First off future me, I had the idea for red burn the morning before the pro tour started. I did not steal it from the winning deck. Also, you probably remember the terror that those Abbot's inspired in you when you thought you weren't going to get the ones you bought for 3$ a piece. Anyway, this is a big deck overhaul, I'm switching from aggro with a goblin sub-theme to straight burn. Here is the old list. Control F and type 2015-08-06.
Alright now onto the new list!
So Abbot of Keral Keep, I admit I wasn't the biggest fan of. Partly i don't realty like the impulsive draws and would rather have rummaging, but also I didn't rely get that he had prowess, which makes him 10x better. Luckily, a friend got me to pick up a play set before the spike to 10$ a piece, as well as more Exquisite Firecraft (though I am short one still) and I FINALLY got Stoke the Flames. I was able to find a 2$ promo one as well! exciting. The card I was most excited about actually, was Scab-Clan Berserker. My primary playtest buddy is a Jeski tempo and Jeski aggro kind of guy, a regular spellslinger, so I'm excited to try to hamper that with some budget Eidolon of the Great Revel (one day ill get them... not today). I shall see how I feel about this new list. Piledrivers are falling, I guess I have them to fall back on if I am not a fan of burn. But really, who isn't?