Red Scare: Zada EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH* Daedalus19876

SCORE: 324 | 277 COMMENTS | 57653 VIEWS | IN 113 FOLDERS

Sanguisuga says... #1

Hey I just noticed in your notable omissions cards list, you listed arcbond. You should reconsider that one, as it actually does work with Zada, unless someone deals damage to the first creature that has the card resolve copying it, in response to the next copy resolving. I've won more than one game off of pinging everyone else at the table for 1 (without taking damage, myself), casting arcbond on Zada, and following up with blasphemous act. So long as you have 3 or more creatures, you win the game with 1 life left.

(Arcbond works while Chandra's Ignition doesn't because arcbond grants an ability to a creature, it doesn't deal the damage itself until after the ability is triggered by another source, and usually by then, all copies have resolved, meaning they will cause a chain reaction)

April 8, 2019 1:01 a.m.

eagleneb91 says... #2

Fists of Flame from Modern Horizons is an auto-include. Can't wait!

May 20, 2019 6:43 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #3

Sanguisuga: The issue is that 1) that combo kills you as surely as your opponents, and 2) your creatures die from the damage after the first time they get hit. Let's imagine I have 4 creatures plus Zada, and I cast Lightning Bolt on one of the tokens. The first token takes the damage, then it spreads to every other creature I control and deals 3 to each player. Those creatures die, but each chain 3 more damage to each player. I've dealt 15 damage to each player, including myself, and killed all of my tokens (and probably all creatures my opponents control). I'm not interested in that effect when it kills my whole board and damages me equally.

eagleneb91: Yeah! I was considering pulling this deck apart, but I might end up keeping it specifically for that and the new Pyromancer XD

May 21, 2019 4:02 p.m.

BabyDoc says... #4

Since Arcbond came up... I agree it doesn't work well with Zada as your commander. But in certain combinations (red/white with a lot of lifelink, red/black with Whip of Erebos ...) the lifelink can keep you alive while the Arcbond wipes out your opponent(s).

Really, though, I just wanted to say how pleased I am at Fists of Flame!

May 28, 2019 4:32 p.m.

brianguy132 says... #5

What do you think of heroic cards as they appear very strong in the deck. Akroan Conscriptor and Akroan Crusader look great.

June 1, 2019 12:45 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #6

brianguy132: Issue is that Zada's ability doesn't cast, so the heroic trigger doesn't go off.

June 2, 2019 11:18 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #7

June 11, 2019 1:04 p.m. Edited.

ya_boi_walt says... #8

Steelberserk: Fists of Flame has to be added, more immediate card draw and a win condition. Also might not be obvious but Finale of Promise is what this deck wants since it's actually cast the spell from your graveyard to get the Zada trigger

June 26, 2019 10:50 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #9

Steelberserk: The deck is being rebuilt, stand by for updates.

June 26, 2019 11:36 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #10

Updated for the moment~!

June 26, 2019 6:05 p.m.

seenakrauser says... #11

Standing by!

July 15, 2019 4:51 a.m.

NoComment says... #12

Would psychosis crawler work as a viable kill condition with all of the card draw spells?

February 12, 2020 5:50 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #13

NoComment: It would work, but it feels a little wasteful compared to most of the other options IMO.

...I need to rebuild this list, haha. Underworld Breach opens up so many opportunities...

February 12, 2020 7:25 p.m.

Do it ittttttttt

February 22, 2020 9:55 a.m.

BomberDan says... #15

So I've been running a variant of this deck and absolutely love it... It's been a lot of fun. I actually took out dual caster mage and aetherfux reservoir because in my play group I felt I was winning too consistently and the infinite combo/heads hot mechanics weren't that satisfying of wincon.

I love fiery gambit, but had some confusion on its mechanics... The way that we've interpreted it is that with the first coin flip you must win and you must target zada with the three damage to copy it to all other creatures. Is this correct? I've not yet found a consice answer.

March 25, 2020 9:29 a.m.

dogehkiin says... #16

Have you considered adding Goblin Chirurgeon ?

May 5, 2020 2:39 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #17

BomberDan: Glad you enjoy it! I use Fiery Gambit in a specific way -- when you target Zada with the 3 damage, you immediately copy it to every other creature you control. You don't need to wait to win the first flip. And in general, I always go for the highest level of Gambit -- statistically, I'll hit the highest level once per eight creatures.

dogehkiin: I have! But there's just so many potential additions and so little time...

May 5, 2020 3:24 p.m.

BabyDoc says... #18

Chirurgeon is absolutely worth it to me! He’s like a little red hexproof for your other goblins!

May 7, 2020 10:08 a.m.

I love you Zada list, btw. It's my favorite list I've ever found, and I'm using it as the guiding philosophy for my own paper Zada deck.

Anyway, as a recommendation, I highly suggest Dwarven Mine. It's basically a strictly better version of a mountain, because you can usually play it untapped, and it grants a free dude a la a red Khalni Garden.

July 4, 2020 2:03 a.m.

