
Standard paololol


Abower007 says... #4

I would suggest getting rid of the 4x Skyknight Legionnaire and adding 4x Fencing Ace. I know, you're thinking "but a 3 drop haste is auto battalion". Screw battalion. A Fencing Ace with a Madcap Skills is a 4/1 double strike with evasion on turn three... That's 8 damage to the face... The +2/+2 your boros elite is going to get from battalion pales in comparison. I also can't stress the importance of Boros Reckoner in this deck. The dude is worth every penny if you expect to play this competitively.

Also, I don't think you quite understand the ability of the Frontline Medic. the spell he is countering must have (X) in the casting cost... Such as Bonfire of the Damned. The only cost you pay is sacrificing the medic, and they must pay (3) or the spell is countered. You do not pay mana for that ability, nor could you counter a Day of Judgment as it does not have the required (X) in the casting cost. Boros Charm could save you from a board wipe, as it makes all your permanents indestructible. Lucky for you this deck wont have to face a Day of Judgment in standard anytime soon, as it is not legal right now. Supreme Verdict, however, is a real thing right now, but you still couldn't counter it with the Frontline Medic.

March 4, 2013 11:43 a.m.

paololol says... #5

thanks for the feedback, yea you're right about the fencing medic. and you are right a lot of standard boros decks have Boros reckoners but i only have one. i don't think having one is good enough, and i don't have the budget for buying another three :/ but the fencing is really good.

March 4, 2013 2:14 p.m.

paololol says... #6

Thanks for all the feedback and yes I will get t hands on a quad of Fencing Ace ASAP, but for now my deck is doing good against control and life gain even. The soul bounds are hilarious. Thanks all again the feedback on this site is amazing

March 4, 2013 7:33 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #7

I personally wouldn't switch out Skyknight Legionnaire for Fencing Ace it's just not good in this deck. Unless you have both Fencing Ace and Madcap Skills in your opening hand then it's just useless for you. Skyknight Legionnaire is a lot more consistent and a lot better in this deck.

March 4, 2013 8:24 p.m.

Abower007 says... #8

Don't get me wrong Skyknight Legionnaire is a good card, but I disagree that it is either more consistent, or a lot better. On turn three you want to be dropping something that hits hard, or enables heavy hitters... Namely your Silverblade Paladin. A 2/2 flyer is not as good as giving your now 3/3 Champion of the Parish double strike, even if it has haste. I would also rather have a Frontline Medic on turn 3, for the turn 4 indestructible alpha strike for (hopefully) lethal damage. The problem with Skyknight Legionnaire is that it actually slows this deck down, exactly when you really want to accelerate.

March 4, 2013 10:19 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #9

And you think a 1/1 for 2 that requires Madcap Skills to not be completely useless will speed it up?

March 4, 2013 11:11 p.m.

paololol says... #10

i think that, i would rather keep Skynight - i was playtesting this at my friends house today and it does do a ton of damage by even turn 3 with parish , skyblade. - Point is that either way, i want the deck to run without the thought of " i hope my hand consists of .. __ or i will mull" you are right Abower007 that it does slow the pace down yes. but fencing ace and madcap is a long shot. where a 2/2 flyer is good no matter what with haste. i can still madcap her plus skyblade also.

March 4, 2013 11:34 p.m.

paololol says... #11

Thank you LJS1911 for the feedback, really really helpful.

March 4, 2013 11:35 p.m.

Abower007 says... #12

there probably are better options than Fencing Ace, but i would try to find an awesome 2 drop (maybe mainboarding Nearheath Pilgrim?) rather than a not quite as awesome 3. perhaps straight up Searing Spear for that last bit of help. maybe i just have some subconscious hatred for that card. Ash Zealot is another option, great against that flash america deck winning right now.

March 5, 2013 12:29 p.m.

paololol says... #13

LJS1911 Hey man, just wondering your thoughts now. i managed to do some trades to get 4 Boros reckoners now. working for clifftop hopefully soon.. games are going really well now with 4 Reckoners. they truly are something to be feared. as for my side deck right now since i am not too big on playing tournaments right now. i've gotten Immortal servitude for field wipe insurance. need your feedback on having 3 or 2? because when the wipe or removal or counter happens, i can just get all my 1 drops or 3 drops back. thanks in advance!

