This is a rather fun cheap deck that I thought of. Basically it revolves around clearing the field of any trouble while keeping your creatures alive.
It's a basic MTG strategy of just using your creatures to get your opponent's life total to 0, but it adds a fun twist of destroying larges amount of their creatures in the process. Plus, it's cool that it's very cheap! :)
I have a more expensive version of the deck. Check it out!
Someone mentioned that this might be a problem against big creatures, but from the edits that I've made, it will take care of those decks without a problem.
Kor Firewalker - These help with the spells that cause everyone to lose life.
Paladin en-Vec
- This thing is great for just simply living and making opponents think twice about attacking.
Silver Knight
- This is just about as equal to Paladin en-Vac.
Tivadar of Thorn
- It's cheap and it's a just a higher CMC then Silver Knight.
Spitemare - This can help clear out those creatures that are too tough for my spells to kill, or it can help kill off a few more points from my opponent's life total.
Chain Reaction - Sometimes there are way too many tough creatures out on the field. This should clear them out without any problem.
- This is great for adding more damage to the opponent as well as any and all creatures. :)
- This is great for keeping those early drops from taking over the game by dealing 2 damage to each creature.
Lightning Bolt - Great for those stronger creatures that need just a little bit more damage done to them and flying creatures.
Searing Blaze - Why not have two lightning bolts!? Though, I'd only use it as a sorcery when a land enters the field.
Pyrohemia - This is probably one of my favorite cards in this deck. Though it's an enchantment that drops for 4 mana, but once it is down, it can act like an instant! By spending 1 red mana it will deal 1 damage to each creature and player! Plus, it can be recasted over and over again!
Ancient Amphitheater
- Now, I know that this might be weird playing this card in this deck without a giant, but it works. It's cheap and it helps give you that multicolored mana needed to play this deck.
Battlefield Forge - It's a little pricey, but it is nice to have a multicolored land come in untapped.
Boros Guildgate
- It works just as I stated earlier with
Ancient Amphitheater
. (Though giants don't affect how it is played.)
City of Brass - This is pretty much a lower quality than Battlefield Forge for this deck, because it does damage no matter what.