Reinventing Kuldotha

Standard* metalmagic

SCORE: 96 | 115 COMMENTS | 13782 VIEWS | IN 10 FOLDERS

FDMDorelMinxQ says... #1

Wow. This is really thrilling. I've got a monored, not as refined as this, but still pretty decent.I like the turn 1 swing for 4 thing. That's just amazing.

December 11, 2011 3:26 a.m.

metalmagic says... #2

Haha, thanks man. I've yet to actually do that, but I have done a turn 1 Goblin Chieftain quite a few times. If you can follow him up with a turn 2 [[Kuldotha Rebirth[[, well you've just halved their life in your first two turns. There are plenty of ways to do degenerate stuff really early, which I like. Of course board wipes aren't fun to deal with, but outside of red they will normally have to wait until turn 4. By that time, a shrine should (hopefully) finish them off in a few turns. Thanks for the support! Don't forget to +1 if you like it enough :D

December 11, 2011 3:33 a.m.

Vman says... #3

if ur gonna put in koth ide sugest staying mono red and adding a few card:Devil's Play for that extra koth power =P +1

if ya have anytime check out my deck BW morbid experiment ur opinion is apreciated...dun 4get to +1 if ya like =)

December 11, 2011 3:39 a.m.

metalmagic says... #4

I will definitely stay Mono Red if I add in any Koths along with upping the land count for support, but I'm not sure about card:Devil's Play. I love the card and all, but I'd just have to test it out. The concept is sound, so there might be some merit behind it. Thanks for the idea!

December 11, 2011 4:15 a.m.

Vman says... #5

the thing with play is...when u have koth out already and lets just say...6 mana..u -2 koth which will give you 12 mana then devily play for 11 turn if you play a land and -2 again u can flashback for 11 damage if im correct...

December 11, 2011 4:18 a.m.

metalmagic says... #6

That is correct. Like I said, that is an idea I'll have to test out. Having 6-7 land out in a Red deck is a rare sight, and Koth always has a huge target on his head when he hits the board. I need to figure out how to squeeze them in for playtesting to see if it is actually worth it.

I feel like most of the time unless I run at least 3 of each I will rarely see the combo; Devil's PLay isn't that great without him in this deck; and I will have to sacrifice a large portion of the deck to fit it in, which is not appealing sounding.

December 11, 2011 4:33 a.m.

Vman says... #7

i guess,. but thats what playtest if for! haha have fun...i playtested this vs my hawkward and damn ur deck....3 chancellors + myr,+mountain plunge and rebirth opening hand..i just concede lol.

December 11, 2011 4:35 a.m.

metalmagic says... #8

Haha. That sounds like an insane opening hand O.o It gets some pretty busted starts fairly often.

December 11, 2011 4:39 a.m.

Charlied1337 says... #9

looks a lot of fun and a lot like one of my red decks too. i love running reverberates in decks like this too. best part about reverberate if you goblin grenade then do it again you dont have to sac another goblin easy ten damage on turn three could even do eleven if you goblin grenade an arsonist

December 11, 2011 5:21 a.m.

xo2 says... #10

Here's my 2 cents:

Goblin Arsonist : why's he not in here? He should be in here instead of Perilous Myr .

Brimstone Volley : damage damage damage, and more if something died :) always good.

This may just be me, but I would rather see more creatures in place of Curse of Stalked Prey . I dont know, maybe it's just the art I dislike.

I also never play mono red decks, but now I want to, I think I'll go and get some chieftains and koth, and beat some people lol. Amazing deck, +1 from me.

December 11, 2011 8:35 a.m.

xo2 says... #11

After play testing, I would sideboard the shrines for against control (I wanted to go more aggro but was always stuck with a couple shrines). And curse was pretty good at making dudes big, I had 2 10/10 gobos lol.

Aside from adding arsonist, try [[infiltration lens] as an artifact, and added value.

December 11, 2011 9:18 a.m.

KorApprentice says... #12

You could up the consistency a little bit by removing Perilous Myr , it's not really doing a lot for you, and adding a Signal Pest and a Goblin Grenade . I think this is great as it is, but you should really drop Chancellor of the Forge for Goblin Wardriver , which overall has more synergy with the deck, especially with Spikeshot Elder .

December 11, 2011 1:32 p.m.

metalmagic says... #13

Charlied1337 - Reverberate is an interesting thought. I do like the idea of it, haha, and I will probably test with it in here. Thanks!

xo2 - Well, Perilous Myr is an artifact which is especially important for this deck. It can be sacrificed for Infernal Plunge or Kuldotha Rebirth , and activates metalcraft on my Mox Opal s. He also kills Crusaders with the utmost efficiency. Goblin Arsonist does turn on Goblin Grenade though, so it has it's merits, as well as being a 1 drop. Shrine is THE card you want to see against control matchups since it is easy for them to stabilize around turn 4 or so, and the shrines give you the reach you need to win late game. I'm not sure I see the lens being that good.... I mean people would much rather take 1-2 damage than let me draw two cards. It could be good if I have a Curse out, however. How would you suggest fitting in Brimstone Volley s? I love the card, but I just don't see room for it currently.

