This is an Aggro deck with a Control and Midrange Sideboard
Midrange version after sideboard changes: Unrelenting Armies of Nyxborn
Control version after sideboard changes: Relenting Armies of Nyxborn
The gods have turned on the inhabitants of Theros, sending a massive army of Nyxborn to wipe out any mortals who remain. At the head of the army is Athreos, God of Passage. Now, only a Godsend can save the mortals from certain death.
Deck Breakdown
Main Board
Athreos, God of Passage: Makes swings very safe, as the opponent must take 3 per creature or return all your attackers to your hand.
Grim Guardian: With 24 enchantments, this can cause significant life-loss and the body is decent.
Hopeful Eidolon
: One of the few 1-drop enchantment creatures, and fits well with the lifegain theme.
Master of the Feast: A huge finisher, and giving the opponent extra cards doesn't matter if they don't have enough time to use them.
Odunos River Trawler
: One of only 8 non-enchantments in this deck, but the massive card advantage it generates makes it worth every slot.
Spirit of the Labyrinth: A 3/1 for 1W isn't bad, and it can negate the drawback of having two Master of the Feasts out a once.
Spiteful Returned
: Can push for those last points of damage, and basically deals 5 damage with an Athreos, God of Passage out.
Underworld Coinsmith
: Gains life and wins the game later for WB. It is the centerpiece of this deck.
Non-Creature Enchantments
Banishing Light: Expensive removal, but removal nonetheless.
Oppressive Rays
: Super-cheap removal, and activates Constellation.
Ultimate Price: One of only 8 non-enchantments, but removal is necessary.
Side Board
(deck for Game 2 with sideboard changes is Relenting Armies of Nyxborn)
Brain Maggot
: There goes that only card that made your hand good.
Doomwake Giant: There go all your creatures and none of mine!
Eidolon of Rhetoric: Try and race me now, fool.
Extinguish All Hope: There go all your creatures and none of mine!
Nyx-Fleece Ram
: Try and race me now, fool.
Pacifism: There goes your best creature!