Red Deck Wins FNM 1st Place 6x

Standard aaronmaxey


martinbr says... #1

when did you make this deck?

November 13, 2013 1:23 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #2

I was just putting it together to play test it

November 14, 2013 2:21 p.m.

Chaos_Gopher says... #3

Nice deck. Similar to something I was considering to take on the mono decks that are running rampant at my game store. I could see Legion Loyalist in the sideboard to switch in against the mono-blue build. +1 for sure.

December 9, 2013 11:45 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #4

Thanks Sinbringer this deck is pretty good! The key is willing to mulligan if its just an average hand. I would be interested to hear how it does at your LGS. If you try it let me know how it does!

December 9, 2013 11:53 a.m.

xTCBxNightmare says... #5

Deck is fun, and similar to mine.

Instead of 2 Lightning Strike and 4 Magma Jet , I run 3 Magma Jet , 3 Lightning Strike , and 3 Mizzium Mortars .

I can overload a Mizzium Mortars Much easier, since i Also run 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx (Contemplating a 3rd). Also, instead of Rakdos Shred-Freak , I use Burning-Tree Emissary . BT Emissaries make for great Turn twos, when you can can lay down your hand even faster. You just have to becareful doing so against esper.

Firedrinker Satyr is good against esper too, since you can make it more and more powerful with your excess mana. Legion Loyalist is good for selesnya match ups.

A final, and fun change that I have with my deck, instead of Madcap Skills (which i do like in your deck), I use Rubblebelt Raiders , which do end up becoming 9/9s that become neccessary to block.

Concider any of those cards

IF you have the money to drop, maybe a Chandra, Pyromaster , Who's 0 ability allows you basically a second draw, speeding up your deck.

Maybeboard: Firefist Striker . Can be good against your Green Ramp decks/BW Lifelink

Ill try to upload my deck and send you a link.


December 9, 2013 11:59 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #6

xTCBxNightmare All solid Suggestions good sir! I will have to fiddle around with my deck and playtest with some of those ideas. Yeah I would be interested to see your deck and how it plays.

December 9, 2013 12:03 p.m.

Fizzz says... #7

Would you consider Trouble vs control decks?

December 19, 2013 10:24 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #8

Fizzz Yes I think I will throw that in the sideboard right now! Thanks!!

December 19, 2013 10:30 a.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #9

hmmm not much of a red player personally but i do like the concept i played a few games with your deck and it is a real fast hit most of the time the other decks could not catch up +1 although i think burning tree emissary would be a bad addition the mana it gives is the problem it gives one green and one red most of your cards are all solid red mana only so i would not unless you completly re edit this deck

December 19, 2013 10:53 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #10

mrtibbs24 yeah I was leaning no on Burning-Tree Emissary . I am a control player so this RDW was made by a noob to aggro! Thanks man you should give it a try for a week at FNM.

December 19, 2013 11 a.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #11

lol i would but im not a mono red guy myself i like it in combo but not alone im a jund grixis kinda guy

December 19, 2013 11:34 a.m.

mrtibbs24 says... #12

you said you were a control kinda guy right? if so you prob play grixis i want to see what you think i could do to help my deck out but no jace AOT the dragon grixis control

December 19, 2013 11:37 a.m.

kapiooken says... #13

Match # 3 RDW MIRROR MATCH 2-1 Win

This match was obnoxious simply because this kid takes forever to play his turns. We almost went to time and we were both playing aggro RDW...1st game he won, I had creatures he just got there with a Stormbreath Dragon and a Lightning Strike . 2nd game was mine from the start. I used Fanatic of Mogis and dealt 14 damage from his enter the battlefield ability. 3rd game was filled with misplays from both players but I stuck it out and won the game after killing his dragon with my Boros Reckoner who was the target of a Mizzium Mortars

not hard to win when u redirect a trigger of a white/red card onto a dragon with pro white yes? illegal play got you the win there appearantly.

December 24, 2013 7:57 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #14

wow didnt even realize that at all! how did both players miss that! And there was a judge watching too. That sucks I feel horrible!

December 24, 2013 8:06 a.m.

kapiooken says... #15

what does your LGS meta look like and how many people playing the fnm on average?

December 24, 2013 8:18 a.m.

aaronmaxey says... #16

Lots of Devotion Decks, A couple of Esper control, and a few people that play random stuff every week. Prob about 20-25 people each time

December 24, 2013 11:42 p.m.

kapiooken says... #17

same attendance as our fnm the devotion decks are those U / B or are dev to R and GR devotion also represented?

December 25, 2013 5:10 p.m.

Oldschool930 says... #18

Looks pretty nasty for sure. You know, Burning-Tree Emissary could help you out. Even with the RG mana it produces, you could use the green as a colorless. Legion Loyalist is a nice one drop as well. But, it seems what you have is working just fine. +1 from me!

