Redemption. (MBD)

Modern Caligula


Hallowed_Titan says... #1

Hell yeah dude! I am digging this!!

August 29, 2014 5:56 p.m.

Caligula says... #2

@Hallowed_Titan Haha, Awesome. Thank you man. It's been my project for the last couple months =)

August 29, 2014 5:57 p.m.

Lime.kraft says... #3

Have a similar deck of my own(Which i've had for about 1/2 year in the form it is now). Can recommend playing a few Liliana of the Veil if you have access to any and instead of Phyrexian Crusader maybe play Geralf's Messenger and/or Gatekeeper of Malakir . And i do believe Pack Rat would fit better than Bloodghast since this is quite the slow deck(atleast my version) but can't be sure since i haven't played either. And playing 4 Merchants may be somewhat of an overkill since you rather have them just late and they dont really do much unless you have the devotion to "support" them.

Really like what you're going for(obviously since i have a very similar deck) and its currently quite strong in the modern meta. Looses quite hard to burn in my experience though. +1

August 29, 2014 6:08 p.m.

Caligula says... #4

Lime.kraft thanks for the comment.

You are right in the sense that I should use Lili, but she's realistically out of my price range (At nearly 70$ a pop. HA yeah right.) I've been tweaking with the idea of using Phyrexian Crusader alongside sideboard option Lifebane Zombie because you get damn near all your bases covered for dealing with threats (Sans blue) which is why I think they fit. Also, the bonus infect can really keep your opponent thinking when your wiping the board leaving them open to the Crusader.

And I'm actually starting to really like Bloodghast just for their sheer tenacity. I love the fact that all you have to do is drop a land and they are back onto the field, and at 2 devotion a pop that makes for a devastating Gary.

Just imagine if you had 2 or three of them in the yard and a few fatties on the board. Play a swamp, Out come the Ghasts, then drop Gray Merchant of Asphodel . Boom goes the game.

Thank you for your ideas though, You do give me some food for thought.

August 29, 2014 6:18 p.m.

Lime.kraft says... #5

Yeah can imagine dropping a land on turn 5 and maybe getting a few Bloodghast 's back into a Gray Merchant of Asphodel can be sweet so can really see why you would keep them in(just might play them myself if i had any). Still think you could cut the count of Gary's to 2-3. Have 2 in my own and it works well but can see it being 3 aswell.

But since you don't have access to Lili(only have 2 myself but don't really have the economy to get my hands on 2 more :S) i really recommend making room for Gatekeeper of Malakir , they work extremely well since they not only make your opponent sac but often work well as a blocker versus the likes of Snapcaster Mage and Geist of Saint Traft . Pretty much always a 2 for 1 unless its gets countered.

One thing i wonder though is how well does Nyxathid work? Been thinking about adding 2 or something to my own deck but not really sure how well they would work, something you might be more experienced with ;)

August 29, 2014 6:35 p.m.

Caligula says... #6

Nyxathid is a great drop as long as you can get their hand count down. Which with Wrench Mind and Thoughtseize is always gonna happen. Even if they aren't playing anything :P

August 29, 2014 6:56 p.m.

Scorprix says... #7

I like it! :D

I'll try to help as much as I can, so here are some things that immediately come to mind:

1.) Phyrexian Crusader has infect, so it really doesn't have much synergy with the rest of the deck. Protection is nice, preventing Path, helix and bolt, some of the most popular removal cards in the format, but overall a Geralf's Messenger would probably be better.

2.) I'm not really loving Nyxathid . 3 mana for a(n on average) 4/4. This card is also absolutely terrible against U/W/x which easily can keep 6-7 cards in hand for 3-5 (if not more) turns. Once again, overall a Geralf's Messenger would probably be better.

3.) In pretty much all formats, black is the color of disruption, often in a mean way. Slaughter Pact as a one-of in the main board is always nice. It is free the turn you play it, so it can often be a surprise. Also, in the SB, maybe tis could work, depending on your meta:

4 Darkblast

4 Leyline of Sanctity

1 Surgical Extraction

4 Grafdigger's Cage /2Relic of Progenitus

2 Inquisition of Kozilek

If you expect Tron or other land-reliant decks, 3 Fulminator Mage /Rain of Tears is good. I also REALLY suggest Bojuka Bog and the like. Pithing Needle is also good in general. 1-2 Spellskite could also pay of, mainly to divert Paths from your fatties.

4.) I know this deck was meant to be mono-black, but splashing red for many utility cards could be great.

I hope that helped! : )

August 29, 2014 7:55 p.m.

Scorprix says... #8

August 29, 2014 8:01 p.m.

Caligula says... #9

Scorprix What do you feel about Vampire Nighthawk over Phyrexian Crusader

And you do make good points about Nyxathid but I do like how it makes them think about how fast they play out their hand. Also, Aggro players need to really think about the speed they want to throw things on the battlefield. Which seems to be alot at my LGS.

I DO like Rain of Tears (also because I have a playset) so I can definitely add those into the SB.

And thank you for the general SB coverage :P

And please! +1 dis shiiiz

August 29, 2014 8:02 p.m.

