I Warned You! Now Deal With The Dragons!

Standard Midgardsormr


horatio13 says... #1

this is a large improvement from last time, you might want to replace terra stomper with some dragon to fit the theme better.

September 14, 2015 6:37 a.m.

Midgardsormr says... #2

Yeah that would make sence. So I'll put in Foe-Razer Regent instead.

Thank you very much, it was a great help.

September 14, 2015 7:39 a.m.

horatio13 says... #3

your welcome.

September 14, 2015 7:54 a.m.

Sgreenden says... #4

Waaaayyy toooo slooow, no t1 no turn 4, and a bad curve all together. But I can help you some but jsut please tell em how you are goign to use the deck? Kitchen TAble? MTGO? Casual games? FNM?

September 15, 2015 9:24 p.m.

Sgreenden says... #5

http://tappedout.net/users/Sagarys/mtg-deck-folders/ heere are so very fun and flavorful casual decks!

September 15, 2015 9:30 p.m.

Midgardsormr says... #6

My intend is to use it for FNM.

September 17, 2015 6:24 a.m.

CPD says... #7

I don't know what your budget is like, but first, this is rather slow. I'd suggest getting at least some Beastcaller Savant instead of leaf guilder, and then fit in Shaman of Forgotten Ways. Now, here's where we make a bit of a split. The heart of this deck will be rotating soon.

I suggest that unless you try to make it modern, or at the very least casual, you don't make too many more modifications. Now, if you want to go casual, (which I HIGHLY recommend for now) I suggest Xenagos, God of Revels instead of the regent. Playing Atarka on turn 4 with the right ramp, after Xenagos has made her a 12/12 with haste, and her natural double strike is BRUTAL. Only 2-3 copies, though. Then, you can run a playset of Elvish Mystic, and try to save up for Birds of Paradise over time to make it better and more modern viable. (Yes, they are increasing in price. I bought mine when they were $5 each, now they're climbing, I know, and I know they're not cheap for us casual players, but my deck just needed that "any color")

Something else I recommend is actually going Jund (red/green/black) for the more traditional dragon flair and more power. (Jund was the shard of Alara which was home to dragons and was very dragon flavored. Now, we can re-visit with Khans-Block dragons and make it amazing if you know what to do.) You run a very cheap Dragonlord Kolaghan as a 2 or 3 of, backup Surrak, the Hunt Caller in case you don't ramp right or it's removed, along with Xenagos, and the proper ramp (t1 mystic or birds, turn 2 shaman of forgotten ways) and have some Thunderbreak Regent to round it out, and you've got a powerhouse deck! Now, it will die to removal, but in casual, oh geeze! Trust me, it's a POWERHOUSE in casual play, and swapping the expensive landbase for a few copies of Rootbound Crag and Dragonskull Summit as you save up, and if you can get a Savage Lands or two, then if you don't want to spend much for better ramp in the turn 2 position, Sylvan Caryatid is cheap now, as is Beastcaller Savant or my trusted favorite, Zhur-Taa Druid.

Of course, if you figure out how to do it right, you can make a turn 4 combo deck out of it, with t1 mystic/bird, turn 2 shaman, turn 3 xenagos or kolaghan, turn 4 atarka.

Hope this helps!

March 9, 2016 10:58 p.m.

CPD says... #8

Should mention that not all of those suggestions would need to be followed at once. You can slowly go into casual mode with Zhur-ta, Xenagos, mystics, and surraks, then eventually add the proper landbase to swap out to Kolaghan instead of, say, Ventmaw, and slowly upgrade. Actually, that's what I recommend. Throw in some Storm's Fury, try to get some Broodmate Dragons and slowly work your way toward a decent jund deck. Very fun and powerful deck.

March 9, 2016 11:03 p.m.

Midgardsormr says... #9

Thanks for the feedback, its very appreciated.

I brought the deck to FNM, and I got my but kicked. It is too slow i agree. I will try make it green/red/black and add the cards you suggest. I want it to stay standard legal, and Im aware of the rotation, so i will replace the KTK and FRF cards.

Could Dragonlord's Servant be useful as a ramp?

March 9, 2016 11:32 p.m.