Nasty_Gnoll says... #20

How many devil tokens does Zurzoth, Chaos Rider usually end up making for you? Does Hanweir Garrison usually get through enough to consistently make tokens? Are Past in Flames and Shreds of Sanity usually dead draws for you? Do you usually find that you have enough mana to grind out some cards with Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner? What are your thoughts on 0-cost creatures like Kobolds of Kher Keep? What does Goblin Matron usually tutor for? Does Krenko, Mob Boss usually survive long enough to tap? Is Empty the Warrens usually better than Beetleback Chief? Do either of the Nehebs usually end up connecting?

September 7, 2020 9:01 p.m.

dogehkiin says... #21

Nasty_Gnoll, from my personal experience:

Zurzoth could potentially create enough tokens to be worth 3 mana, just attacking once with him will net 3 tokens in normal EDH, in 1v1 he ain't that good tho, the random discard is also dangerous so he's only usable for Zada in 3+ player games.

Hanweir Garrison is an absolute beast, if there are no blockers you get to create 2 tokens, 3 creatures for 3 mana is what Zada wants, if there are he will still create those tokens on the turn you swing with Zada on board and Zada will pump them, even if he doesn't get through normally when attacking he provides more than enough value. In 4player games chances are you will have free attacks to create those tokens, in 1v1 many won't block those tokens out of fear of them being bufed and winning the trade against their valuable creatures, overall it will create 2-6 tokens before lethal.

Past in flames and Shreds of sanity will be dead draws early on and they don't help with getting started, still a 2of of cards that prevent your stormycombo from ending is good and even when you aren't comboing they can be used to gain some advantatge, you will have more than enough mana in later turns.

I haven't tried subira but tbh I don't like her in Zada, 3 mana for only 1 creature is usually bad there and discarding your hand is even worse, it's a card that can only be good when you're really behind but is quite bad when you're doing well, you will have the mana to grind out those cards but you'll lose more cards than you'll gain.

Kobolds of Kher, ornithopter, etc.. are reaaaally good in Zada, better than most 1-drops because they allow you to use turn 1 for ramp or taplans and still have that theoretical 1-drop, they also get the storm count pretty high up.

GOblin matron should usually tutor for krenko mob boss (the 4 mana one) but like all tutors its situational.

If Krenko Mob Boss doesn't survive long enogh to tap you still forced your opponent to sue removal that could've hit Zada, still he usually will survive 1 or 2 turns, they'll wait until you reach 15+ tokens generated.

Empty the warrens is better than beetleback, with a 1 or 0 drop before casting it generates 1 extra token which is extremly worth it and it also serves the purpose of getting some advantatge out of a combo when you can't find a win or allowing the combo to go hard enough to get that win.

4mana Neheb is likely to connect, both trample and the turn she drops are early enough for that, again this is the 4 player vs duel where it is more likely to have someone with no blockers. 5mana Neheb won't usually connect, afflict is still there but she's more likely to be targeted by removal too. Still both Nehebs are pretty meh for Zada, for their manacost we could cast Zada instead and swing for the win and the mana is added postcombat preventing us from using that mana for pump spells.

September 14, 2020 6:12 a.m.

Nasty_Gnoll says... #22


Zurzoth only generates one token when he gets through. What I'm wondering is if the passive to makes devils when people draw outside of their turn generates enough devils passively.

In my experience, people tend to block the tokens and Hanweirr without worrying about pump spells from me. Especially since my Zada deck runs very few pump spells and instead runs more cantrip.

The problem I've been having is that we already have Underworld Breach for continuing a combo and oftentimes when I draw Past in Flames and Shreds of Sanity, I would rather have a cantrip or ritual. I guess Past in Flames is probably fine, but I think Shreds of Sanity is just bad. It isn't card advantage, so it's 3 mana and two cards just to get access to another two cards in your grave. Furthermore, I don't know if I usually have extra mana to really cast either of them.

I don't know about Subira. Like, she's really good if you want to generate card advantage without Zada out. And if you're storming off, I'd definitely rather draw her than Shreds of Sanity, especially because she's a creature if needs be.

I need to start saving my 0-costs for when I actually start to storm off because they don't do anything until then. Ramping for one mana is not really a thing in edh unless you're running moxes/Mana Vault or you just happen to draw Sol Ring. And if you're playing taplands in Zada, you're doing it wrong.

Spending 7 mana to get Krenko out just seems bad. And in my experience, even if you force your opponent to remove Krenko, you're still investing 4 mana and a card into getting rid of a single removal spell from an opponent.

You make a good point regarding Empty the Warrens and 0-costs adding to storm count, which I guess is just one more reason to keep 0-costs in hand until they're needed.

When talking about Dreadhorde Neheb, keep in mind that Zada costs 4 and then you have to pay even more mana to pump your team or draw, so 4-mana Neheb is a decent choice. I like that it also adds card selection in addition to mana production. I don't really care for 5-mana Neheb, though. It just comes down too late and then some creatures have to somehow get through to make it worth it. Finally, if you're on a storm gameplan rather than a beatdown one, the mana being added after combat doesn't matter.

September 15, 2020 7:34 p.m.

Nasty_Gnoll says... #23

September 24, 2020 7:50 p.m.

GoldenGolgari says... #24

Out of curiosity, what made you decide to revive this deck?

October 8, 2020 10:41 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #25

GoldenGolgari: I really wanted to run it with Underworld Breach. But I've somewhat dropped the deck again...

October 9, 2020 12:09 p.m.

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