gheridarigaaz says... #2
I don't have any. When i get some they'll be replacing the Golgari Guildgate s. I won't be running a full playset though... running too many non-basics will interfere with liliana, Arbor Elf and Mutilate .
November 18, 2012 12:06 p.m.
wraithlord1990 says... #3
I'd say -2Kessig Cagebreakers cause you don't have many ways of having it worthwhile on early game. And +2 Thragtusk for more chances of drawing him and maybe turn 3 drop. as for the sideboard drop the Ultimate Price and -1Duress for +2Appetite for Brains to use depending on the opponents winning strategy.
November 18, 2012 12:09 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #4
I kinda see the cagebreakers as viable with it being able to potentially deal 9 damage on the turn he attacks if there are no blockers, which will probably be after a Mutilate .
November 18, 2012 12:14 p.m.
I would personally drop the Mutilate all together, but that's just me. I can see how it's useful, I just don't like it.
Additionally, why the heck are you running card:Avacyn's Pilgrim? Other than using them for colorless mana, they're utterly useless. There are far better options for those slots. Drop the Griselbrand . It just shouldn't be in there.
I'm not seeing any support for dealing with artifacts or enchantments either. Splash a pair of Naturalize . May wanna consider card:Jarad's Orders and Treasured Find .
November 18, 2012 5:49 p.m.
maybe add a few Deathrite Shaman this card has huge utility for its 1 mana cost, but not cheap to get hold of. I agree about the Kessig Cagebreakers unless you have lots of self mill they just arent going to be worth the mana investment compared to more Thragtusk s or even one or two Bloodgift Demon
November 18, 2012 6:55 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #7
i used to run a build with a set of Deathrite Shaman in place of the pilgrim, it never really shined that much in the early game without set up with Grisly Salvage or card:Tracker's Instincts unless your opponent was running a self-mill deck.
Mutilate seems to be the only viable option to deal with tokens/hexproof creatures, and I'm thinking Sigarda here. I honestly have no Idea why i thought Griselbrand would've been a good addition to this deck. card:Jarad's Orders would be a good idea but i havent got any ideas on what to take out for them. as for Treasured Find its definitely a good idea if i keep the mana-curve of the deck pretty low so I have targets for it If i draw it early in the game
November 18, 2012 7:38 p.m.
for mass tokens how about Sever the Bloodline , its the same mana cost as Mutilate and doesnt klll your stuff, also deals with the large Armada Wurm tokens running around at the moment
November 18, 2012 8:55 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #9
The only problem i have with sever is that cloudshift bypasses it, then again, i doubt any card hasn't got a countermeasure nowadays... i'll give it a try
November 18, 2012 9:04 p.m.
Seems a bit scatterbrained to me. It also looks like you plan on having your creatures dying each turn (or at least want them to be dying). I'd capitalize on Undying and Morbid triggers, with things like Black Cat , card:Altar's Reap, and Disciple of Bolas .
December 2, 2012 9:59 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #11
The idea was for it to not really care if creatures died, not actively make it happen, so trades between creatures would be in my favor later on in the game with things like Kessig Cagebreakers . now i think the cagebreakers have completely taken over the deck. I'm a bit cautious about death-trigger creatures, mainboarding them against decks that run GY hate, specifically Rest in Peace really works against it. I guess it'd be better to just remove the cagebreakers if they were getting in the way
I'll make a few adjustments and check back with you if you don't mind being bugged.
December 3, 2012 11:09 a.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #12
Changed it up a bit to an altered version of what it once was, i'm not sure if i should've removed Disciple of Bolas , it loses a bit of steam later on in the game, then again, most decks have a tendency to do that... at least Deathrite Shaman ensures you don't wind up doing nothing when you're out of cards...
December 10, 2012 10:16 a.m.
Hey, great deck! I have a bunch of ideas, dunno if they're great, but I'm thinking of a few cards that could improve your control and at the same time give you more win conditions.
First one is Underworld Connections . I'd switch the 4 Borderland Ranger for it since you don't need a lot of mana for the deck. It would double your resources, helping you draw more answers than your opponent has threats.
There's also Volatile Rig ... Don't laugh!! it's great if played in the right deck, and your deck might be that one! It's a heavy early beater, and if it goes off, you can wipe the board, which would make way for your planeswalkers to finish the game. Maybe switch your 3 Mutilate for it?
Last idea is Stab Wound . Again, a simple card, but it combines control with a possible win condition, if the game lasts long enough. Doesn't work well with Tribute to Hunger or board wipes though. Just an idea.
PS: I like what Garruk Relentless Flip and Vraska the Unseen can do in this deck. You've got so much control they could win games all by themselves. Maybe switch a creature for one more copy?
December 12, 2012 3 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #15
outside of planeswalkers and Rancor most of the cards in this deck ideally are recyclable with Deathrite Shaman , but i like the Stab Wound idea... Underworld Connections however, is a card that i don't think would be that helpful. first, i really need creatures and while the connections would keep me drawing, the Borderland Ranger s supplement possible slots that i would've used for lands which are now chump blockers or Rancor 'd threats. i was tempted to run Gatecreeper Vine but with no offensive capabilities the card just falls flat on its face... no trades, just chumps.
Rancor ... it's where garruk comes in handy :D
I'm re-considering Disciple of Bolas as additional lifegain and card advantage. she really sets off in an Exalted deck but Rancor just makes her so much more potent. even being able to draw 3 off a thragtusk token is a good deal. i once had her chain together with all my Mutilate s in 3 turns
I had Volatile Rig in the first draft of the deck, after misreading the coin-flip ability... it would've made the cut if the 4 damage to everything was unconditional to the flip but now Volatile Rig is in a multiplayer deck that uses Cackling Counterpart to keep opponents on their toes. when everything is under threat of taking 8 damage everyone just panics.
I will add more planeswalkers, even Liliana of the Dark Realms does enough work for me to keep her in the deck. Vraska's just there for repeatable removal. nobody touches her cause everything she touches dies. sadly i'm only running these planeswalkers because they're the only ones i have
the deck needs some amount of repeatable/quantitative token production if i can't fit enough creatures in it to keep up a good defense. I've considered Fungal Sprouting but the only creature i'd be getting value off it would be Thragtusk . Kessig Cagebreakers was a nice idea until it started warping what the deck was supposed to be doing...still... getting 9 damage in because you had 3 creatures in the graveyard was a deal i couldn't refuse. the deck's theme was just keeping the opponent locked down without overextending or committing too much to the board. typical control i guess.
December 12, 2012 5:39 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #16
I think i'll have Stab Wound in the sideboard. too many hexproof creatures floating around to not run sac-effects and with Jund being a "thing" with Olivia Voldaren and Thundermaw Hellkite cards like Aerial Predation and Plummet aren't too bad for the deck either
December 12, 2012 5:45 p.m.
Golgari Keyrune it's great after a board wipe and ramps out your more expensive creatures
wraithlord1990 says... #1
why no Woodland Cemetery ?
November 18, 2012 11:59 a.m.