By the way, Spikeshot Elder is amazing with Curse of Stalked Prey haha.

December 11, 2011 1:43 p.m.

metalmagic says... #14

KorApprentice - But I love my myrs D: the 4th Signal Pest and Goblin Grenade might be better alternatives, I will admit. I would definitely take out the Chancellors, but they provide some of the fastest starts possible. I'll swap the two in and out to see how things go, and adjust based on the results I see. Thanks for the advice!

December 11, 2011 1:50 p.m.

djgunn says... #15

I really don't have any suggestions for the deck. I really like it! Don't often play mono-red, but this is something I would definitely give a go. +1

December 11, 2011 1:53 p.m.

metalmagic says... #16

Thanks man! Try out it, you might like it.

December 11, 2011 1:53 p.m.

cronisloire says... #17

Drop 4 Mountains add 4Contested War Zone drop the drop the Spikeshot Elder 's for Goblin Wardriver

December 11, 2011 2:47 p.m.

Atmosck says... #18

This is awesome.

I played a few solitaire games, and even the bad hands win on turn 4 unmolested. I agree with Goblin Wardriver over Spikeshot Elder , because this deck loves battle cry. Also, theres probably room for a couple [ Hero of Oxid Ridge]], which would be the nuts in this deck, and fill a void of things toncast off Infernal Plunge on turns 2 and 3.

December 11, 2011 4:19 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #19

I tend to agree with some of the comments already mentioned here. Mainly the Goblin Arsonist . That's always fun. While I see your point for spikeshot elder and its synergy with curse and chieftain, I'm still not sold on the idea. I'd probably go with the arsonist over it.

Another idea, you're running a lot of sac and artifacts, I'm beginning to wonder how Slag Fiend would work in these decks. I'm not yet convinced on the idea myself, but it is something I'm toying around with. Seems like you have enough artifacts that want to go to the graveyard that he may make a difference. Perhaps its me hoping to find a deck where it will actually work. I don't know lol.

December 11, 2011 6:31 p.m.

snorlaxx143 says... #20

wow.. no suggestions yet, but swinging with all of those goblin chumps, and then playing goblin grenade for loads of damage. i've got a burn deck myself, deck:reverberating-rage, but this is just awesome. +1!

December 11, 2011 7:31 p.m.

masonhall says... #21

Ichor Wellspring might really help with artifact sacs

i think u dont have enough artifacts and it really helps with card draw.


December 11, 2011 7:49 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #22

I'm not sure he needs to drop Spikeshot Elder , I was actually suggesting Goblin Wardriver because it has synergy with Spikeshot Elder . So replacing it with wardriver's defeats the point. The elder is a severely underrated card that deserves some more attention, it works wonderfully with the chieftain and curse, and Wardriver would make him really powerful in here.

December 11, 2011 8:22 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #23

The problem I have with the elder is that he is still too slow for my taste in this deck. I mean you're swinging for 4 on turn 1 or 2? put out the curse on turn 2 so that on turn 3 you're swinging for upwards of 6-8 damage. By that point you've already hit them for 12-14 damage. One more swing should do it. Using that strategy though, on turn 3 you'll have played your first spikeshot and then on turn 4 will be your first opportunity to use its effect of dealing 3 damage assuming you have a curse out and have connected with him twice. That would require you to nearly tap out and you will have already killed your opponent anyway.

I'm not saying he needs to go, but I am saying that he isn't perfect either.

I would prefer to do a turn 1 kuldotha rebirth on memnite turn 2 curse of stalked prey.

Or the turn 1 chieftain and turn 2 curse of stalked prey.

I do like how ridiculously fast this deck is and may have to look into revamping my gobo deck.

December 11, 2011 8:30 p.m.

KorApprentice says... #24

Spikeshot Elder can be dropped on turn 1 and he really shines when you start running out of card advantage. Having something on the field that you can tap out turn 4-5 and deal 6-8 damage with is ridiculous. The wall that burn decks usually come up against is that they run out of steam when they run out of hand. You would be extremely thankful for a Spikeshot Elder when you start top-decking because you emptied your hand by turn 3.

December 11, 2011 8:41 p.m.

striphe says... #25

Reverberate has great synergy with this deck. I would also run Chandra over Koth as she just fits better. Being able to copy a Kuldotha Rebirth or Goblin Grenade is amazing. I also run Ichor Wellspring for Rebirth.

December 11, 2011 9:01 p.m.

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