
Resplendent Martyr Proc

General Gameplan & Win Conditions

Resplendent Angel & Angelic Accord are card that can be played relatively early, and can secure the late game. This deck looks to abuse these cards, but also has win conditions in Lone Rider  , Serra Ascendant and the combo of Martyr of Sands + Proclamation of Rebirth , which is where the "Martyr Proc" in the title comes from. For anyone who wants to read more about this martyr proc strategy, I suggest reading This article on channelfireball. The best way to abuse Resplendent Angel's ability is to try and trigger it in the same turn it gets into the battlefield, this has been an important part of building this deck, and this deck has multiple ways of making this happen.

1) Soul's Attendant & Glory-Bound Initiate - turn 1 you play Soul's Attendant, and turn 2 you play Glory-Bound Initiate, turn 3 play Resplendent Angel, you gain one life for it entering the battlefield and then exert Glory-Bound Initiate for 5 life at the end of turn.

2) Serra Ascendant & Glory-Bound Initiate - turn 1 Serra Ascendant, turn 2 Glory-Bound Initiate, turn 3 Resplendent Angel and attack with your creatures (exert) for 5 life from lifelink.

3) Serra Ascendant & Martyr of Sands - Both can be played on turn 1, but what you are trying to do here is to get to 30 life by turn 3. This can be done by getting a free hit in turn 2 with Serra Ascendant and following up with revealing at least 3 card with Martyr of Sands, or just revealing 4 card with Martyr of Sands. On turn 3 you should have a 6/6 lifelinker which is enough to trigger Resplendent Angel.

4) Seraph Sanctuary & Glory-Bound Initiate - Similair to Soul's Attendant and Glory-Bound Initiate, gain one or two life when playing Resplendent Angel, and exert the Glory-Bound Initiate for 5 life.

All these options should allow you to get that angel token on turn 3 in a relatively big portion of games. However, you won't automatically lose the game if you don't get that angel token on turn 3. This deck scales into the late game very well. Angelic Accord also creates angel tokens, and Martyr of Sands + Proclamation of Rebirth will most often ensure you won't just lose the game when getting overwhelmed, and is a reliable way to trigger both Resplendent Angel and Angelic Accord in the late game.

Martyr of Sands

Great turn 1 play, since you will most likely have at least 4 white cards in your hand after the first draw, so it can give you a lot of value on turn 2. Also good in the lategame with Proclamation of Rebirth, which is where the whole deck idea "martyr proc" comes from. So good in all phases of the game, which is why it might be a good target for removal if your opponent sees youre tapped out, however, spending a removal spell on a Martyr of Sands is not what your opponent wants to do, since this deck runs so many other creatures which need to be answered. If you have other forms of life gain on the battlefield, it might sometimes even be enough to reveal one card in your hand. Revealing one card flips Lone Rider  , revealing 2 cards ensures Angelic Accord and Resplendent Angel proc and any lifegain source and 3 card revealed or just revealing 4 cards turn on your Serra Ascendant.

Serra Ascendant

Another must have for this deck, a one drop lifelinker is already ok in this deck, however the possibility for it to become a one mana 6/6 flyer lifelinker is why this card is of course so strong. Can be very valuable play on turn 1, together with Glory-Bound Initiate or Martyr of Sands this card can become a turn 2 6/6 or can create an angel on turn 3 with Resplendent Angel.

Soul's Attendant

It is not usual to see this card outside of a soul sister strategy, but for the possibility of creating an angel on turn 3 with Resplendent Angel, and also giving you lots of life later into the game, I considered this card good enough for this deck. However, you could consider other card for this slot, as long as it can give one or more life on turn 3 without costing you mana that turn, you should be good. An example of such a card could be Sacred Cat.

Glory-Bound Initiate

A very important card for this deck as it helps in enabling Resplendent Angel a lot. This card should almost always just be used with its exert ability, which essentially makes it a 4/4 lifelinker on turn 3. This alone is enough to flip Lone Rider  , trigger Angelic Accord and with one other lifegain ability, also triggers Resplendent Angel. This card fills a two drop nicely, for it doesn't have that many options for this deck.

Lone Rider  

perhaps a questionable card for this deck, you might think that a two mana 1/1 lifelinker with first strike is sub-par, which is is. However, the flip ability which is so easily obtained in this deck seemed too powerful in this deck to ignore. This deck doesn't really care about Lone Rider   being sub-par the turn it enters the battlefield, on turn 3 it should flip. Once it does, it is another win condition that requires a response from your opponent. The flipped version of Lone Rider   is enough to trigger Angelic Accord on its own, and with any other life gain, triggers Resplendent Angel as well.

