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Red Deck Wins or Burn? Both will kill you! -B mode

Modern Burn Red Deck Wins





Now, you can have both of them in just a single deck!

Even if you are a lazy guy (as me), this deck is for you, as it is easily driven!

Excuse my english, it is not my mother language

This deck has not been fully tested, just a few games against a few fellows, although it seems to work.

I am a lazy player, and I don't like to think what to put or to quit when side decking. For me, most of the time it is easy to know what to side in, but not what to side out.

Also, I don't want to spent a lot of money on a deck.

I have a cheap mono-red RDW deck with many cards against (almost) every thing in the side deck, and it was a headache to me just to know what to side deck in&out, just to lose because my opponents did know what to side deck against me. I though "it will be great to make useless his side decking"

So a "cheap" and easy/lazy deck was necesary for me, and this flash in my head was this.

The idea in this deck is to have 2 differents decks: A mode is a Red Deck Win (Aggro?) deck, with the strong direct damage spells and creatures. In B mode, it is a Burn deck: you quit all the creatures and put in all the direct damage spells available.

If you are lucky, perhaps the opponent will sidedeck against a RDW deck just to face a different deck, making his anti-creature sidedeck useless.

As there is really not a side deck for sidedecking your opponent, you have not to though about what to do: just to set it in A mode or B mode :)

It is advised to play the first game in A mode (more on this later).

Notice there is 14 creatures and 13 spells to be exchanged, so it is up to you which 2 creatures to be left. I have 2 places left, so I put in 2 Shattering Spree, but perhaps you want to put 2 another things, as Leyline of Punishment, Blood Moon... or 2 more spells...

I have only just the 4xTemple of Triumph but it did work better with shocklands, and much better with fetchlands, as it feeds Grim Lavamancer


Just the big direct damage cards: 3 damages with 1 mana ( Lava Spike Rift Bolt Lightning Bolt), or other big direct damage ones: Boros Charm Lightning Helix.

Boros Charm will help also to do the little combo; more on this later.

Thunderous Wrath is a great card, but a shame if it is in your opening hand. But worse to have it in your opening hand is to draw it the very first card, so you can not cast it as no mana is in the table :D Damm Magic, it happens, believe me.

Searing Blaze is a powerful card, but can be useless: your opponent HAS TO have a creature on the table when you cast it. It doesn't matter if target creature is not there when spell resolves (or opponent get shred), spell still does damage to remaining target. If opponent has no creatures or just a few of them, quit it in next game, as it will be useless. Try to keep one land in your hand, so you can cast this at full strength.

If you have Lava Spike and Rift Bolt in your opening hand, the correct one to cast is Rift Bolt, as you will do at least 6 damages on 2nd turn.

---A MODE--->Red Deck Wins or Burn? Both will kill you! -A mode

This A MODE deck can win in T3, more on this later.

Grim Lavamancer is good as it eats your graveyard damaging your opponent, so your used cards are not useless. Remove it if opponent has graveyard-eater creatures, like Scavenging Ooze

Hellspark Elemental is a must in any Red Deck Wins deck.

Kiln Fiend is our little combo card. You cast it in T2. In T3 you attack. If opponent receives the damage, throw him a Lightning Bolt (+3 damages) and a Boros Charm at Kiln Fiend giving it double strike, making +14 damages, for a total of 17 damages in T3. Awesome. More on this later.

Satyr Firedancer is a card I love. My friends do not like it very much, they say Young Pyromancer is better. I don't think so. When you are playing a RDW you have to choose to shoot at the opponent or kill his creatures, as you need the field open to attack. With satyr firemancer you have not to think (the lazy boy is back!) what to do. Just do both, a shoot at his head and a creature dead. Satyr Firedancer has demonstrated to be really good against decks with many little annoying creatures, as goblins.

Young Pyromancer seems only good to me as it creates little creatures to stop attacking ones, but not removing them. Perhaps instead of 3x, I should place 2x and 3x[[satyr firedancer]...

---B MODE---> Red Deck Wins or Burn? Both will kill you! -B mode

B MODE can not win in T3, or I have not find how to do it. But to win in T4 is much easier than in A mode.

In this mode, most of your card will be direct damage ones. Most of the time you will not kill his creatures, just throw all you have to his head. Don't do it in your turn, wait until he said "your turn" and do it all in his end phase.

Kill as soon as possible any life link creature he cast. They are your worst enemy.

If he is playing a counter deck, cast your cards in your turn if he has all his mana tapped, or in his maintenance phase, so it will have to tap his lands to counter your spells, and will have no free mana to cast is own cards.

