalphachi says... #1

Nice to see a Sultai deck that isn't just another Sidisi Whip.

May 6, 2015 5:22 p.m.

Thee_Irishman says... #2

Might I suggest Monastery Siege? With Icefall Regent, Dragonlord Silumgar and Reaper of the Wilds being just a migraine to begin with especially early game, if you could land a Monastery Siege with Icefall Regent especially it could just but a nightmare to get rid of.

May 7, 2015 2:07 a.m.

I do like the idea of Monastery Siege but I really dont know what I want to take out for it. One Bile Blight and Sultai Charm could poasibly be removed for it but I will have to see.

May 7, 2015 8:16 a.m.

Guardians says... #4

Love Assault Formation. Would Silumgar, the Drifting Death be overdoing it?

May 7, 2015 9:02 p.m.

I decided to go with Dragonlord Silumgar because he really helps to swing the board and could even steal a planeswalker which is nuts attached to a dragon that ALSO has deathtouch.

Also, Assault Formation has been removed because it was more of a janky choice to begin with and have found other options to be more effective in the sideboard.

May 12, 2015 8:40 p.m.

Powelly1995 says... #6

Chuck a sneaky Villainous Wealth or two in?

May 17, 2015 11:43 a.m.

Powelly1995 me likey the Villainous Wealth idea and I have a foil but I wouldn't want to cast for anything less than 5 in most cases and without Caryatid (which I don't want in the build), im not sure. However I do like that idea and I will try it out

May 17, 2015 11:54 a.m.

Powelly1995 says... #8

I've been testing a build of this with 4 caryatid over courser, less ashiok and thoughtseize and 3 Villainous. Caryatid is good in the sense that you can do 4 mana plays on turn 3 and it gives you access to any color, though I can see the appeal of courser too.

I'll keep testing and see if I can find a nice list. I love Villainous so if it could be comfortably run it'd be great

May 17, 2015 6:21 p.m.

Ninjadude51 says... #9

Why have read the bones when you can have Dig Through Time? I guess you might need more self mill but its worth it. That card is broken.

May 27, 2015 1:03 p.m.

Honestly I do have Dig Through Time but I dont want to depend on the delve to gain card advantage.

May 28, 2015 4:04 p.m.

Thee_Irishman says... #11

I'm not understanding the Scaleguard Sentinels I'm assuming for blocks, sure. But, I'd rather have scorn over those if I'm gonna be revealing a dragon.

May 29, 2015 5:26 a.m.

Jerkoid says... #12

I second the Silumgar's Scorn over Scaleguard Sentinels. I see you don't have many dragons, which might be why you aren't running it. I could understand if you don't want to do the whole "UB dragons" thing.

If you do, you could use Silumgar, the Drifting Death or Necromaster Dragon and still be unique.

I also think Kiora, the Crashing Wave would do well here, maybe in place of the third Ashiok.

I do like the idea of the Reaper in control decks, I hope you find a way to make her rock.

May 31, 2015 11:55 p.m.

Sentinels does better work than some people realize. I haven't gotten around to updating but this exact list got me 3-1 at FNM on Friday the 29th. I was running 2 Kiora, the Crashing Wave 3 Scaleguard Sentinels and 3 Icefall Regent. I won a fourth Regent in prizes so decided to up the count of it and Sentinels. Dropping it as a turn 2 or 3 3/4 happens a lot and even without the trigger its not the worst thing I could be doing. And yes Reaper of the Wilds always had to compete with Polukranos but the scry triggers add up real quick and since I play a more midrange game with this deck the hexproof helps a lot against more controlling decks.

June 1, 2015 6:39 a.m.

Jerkoid says... #14

Scaleguard also seems dead past turn 5 or so, though. If you need blockers against aggro, you could be boring and use Courser of Kruphix. It's just better.

I feel lame making that suggestion because it's in like every deck. I totally respect people that come up with their own ideas for making a deck work. But Courser is just... better than what you're using. It does the same thing, but better.

June 1, 2015 10:02 p.m.

Warhadow says... #15

Loving the Revocation reference, man. +1!

June 4, 2015 4:44 a.m.

Jerkoid says... #16

Two questions: What is Curse of the Swine for? Do you feel you have enough draw or hand manipulation?

June 4, 2015 3:07 p.m.

Jerkoid, Curse of the Swine was purely something that I put in the list to hose devotion because its kind of a thing right now and a lot of people in my LGS play some variation of explosive G/R dragon decks. I didn't even end up siding it in during the most recent FNM showing. So to answer, for now it is an experiment and also just a funny card when paired with Virulent Plague. Swine Flu Shenanigans.

About the card draw, sometimes I feel as if I do not have enough draw. I wonder if I could take out the Read the Bones for Dig Through Time. I am not sure. When I am dropping Thoughtseize and Read the Bones I am racking up a lot of bleed effects with only one mainboard source of lifegain in Foul-Tongue Invocation so yeah I could probably use some more card draw. I like dem Bonez though because if I have an initial hand that is on the quicker side with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and Scaleguard Sentinels it helps refuel my hand more quickly than waiting for delve to help with Dig.

June 5, 2015 10:17 a.m.

Jerkoid says... #18

Your deck has a lot of proactive cards, so I like the idea of Dig Through Time. It seems like you'd rather be doing things for the first major part of the game and not drawing so much. Dig will work best when this deck most needs it--when you've played your hand almost all the way out and need a closer or stabilizer.

I think you could still use a little bit of early draw--or at least card fixing. If there's a good cantripping creature out there, that might do. Something along the lines of Disciple of Bolas. Except, you know, legal. For now, I'd suggest bumping up the Temple count (you don't really have a turn 1 play) and using Courser of Kruphix. It'll do what Scaleguard Sentinels are doing, if a tad slower, plus fix your hand and help get you to 5-6 mana.

If you go that route, you'll probably want some life-lands and another copy of Foul-Tongue Invocation like you said. Courser does crowd your three-drop, too, so you'll want a two-mana kill spell.

Have you considered Whip of Erebos? It seems good in a deck full of creature beaters like this. Well... these creatures maybe not so much. But maybe.

June 5, 2015 4:48 p.m.

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