
Creature (4)

Sorcery (2)

Enchantment (2)

Temur Control

Wilderness Reclamation is an amazing card to be proactive on my turn playing my own threats like Hydroid Krasis taking advantage of the mana ramp to gain life and draw cards; or abuse Hall of Storm Giants to be able to freely attack and then be able to untap that mana to interact with my opponent on their turn. Another neat trick with Reclamation is that is it means I only need four lands in play to cast Nexus of Fate *list* by tapping the lands floating the mana right before the Reclamation trigger. Wrenn and Six is amazing early to never miss a land drop and a Emblem Wrenn and Six with Shark Typhoon in play keeps the Shark X/X U coming... oh and did I mention Nexus of Fate is a thing in this deck?

  • Counterspell: Says "No..." to stuff. hard counter that I'm so happy Modern Horizons 2 gave us.

  • Cryptic Command: I think this still has what it takes to see Modern play because of its versatility.

  • Fire / Ice: It's awesome tempo and well as great removal... thank you Modern Horizons 2!

  • Growth Spiral: In the same way how this outclassed Explore This is outclassed by Planar Genesis however; the effect of draw and additional land drop is highly desired in this deck.

  • Hydroid Krasis: Disapointing to see early in the game but because of the generous amount of mana ramp it's an excellent payoff. This does work even when countered because on cast you gain life/draw cards.

  • Ice-Fang Coatl: At the additional "burden" of playing Snow-Covered Basic Lands this Modern Horizons 1 snake is amazing pseudo removal and draw.

  • Lightning Bolt: It's removal and it can be direct damage it's a classic and gets better and better in Metas with decks with creatures with 3 toughness or less and reckless with life totals.

  • Nexus of Fate *list*: This is the decks inevitability for victory.

  • Planar Genesis: Modern Horizons 3 has given us the new/improved Growth Spiral providing more card selection.

  • Shark Typhoon: Cycling is an instant speed threat that cant be countered and outright casting it is one heck of a win condition.

  • Sink into Stupor  : Modern Horizons 3 gave us these neat utility spell/lands. It's a generic bounce spell or a desperate land drop and both effects are a welcome addition to this deck.

  • Skred: It's a pretty decent removal spell that gets stronger as the game goes long.

  • Spell Snare: This catches a lot of things... its kinda like Spell Pierce in terms of not always good but a lot of the time feels amazing.

  • Sweltering Suns: Because energy and aggro is so popular its a needed sweeper and at its worst just replaces itself with cycling.

  • Wilderness Reclamation: Mana value engine that can make playing Nexus of Fate *list* a lot easier as well as enable playing on the opponents turn a lot easier.

  • Wrenn and Six: A card that came with Modern Horizons that I had no idea how powerful it was until I played it. This is the biggest reason why to play instead of . This card is amazing for hitting all the land drops and is incredible with utility lands like Boseiju, Who Endures/Otawara, Soaring City or even just repeated cycling with Ketria Triome.


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96% Competitive

Revision 7 See all

(4 months ago)

+2 Spell Snare main
-2 Tale's End side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #17 position overall 3 months ago
  • Achieved #6 position in Modern 3 months ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Ramp 3 months ago
Date added 4 months
Last updated 4 months
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 4 Mythic Rares

19 - 9 Rares

16 - 2 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.66
Tokens Emblem Wrenn and Six, Shark */* U
Folders Modern Decks I Did Not Make, potential decks
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