January 5, 2014 2:05 p.m.

billpasdmf says... #19

Good curve.

January 8, 2014 12:07 p.m.

Like many of the other RDWs.
I suggest for mainboard:

And for the sideboard:

  • -2 Burning Earth

  • -1 Purphoros

  • 1-2 Skullcrack (If you have heavy in control meta)

  • 1-2 Frostburn Weird (if you have heavy agro meta).

  • I would also try to work in another Legion loyalist and all 4 Rakdos Shrd Frks.

Magma Jet is super useful removal, and the scry keeps the consistancy. Instead of scrying, you should add lands

Since you are bothering to use 2 Purphoros Mainboard, may as well use Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. By dropping two mountains and adding 4 Nykthos, you will increase you chance of getting them and hitting land drops without a problem. Consistancy is Key for a constant pressure of aggro, so that you dont run out gas.

I suggest also ditching the Rakdos Shred freaks from your mainboard, and going sideboard. They are mighty good against control decks not expecting more haste. Mainboard against another aggro, they will easily just trade - not that trading is always awful.

I threw in the Burning-Tree Emissary s because they make for amazing turn twos. I have played 4 in a turn, and i have pulled off 3 in a turn during an FNM. I'll just say I "Won" instead of.. well "Slaughtering" my opponent (he was not happy).

BT Ems also give you two devotion a peice (which is why you side them out against esper, since they are likely to supreme verdict you; If you lay down your whole hand against a control deck that can board wipe, you run the chance of them getting a 5-for-1). Rkdork Shred freaks go in from the SB in the BT Ems' place.

You dont need lots of removal. you should just be swinging in every turn for the win. And the removal you have needs to be effective - Mizzium mortars. It serves as early or mid game emergancy removal, or late game board clear. Also deals with Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Just beware it is only sorcery speed.

Legion loyalist should play a part in your deck. It is a bomb for one mana. everything gets trample (Ehh for your deck), cant be blocked by Creature tokens (Situational), and First Strike (MONEY!). He can win you board pressence. Side in extra against selsnya and Mono blue.

Worst case senario, you play madcap skills on an Ash Zealot, you go to swing, and they kill it with a burn spell or doom blade. That is a 2-for-1 you cannot afford with a RDW. Its good (midgame) to draw into if you have been trading creatures. Since you cannot draw extra cards each turn (Except Chandra's middle exiling ability, or Wild Guess , which is not really promising.), a loss of card advatage will lead you to run out of gas very quicker.

Also Titan strength is a great card.. in limited. Standard, it fairs okay. Still, the 2-for-1 can be detremental. Although, you do scry one, so it becomes a 1.5-for 1. :P

Burning earth is good, but sometimes to slow, and can just be detention sphered, or countered, and will cost you a turn against a control deck. cards like Chandra's Phoenix and Firedrinker Satyr are way more effective.

Skull crack is so amazing against esper. Why run 2? Run 4! your average esper deck runs 3-4 Sphinxes revelations. take that 20$ value card (at the moment) and make it only half as effective! plus they take 3 to the face. thats way better then just lightning striking them. I play Esper, and I know this awful feeling.

I like Frostburn weirds for the mirror match, because with a mana, they can turn into a 2/3, handling most two drops like ash zealot, which will hurt to play against.

I know this is a lot of feedback, so read it slowly, or ignore it. Best of luck :D

January 8, 2014 4:47 p.m.

aaronmaxey says... #21

xTCBxNightmare Thanks for the Feedback! I have been fiddling with this deck and slowly perfecting it! I am waiting to acquire Legion Loyalist and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Thanks for taking time to comment! HAMMER TIME!

January 12, 2014 3:21 p.m.

thugstar says... #22

January 15, 2014 11:07 a.m.

@ thugstar

T1 Akroan Crusader

T2 Madcap skills in response doomblade you loss card advantage. Better to just use just another creature.

2 madcap skills is good against decks that lack removal. running a play set allows for you to lose card advatage if uncareful.

Also running Akroan in a non-boros-heroic deck is a bad idea. If any enchantment should be used to target this heroic without the loss of card advantage (as much) is Dragon Mantle since it cycles. but if response i kill whatever you are enchanting, the enchantment doesnt actually resolve and you dont draw a card.

Also, aaronmaxey, I would actually only run 1 hammer, and board in a second vs. control.

Creatures>enchantments or burn in an aggro deck

January 15, 2014 11:34 a.m.

rufio1406 says... #24

Idk I would take a doom blade to Akron crusader any day. Now adding Favored Hoplite would be way more interesting for when you buff him up.

January 15, 2014 12:04 p.m.

rufio1406 says... #25

But that would also require spending on red white lands

January 15, 2014 12:08 p.m.

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