red green big sh!t aka gruul

Standard Gator_Is+Beast


miracleHat says... #1

not a bad start actually, you might want to try more Elvish Mystic . instead of Savageborn Hydra the new Mistcutter Hydra looks pretty sweet. other than that, i would try to acquire more Scavenging Ooze and having fun!

September 14, 2013 10:50 a.m.

NightStrix says... #2

Friends dont let friend play Dryad Militant mainboard and Gruul Charm AT ALL

Also you need more instant removal, I suggest the new Magma Jet or Lightning Strike . And for creatures I ask do you ever get a turn 2 and you cant play Kalonian Tusker ? I also like Burning-Tree Emissary with another 2 drop

Hopefully this helps =D

September 14, 2013 10:53 a.m.

Gator_Is+Beast says... #3

NightStrix what do you recommend over the Dryad Militant and what would be better to deal with flyers then the Gruul Charm or what would u replace it with

September 14, 2013 12:11 p.m.

NightStrix says... #4

Experiment One looks great in this deck

And for flyers you can play Arbor Colossus if you want to be more creature based or just get more removal thats always good

September 14, 2013 1:05 p.m.

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