try to make some devils burn.look for some good replacement with kaladesh maybe it gonna splash blue for couterspellsNow on fnm i went 4-2. I found out this deck hate mono with angle decks with Authority of the Consuls and Always Watching
my last FMN end 3-1, i beat 2 G/B-delium(one with Prized Amalgam and another with Mindwrack demon) and 1 tower deck. lost to vampires , but it was a close match up.
2x Avacyn's Judgment is most for R/W vehicles since they easy can take 1-2 1 drops out and the RW moterist out. will sideboard more ind.
devils are for big guys with with no first strike, really that sucks. they play a big creature / next turn play devils and run at them. ex. they go gideon turn 4 and get a can devil into gideon + the blocker down.. .. they play iskana,... deviles just straihgt at Ishkanah or mind wrackdemon that think they are safe in the air, or a gear hulk except the red one...
bomat..1. dont care about the exilied cards, maybe you oppenet will, most of the time think its a bonus. If they dont blocked it the first 2-3 rounds even if they got a 1/1 just run the little fellow in. Remeber you gonna shine at 3 drops with prodder and hanweir. also you madness with him also nice trick to do. only do it if you cant do any more else with your hand. after turn 3, maybe save a red mana for draw the cards.. but really dont hold it back
sin prodder basic let you draw 1 extra card each turn, in a burn deck more = more damage. Most of the time ppl get rid of it asap, remeber it got menace, so can attack if they only got guy down. they also a crew to skyship.
lands: hanweir gives alot of token like 1 attack with hanweir come up on 3 creature they for a Westvale Abbey or Hanweir Battlements. Spawning Bed you one 7 mana. really for the late late game there you ult chandra clean the board, before the next turn you kill spawning bed and Chandra makes 2 tokens = 5 = Ormendahl and you win the game, remember ormendahl cant be countered .