March 16, 2013 4 p.m.

sev968 says... #14

4x frontline medic for 4x hellriders, it will get MUCH faster

March 16, 2013 9:18 p.m.

paololol says... #15

You're right on with Volcanic Strength and yea i thought that Immortal Servitude would work because lately i was playing with my friends proxy (standard) and he was running Supreme Verdict, and indestructible can't bypass destroy all effect cards. -- Also thanks! Oblivion Ring and Fiend Hunter look like good sideboards. I only put in tormod's tomb for my friend he's running an annoying re animator. LJS1911

March 17, 2013 6:55 p.m.

paololol says... #16

Sidenote, do you think that it was wise to take out Aurelia ? i was re-thinking that decision. LJS1911

March 17, 2013 6:58 p.m.

paololol says... #17

Oh My God!! thank you so much LJS1911 i had no idea you can bypass it with indestructible so how does one really take out an indestructible? that factor of magic seems too good to be true to me now.

Thanks again and yes i am trying to hunt for some Aurelia's Fury now :) side note, how's your boros deck going?

Mine so far right now is going really well, it builds momentum too quick and i am hitting for 4 and 12 in two turns if i have Mauler and Parish in my beginning hand. dead within turn 5.

God do i love Aggro decks haha

March 18, 2013 7:05 a.m.

paololol says... #18

ahh!! so infect can kill it or any cards that give "target creature gets "-1/-1" sort of deal. that is amazing. Last question haha, i see that Aruelia's fury is really really good. but are you willing to skip a turn of putting down a creature to hold off on it? because i am thinking you might use it beginning of opponents turn and not letting him cast anything but a creature, or use it offensive and use it your turn and tap creatures for a full swing? it seems like good use in mid-game when you have the lands though definitely but i feel like it staggers your momentum LJS1911

March 18, 2013 9:33 a.m.

paololol says... #19

Yea, i feel you on the dual lands i got really really super lucky in getting my Clifftop Retreat -- do let me know how you use your Aurelia's Fury because i do have some left over money after selling a deck to purchase some fury's but maybe i should hold off. not sure

March 18, 2013 9:34 a.m.

sev968 says... #20

paololol my comment still stands on the hellriders, also add neartheath pilgrims, bound on a reckoner + boros charm + searing spear to a boros reckoner = infinite life combo (boros reckoner deals indestructable amount of damage to himself)

March 18, 2013 3:24 p.m.

paololol says... #21

haha wow! didn't even notice that. thanks sev968 how long does that go on for? because once He is hit doesn't it end? so i gain 3 life? i'm not sure how it is infinite life. because he doesn't technically need to die for searing spear to go away? because once used it hits him. he doesn't die but i gain 3 life? once? i'm not sure on how it is infinite.

March 18, 2013 8:56 p.m.

sev968 says... #22

Its infinite pao, as long as you keep hitting him over and over, its infinite (searing spear deals 3 damage to him, when he takes damage you can re deal that much damage to any creature or player, deal it to him again you gain three life and thats three more damage you can send back to him so just keep doing damage to himself)

March 19, 2013 4:58 p.m.

sev968 says... #23

Yes you are, boros reckoner has lifelink, therefore he is redirecting infinite lifelink damage at himself, so yes you are breaking the game, but 99% of people scoop once they see it happen let me lay it out here: 1. boros reckoner bound to nearhearth2. boros charm for indestructible 3. searing spear on boros reckoner, he takes 3 damage but is indestructibledue to his ability, he can now deal 3 damage anywhere and since EVERY time he takes damage he can send a new 3 damage anywhere he hits himself and it never stops, this just keeps happening and since he IS dealing damage he has life link, so you gain as much life as you want to say.

March 20, 2013 4:48 p.m.

paololol says... #24

LJS1911 sev968 I definitely see Hellrider in this deck but let me ask you a question. is he too big of a drop for me ? considering my deck and what i would have to take out for him? another question is that, yes it is one damage extra but why is that one damage amazing? or is it the fact of haste?

As for both of you guys :( sadly that i was talking to my friend.. though now after you mentioned it LJS1911 he may be wrong here yet again ( same with the field wipe haha ) he said that anything that you can't scale in Magic is not allowed. therefore the un-scalable life that would be gained by Boros reckoner combo is unlimited BUT! my defense is that, sure it is a "combo" but you DO NOT have to hit boros reckoner correct? therefore you can just hit himself for.. say 400 life and then let the 3 damage go to the opponent. essentially the game is 400 vs 20 haha.

I'm doing my first tournament with this deck this coming friday, but i do want to hear about the Hellrider comment because yes i understand its ferocity but why this deck? - it looks like a big drop.

March 20, 2013 9:06 p.m.

paololol says... #25

in fact how do you guys feel about Vexing Devil an amazing one drop, 4 damage or a 4/3 . good or bad? as opposed to Hellrider of course for this type of deck in particular.

March 20, 2013 11:29 p.m.

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