Hideousgamer says... #10

First thing is first in terms of your land base it could be a little better. What I mean is tapped lands suck which I am sure you have came to see that lol. 3x Smoldering Marsh is better over Cinder Barrens also why no 4x Cinder Glade ?? you would have all three colors between these two cards.

March 11, 2016 12:06 a.m. Edited.

alcor91 says... #11

if you want to stay on dragons i suggest to replace Savage Ventmaw with Thunderbreak Regent is a great pain to deal with and since you can use Foe-Razer Regent's ability only with himself you can change it with 2 Boltwing Marauder and cost 2 less too, taking out 1 Dragon Tempest for 2 Painful Truths can help you not have empty hand, then i would take out the Titanic Growth for 1 more Ultimate Price and 3 Foul-Tongue Invocation; in Sideboard what about changing the Reclaiming Vines for Naturalize and Rending Volley for Tears of Valakut?

March 11, 2016 12:09 a.m.

Midgardsormr says... #12

Thank you very much.

I can totally see the advantage in using Cinder Glade and Smoldering Marsh, but if I am adding 4 of each, should it be instead of basics, and would that not lower the chance of using them?

I thought that Foe-Razer Regent gave counters to all attacking creatures, but I can see it's only fighting creatures, so yeah it's pretty useless for that mana costs. Thunderbreak Regent and Boltwing Marauder are good suggestions I like the low costs. Tears of Valakut is only creatures with flying, the reason I wanted Rending Volley was to use it against control decks, but that's maybe stupid?

March 11, 2016 12:32 a.m.

Hideousgamer says... #13

4x Cinder Glade

3x Smoldering Marsh

4x Evolving Wilds

6x Forest

5x Mountain

2x Swamp

I think that land base is best overall but as you play the deck you can fine tune it.

March 11, 2016 12:40 a.m. Edited.

Midgardsormr says... #14

I changed the land base and it looks much better now thx.

March 11, 2016 1:05 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #15

I think you could use a 1 of the two Spirit Dragon lands: Haven of the Spirit Dragon and Crucible of the Spirit Dragon could be great here.

March 11, 2016 7:10 a.m.

Midgardsormr says... #16

Yeah they sure could I will go with Haven of the Spirit Dragon as the other is FRF

March 11, 2016 7:46 a.m.

Sizzlewump says... #17

What about trying Lightning Shrieker's to get more triggers from Dragon Tempest? This may also help you from decking yourself in a rare circumstance. Since you are able to draw extra cards, in the late game you might have a really good chance to draw the shriekers over and over.

March 11, 2016 1:34 p.m.

Midgardsormr says... #18

Yeah but Lightning Shrieker is from FRF, so it will rotate out next month.

March 11, 2016 3:17 p.m.

Harbynger says... #19

Dragonmaster Outcast, Avaricious Dragon, Whisperer of the Wilds, Savage Ventmaw and Shockmaw Dragon would all be good cards. I have been playing around with a R/G Dragon deck (below), but it's not quite there yet. The Ultimate Price needs to have a sideboard option, due to a lot of colorless/devoid decks out there right now. Reave Soul will work on smaller creatures, or Kolaghan's Command could be a good card here.

R/G Dragon Ramp

Standard* Harbynger


March 18, 2016 10:33 a.m.

Harbynger says... #20

Though Shockmaw Dragon and Whisperer of the Wilds rotate out in April :(

March 18, 2016 10:34 a.m.

Midgardsormr says... #21

Harbynger Thank you for your comments.

Yeah I could see a good use in Dragonmaster Outcast for the low mana, and in combination with Dragon Tempest.
The cards that rotate out in April, is not worth it imo.
I had Savage Ventmaw in the deck, but changed it due its high mana costs.
I can easy see what you mean with Ultimate Price so that I have an alternative Reave Soul is a good suggestion.
Kolaghan's Command is to expensive for my budget as a card that rotate out in the autumn.

March 19, 2016 1:39 p.m.

oneAnonymouS says... #22

I'd add a couple of Hissing Quagmire for control decks.

March 31, 2016 8:32 p.m.
May 7, 2016 12:18 a.m.

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