In B mode you will have to side in almost all cards in your side and side out your creatures.

Many times you will have 2 free slots for creatures. Which ones to keep is up to you. I mainly side in Hellspark Elemental but Satyr Firedancer or Kiln Fiend are good options.

As I said, this B mode is easy to play: just burn the hair of his head.

Shrine of Burning Rage is the strange card in B mode, and the reason to play B mode in 2nd game and not reverse.

This card is very strange, and most of the players do not anticipate it. And do not expect it. At the beginning of your maintenance phase, it earn a counter. Every time you cast a red spell, add another one. Most of the players will see it as a "what a sht of a card, it is sooo bad...", just to realize 3 turns later it has 7 or 8 counters on it. And they will die because this funny artifact.

The very first time you cast it, they will not see it as a menace, and you will explode their heads... so fun...

If you play B mode in your first game, Shrine of Burning Rage will do his job, but you will lost the surprise in your 2nd game. Or they will side in against it, or they will think "he will side out it, because now I know it and I will not let it be there". So, 50% of the times opponents will be in a useless side decking in 2nd game.

If you play this card in 2nd game, they will never expect it and they always will be burn. Ok, you know, not always, but most of the times. If they have anti-artifacts in their main deck or in their side deck, they will not be in main deck in the 2nd game, making this artifact even stronger.

Shrine of Burning Rage add more to the surprise idea of this game. Many players will side deck in 2nd game against a RDW deck, with creatures, just to find in 2nd game there is no creatures to stop/kill.

---HOW TO PLAY--- more or less.

Play your deck as normal. in 2nd game try to cheat your opponent, as he has not to notice you are side in all your side deck. Just side in a few cards, shuffle, side in a few more cards, and repeat a few times. You have to look like "what the hell I am going to side deck?"

Another trick is to put in all your side deck as by error and claim damm, I shuffle all my sidedeck! I have to check it completely! what a foul am I!

In game 3 (hey, you should not play this game, you have to win 2-0 always!), you have to shuffle all your side deck in the main deck, and your opponent has to notice it. Now he knows you are a cheater and will look at you. After shuffling, start removing cards to your side deck, and he will not have a clue what deck are you playing now, the A or B one. If you want to be more dramatic, throw a dice/coin to choose a deck, so he will be even more lost. Of course, you don't have to choose what the coins chooses, just let your opponent believe it.

---MAYBE BOARD---Assault Strobe is the card used in mono red decks to give double strike to Kiln Fiend or Chandra's Spitfire.

I am planning a C MODE deck to substitute A MODE deck, with Assault Strobe, Kiln Fiend, Chandra's Spitfire and Boros Charm In this C mode Apostle's Blessing will be in to be sure attacking creature has protection against your opponent things.

Sensei's Divining Top and Reforge the Soul are cards I like, but I am not sure were they can fit.

What about Quest for Pure Flame? It can replace Shrine of Burning Rage, seeing game in 2nd game togethers, or just be there sitting in the side deck to side-in in 3rd game (as we have 2 free slots, and one of the ideas was not to side deck, just change the deck). Or not. Any comments are welcomed.

gobling guide seems to be a must card in most of the RDW decks, but I don't see it, and it is expensive (in money), btw. Also, as a lazy player I am, to see what my opponent next card is, just make me think, and as I told you previously, I don't want to think, just cast my hand away soon and fast.

vexin devil is another card to must have in a RDW deck. And it is expensive. My boy says: dad, if it expensive it is because it is good, like gobling guide It is not an argument I like, but really, if it is expensive, it should be good. Anyway, I have just one, and even it is not mine but leased. And to have just one it is not that good. You have to have 4 so you can have it in your opening hand, because in mid or late game it is a bad card. Again, against little creatures it is a bad card. It dies against every other card. Oh, and my boy says dad, it is better to have one than none. Damm Magic.

What creatures will be you move out to make room for 4xGoblin Guide and/or 4xVexing Devil?


This deck is just the one I have here. It will work much better with shockland, fetchlands, more vexin devil, Goblin Guide,... but I have not the budget to buy all this cards, and I want to test the decks as I have here. Feel free to custom it at your desiree.

I have also a Legacy version of this deck Red Deck Wins or Burn? Both will kill you! with more powerfull cards.


This has been a very long text. Votes, hints, and ideas are really welcomed.

Thank you for your time.

PS: I can sell this deck completely for 90, just contact me.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 5 Rares

27 - 7 Uncommons

10 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
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