Scorprix says... #10

OOPS! How could I forget... ; )

Also, you stated your meta has lots of aggro. Try in the SB:

2 Night of Souls' Betrayal

3 Drown in Sorrow

and if you have the money

1 Sword of Light and Shadow /Sword of War and Peace

These gain life and kill creatures. Should work out smoothly.

Also, I'd suggest using Pack Rat over Bloodghast . Mainly because it is a bit more resilient late-game.

In an aggro-dense meta, Vampire Nighthawk is probably much better than Geralf's Messenger , but against non-aggro decks, Geralf's Messenger is probably better.

You may also want to increase text size in your poem. Also, you wrote "Redemption" twice.

"Oath, beg, absence, redemption

Paranoid, abandonment

Betrayal, murder, genocide


If you have more questions/I forgot to answer something/I read wrong and your meta doesn't have much aggro, just remember to link my name. : )

Also, what type of aggro is popular in your meta? Affinity? Zoo?...

August 29, 2014 8:44 p.m.

Caligula says... #11

Haha, they are actually song lyrics =P

And good to hear be Use Pack Rat is much cheaper Hahaha.

I've also considered adding in Drown in Sorrow and I think I shall.

And iit's mostly combo decks and Naya aggro. Kiki pod, twin exarch

August 29, 2014 9:39 p.m.

Scorprix says... #12

Keep in mind you have 3 SB Pack Rat s and 4 MB Pack Rat s.

Keep in mind, since your playing against Creature based combo decks, sorcery speed removal is bad. Also, if your playing against "Big Zoo", make sure to remove Wrench Mind post-sideboard, because Loxodon Smiter is a thing. Shadow of Doubt as a 2-3 of is good against pod. Also artifact/enchantment removal might be good. Torpor Orb must be a necessity in your meta.

August 29, 2014 10:13 p.m.

Caligula says... #13

Ah ha! Yes, Thank you very much :P

And I do have alot of playtesting ahead of me lol, But I think this deck is coming very close to being done. Just have to tweak a few things here and there for the sideboard and it should be good to go.

Thanks very much for the SB ideas man.

August 29, 2014 10:19 p.m.

xeneizeruloso says... #14

I don't have any suggestions as I am not much of a mono black player, but this deck looks great. I might splash some green in this deck with Voyaging Satyr , and will bring this to an FNM.

August 29, 2014 11:08 p.m.

Caligula says... #15

Nice! Lemmie know how that goes!

Don't forget to upvote!

August 29, 2014 11:15 p.m.

xeneizeruloso says... #16

I just did.:)

August 29, 2014 11:17 p.m.

Scorprix says... #17

Check this out.

You may like it.

August 29, 2014 11:31 p.m.

Caligula says... #18

That looks rather interesting and quite efficient. Too bad they can't abuse the obliterator =P

August 30, 2014 1:41 a.m.

What about Waste Not ? Also, im totally using this as inspiration to get my half finished black discard deck Discard and Die off the ground.

August 30, 2014 3:38 a.m.

Caligula says... #20

Ah, This isn't focused on discard per say so I think Waste Not WOULD in this case be a waste of it's potential :P

But I'm glad i've struck your inspirational side :P

August 30, 2014 5:14 a.m.

Lime.kraft says... #21

In the matter of replacing Nyxathid /Phyrexian Crusader for either Geralf's Messenger or Vampire Nighthawk I can certainly say that Geralf's is the better choice.

I've playtested quite much with both and the lifegain that you gain from Nighthawk isn't really relevant when you have a couple of Grey Merchant of Asphodel's in mainboard. Nighthawk also dies to Lightning Bolt which is a big thing since its the most common 4-of in the modern meta. Geralf's on the other hand takes 2 lightning bolts to die and the devotion he brings can really make for big Merchants. Geralf's is in most cases a 2 for 1, much like Gatekeeper of Malakir and Phyrexian Obliterator , unless they have the likes of Path to Exile BUT even if it does get path'd it might help you get your 4th land drop into obliterator(have alot of experience vs UWR and this really is a thing they have to have in consideration]. The upside to nighthawk that Geralf's cant cover is that nighthawk is an efficient blocker to flyers, something this deck can have trouble finding. This is rarely a problem though because the deck is packed with removal and hand disruption.

And as the SB goes I can recommend Drown in Sorrow as you said and pretty much what Scorprix already said.

August 30, 2014 6:27 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #22

I would add some sort of board wipe to your SB such as Damnation or Black Sun's Zenith . If you did go with adding a couple Spellskite to your MB then maybe you would want to toss in a Cavern of Souls or two since that would also help you get down your Phyrexian Obliterator . I liked the suggestion for Fulminator Mage as well and actually acquired some myself work in progress for Modern.

August 30, 2014 12:21 p.m.

Scorprix says... #23

I'd add 2 more lands, due to the fact that you just increased the curve.

August 30, 2014 1:33 p.m.

Caligula says... #24

I think that should just about do eeeet.

Thanks for all your help man.

August 30, 2014 4:06 p.m.

dieing25 says... #25

Do you have a budget version of this deck?

August 31, 2014 1:09 p.m.

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