humans based rakdos deck i started a while back and have been working to tighten things up recently.
Akroan Crusader and Tormented Hero are the 1 drops cant complain about a 2/1 first turn drop even though he comes in tapped and who doesnt like the ablity to pump on turn two and create another 1/1 soldier for free.
Young Pyromancer Thrill-Kill Assassin in the 2 drop spot all to get more humns on the field. the pyromancer creates even more 1/1 tokens, the assassin well, deathtouch + unleash gotta love it.
now in the 3 spot we get to the real hearty stuff Agent of the Fates by far my favorite in this deck he does everything, effective removal both by heroic and deathtouch an d he can just flat beat people up if needed especially when augmented by Madcap Skills flat scary. joining my agent is Xathrid Necromancer this guy just makes things fun. we are now not really worried about loosing our smaller humans as they will just return as a 2/2 zombie.
as a 1 of i love porphoros god of the forge he does some pretty crazy stuff in here cast an instant pumping your crusader trigger his heroic plus trigger the pyromancer now you have 2 1/1 tokens and wait opponent takes 4 damage from porphoros.. throw a necromancer out there maybe two, friends are always welcomed, your going to think twice about destroying my humans now.
Tymaret, the Murder King works well as a sack outlet for 2 damage and if you have necromancers and porphoros even more.
toss in a few instants to pump creatures for damage and trigger heroic abilites and we are happy, fun deck to play.
been thinking a lot about runing Strionic Resonator mainly to double the removal capabilites of Agent of the Fates any thoughts on this?