took this deck to its first FNM and went 3-1-1
Round 1: I played a pretty bad green devotion deck. Burned all her mana dorks so she never really got to drop anything. Won 2-0
Round 2: Played my friend's white weenie deck, beat him 2-0 in 2 pretty close games
Round 3: Lost to an Esper control/midrange deck 1-2. First game he stabilized early with a Nightveil Specter, ashiok and a blood baron. Second game I wiped the floor with him. Game three he just barely managed to beat me with his Master of Waves
when he had 1 life left
Round 4: Won 2-0 against some kind of RUG devotion deck. I'm not really sure what he was trying to do because I killed him before he could really do anything
Decided to draw with my final opponent so we could both go top 8 finished the night 9-2 overall
I was really pleased with how consistent the deck played. I only had to mull on time the whole night. 1 land, 2 lands, 3 lands my hands all ended up working out really nicely.
That being said I'm considering either splashing white to add Chained to the Rocks, Last Breath in the sideboard and possibly Boros Charm
OR adding Mutavaults for extra creatures but adding one or both gives me concerns about consistency which I would say is one of the biggest pros of the deck right now.