

This is my Zur, the Enchanter deck. Zur was my first commander deck I ever made. Even though he usually becomes arch enemy and gets hated out (Rightfully so, I may add.) He will always hold a special place in my heart. I wanted to try and do something different with Zur, and over time I think I've found it. Back when I started playing I wanted a deck that I could play almost anywhere since in high school and college funds were pretty tight. I didn't know how long it would be until I could build another deck, so I didn't want to only have one strategy and if someone's deck countered it then I'm out of luck, So I figured an enchantment deck that focused on living with zero life was pretty niche and would do pretty well against creature decks and have little bad matchups generally.

Game Plan

  1. Become able to live at zero life. We can do this many ways with Phyrexian Unlife + Solemnity , Lich's Mastery Shenanigan's, or Pact Weapon.

  2. Get to 0 life. This can be done a few ways. Cast Lim-Dul's Vault and repeat X times until you hit zero, Pay a black to make a black and repeat with Blood Celebrant, or you can tutor up Necropotence with Zur and pay all your life. As much as it makes me feel dirty when I tutor Necropotence to the board it gets the job done. If none of that pans out, just wait a couple turns, I'm playing Zur so the table will swing at me no matter what.

  3. Play Repay in Kind, GG. if they counter it or stop you from doing this, you can do it the slow way and play Axis of Mortality.

Other Win Cons

  1. Play Starfield of Nyx with a ton of enchantments in play, especially good if Zur, Eternal Schemer is on board buffing them.

  2. Suprise Commander damage with Empyrial Armor. Empiryal Armor can come out of nowhere if you have a big hand, Swing with a 1/4 Zur and on the attack trigger tutor it up and now he's a 6/9 on a bad day. If I've used Necropotence or survived a turn with Consecrated Sphinx on the board It's not impossible that Zur will just start one-shotting players in the air with Commander Damage.

  3. I Realized recently that if I get Archon of Sun's Grace + Enchanted Evening + Grim Guardian it's an infinite combo that drains the table and wins the game. I originally didn't want any infinite combos in here, but I discovered this by accident and no one expects to die to infinite Pegasus, Pegasus's, Pegasi? so I keep it in.

Cool Interactions

Solemnity is an all star in this deck. I cant remember the last game I played where at no point did I want to get solemnity.

Lost Auramancers + Solemnity Brings the Auramancers in with no Vanishing counters on them, basically making them a 10 cent Academy Rector. I can use it to deter attacks, or just tutor up Lampad of Death's Vigil and get whatever I want.

Dark Depths + Solemnity Nothings funnier than getting zur out turn 3. turn 4 don't play a land, then tutor solemnity and drop dark depths. Scream in terror when your about to take 20 in the air turn 5. Also if I have a Merit Lage token on board its probably eating up any removal before Zur or my precious enchantments.

Mystic Remora + Solemnity Imagine having Rhystic study in your deck, except people don't hate you or target you as much. Yeah your not going to get as many draw triggers off of this as Rhystic, but it's lower profile AND I can't remember the last time someone paid the 4 for Remora.

Greater Auramancy + Mirrormade or Estrid's Invocation As you'd imagine, getting Zur or my key enchntments removed isn't something that helps me out very much. It's no fun when people destroy your enchantments. this combo can protect all your enchantments AS WELL as Zur himself if you get an Aura on him. At this point the only thing they can really do about your enchantments is enchantment board wipes but there's nothing we can do to stop them, right?

Enchanted Evening + Greater Auramancy + Mirrormade Behold, Perfection! Everything is an enchantment, even your opponents permanents. Everything you control has shroud. Most people I've played against don't have the GUTS to play a Farewell when I've got this unholy trio on the board. Yeah, go for it, RESTART THE GAME! SHOW ME THE PLAYER WHO WILL EXILE EVERY PERMANENT IN PLAY TO GET RID OF MY BOARD!

Consecrated Sphinx + Day's Undoing This is just vile. if Sphinx is already on the board this is just a spell that says 3 mana draw 49 cards... If you don't win next turn than I don't know what you're doing. Also if you cast it on your opponent's turn with Heliod, the Warped Eclipse   then you nasty.

Heliod, the Radiant Dawn + Omniscience + Mirrormade or Estrid's Invocation Allows you to get infinite Constellation triggers. basically if you copy Heliod, State Based Action makes you get rid of one before the copies ETB trigger can resolve. So the enchantment copier goes into the graveyard where you can then Target it with its own trigger, returning it to your hand. With omniscience out you can do this as many times as you want. Want to kill the whole table with Grim Guardian? Or how about make an army of 10,000 Pegasus Tokens with Archon of Sun's Grace? My favorite is just drawing my entire library with Ephara, Ever-Sheltering  .


When tiptoeing on the line between life and death things get a little weird sometimes. Teferi's Protection if you are at zero life and someone tries to wipe the board this card WILL NOT SAVE will phase out your permanents, including whatever permanents are keeping you from losing the game. If you're at 1 life then go for it, but never use it when you're in the danger zone.

Lich's Mastery + Necropotence + Pact Weapon - flavorful combination? yes. synergistic in play? NO! Be very careful of activating Necropotence or triggering pact weapon if you have Lich's Mastery on the field. unless you want to start mass discarding / have a lot of sac fodder I would stick to one or the other. For me I usually only play Lich's Mastery if it's a dire situation or I'm about to gain a BUNCH of life and want to take advantage of that life gain card draw.

Archon of Sun's Grace + Enchanted Evening 2/3 of the infinite combo, but make sure these two are NEVER on the battlefield at the same time unless Grim Guardian is already on the battlefield. they will cause infinite Pegasus tokens to generate and the game will end in a draw.


When I originally made this deck I was a different man, I built this deck Rude Zur a lot different. I have since then learned that it's a lot more fun to play with people who are also having fun. so I've made a lot of adjustments and cut quite a few cards based on how awful they made the game. I would Love thoughts, Suggestions, etc. Just know I'm picky with this deck and its theme / aesthetics so if you tell me to add a robot your pleas are probably falling on deaf ears ( Yeah yeah I know Solemn Simulacrum is already in the deck.)


Updates Add

I've been testing around with some different enchantments and I've decided that Its awesome when I have solemnity and Lost Auramancers on the battlefield, but then no one swings at me and it never dies. I'm adding Lampad of Death's Vigil (yeah there's better tutorable sack outlets, but we've already got a strong Theros vibe going here so it's partially for flavor.) as a tutorable sac outlet for lost auramancers, and Animate Dead to bring him back for a round 2 and or spicy targets in opponents graveyards.

I've also made some other minor adjustments to cards, removed an equipment or two as they are dead cards in my hand if I'm doing well and have shroud on my creatures. Also some card draw spells have swapped around and little spells have changed around. Honestly most are for the worst, but I'm a sucker for pretty cards and Telling Time doesn't fit the vibe so its been replaced with Strategic Planning and other things like that. Added Void Rend for some more good removal.


97% Casual