Resplendent Angel

The card that in my mind made this deck possible. There have been some brews with Angelic Accord in modern before, but I never thought that card was strong enough to actually make for a high tier deck. However, with Resplendent Angel, this changed. A three mana 3/3 with flying and a slightly worse version of Angelic Accord stapled onto itself, with the ability to activate it itself in the late game makes for a very strong card, which I consider worthy to be built around/incorporate into an existing deck. The 5 life in order to trigger its ability instead of Angelic Accords 4 life is a big deal however, since few cards give the burst 5 life while also just being valuable beside that lifegain. You dont want to run cards like Chaplain's Blessing, you want cards that do more than that, and Lone Rider  s flipped side, Blessed Alliance, Glory-Bound Initiate all just give 4 life, which means you need 3 cards including Resplendent Angel in order to trigger it, but still, Resplendent Angels ability is because it becomes online at turn 3 very strong, and will secure the mid to late game. A little bonus to this card is that the angel token also have vigilance in addition to flying, which you don't get from Angelic Accord.

Lyra Dawnbringer

Inevitability and synergy are what make this otherwise sub-par modern card worth it in this deck in my opinion. With 5 mana it is the most expensive spell in this deck (save Proclamation of Rebirth' forecast ability) and make all those 4/4 angels you get from Resplendent Angel and Angelic Accord 5/5 lifelinkers, which means they can trigger Resplendent Angel themselves. Resplendent Angel itself becomes a 4/4 which means it gets outside Lightning Bolt range.

Angelic Accord

A nice and necessary addition to Resplendent Angel, you need the both of them in order to make running this deck worth it over just running martyr proc, in my opinion. Angelic Accord is less prone to removal, as most enchantment hate is either in the sideboard, or not in most decks at all. The 4 mana slot in this deck isn't very crowded, with Angelic Accord being the only mainboard card in that slot, which means you curve into it nicely.

Blessed Alliance

Very versatile card that sometimes sees sideboard play. Before, I talked about just having a card that gives life isn't good enough, and this is a nice example of a card that could just be a life gain spell, but could also be removal or a combat trick, or all of those. The versatility is what makes this card decent in this deck. I don't consider this card extremely good, far from it, but this deck needed a reliable and relatively cheap way to just gain life in a burst, besides Martyr of Sands.

Oblivion Ring

Non-land removal, always very versatile. I thought this deck could use some removal of this kind, since it already runs 4 Path to Exiles.

Path to Exile

Unconditional removal at instant speed. Ramping your opponent is not the biggest deal for this deck, and it is definitely worth it to exile one of your opponent problematic creatures. I included these in these in the mainboard because I think it can be useful in most situations, but definitely easy to sideboard out in certain match ups.

Proclamation of Rebirth

"Martyr Proc", the deck that uses this card in combination with Martyr of Sands for 15 lifegain every turn from turn 7 onwards. This card will ensure that the late game, while also being a valuable turn 3 play in some scenario's. It can of course also hit Serra Ascendant, which might be a very good target if you need to put your opponent on a clock. This card is however a little narrow, and only works in combination with those cards, and because of that I only run 2 in this deck.

Blessed Reversal

versus go wide strategies, tokens, or storm's Empty the Warrens. A very narrow card, but remember that both Angelic Accord and Resplendent Angel abilities say "at the beginning of EACH endstep", so having two creatures attack you is already enough to trigger both of them, and have some angels ready to attack on your turn.

Divine Offering

the artifact hate you will see in most sideboards, a little expensive at two mana, but for a little bit of extra mana you open up the ability to gain some life. Most artifacts have very low CMC, but I still think its worth it to run one copy of this card in the sideboard, destroying a Krark-Clan Ironworks is enough to trigger Angelic Accord.

Felidar Sovereign

If for whatever reason attacking with Lone Rider  , Serra Ascendant and some big angels isn't enough to kill your opponent, perhaps because of a Ensnaring Bridge, this card gives you an additional way to win the game, and it is one that doesn't require you to interact with your opponent at all. The stat on this creatures are also not bad. And the win ability is easily triggered.

Leyline of Sanctity

Versus any kind of Discard spells, curses, burn spells, Grapeshot, you name it. Has the potential to just be a free card on the battlefield, and versus the right deck, a free win.

Rest in Peace

Versus any decks that rely on the graveyard. There has been some discussion on whether or not to run 2 Rest in Peaces or 1 and one other graveyard hate card like Surgical Extraction, but I felt that one in the sideboard here was fine, even without an additional graveyard hate card.

Stony Silence

Another artifact-hate card, mainly great against affinity and KCI combo.

Burrenton Forge-Tender

Saves your life versus storm, but can also be nice versus other red cards.

Dusk // Dawn

If you are playing versus a deck which goes wide while also having a good amount of power, so any deck that run lords or just looks to buff creatures, this card could just function as a semi one sided wrath, while also getting you some important creatures in Serra Ascendant, Lone Rider   and Martyr of Sands back.

Kataki, War's Wage

Another artifact hate card. This deck doesn't run any artifact cards (except for one other sideboard card), so you can freely sideboard this in versus artifact decks.

Wrath of God

Another board wipe, gives you some more control and time to build up your game plan versus aggressive decks.

Sword of Light and Shadow

Buff a creature you control, give it protection from two colors that both have access to strong removal and get back cards like Serra Ascendant and Martyr of Sands while also gaining enough life for Lone Rider   and goes a long way in triggering Angelic Accord and Resplendent Angel.

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SCORE: 225 | 109 COMMENTS | 28006 VIEWS | IN 138 FOLDERS


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 2 Mythic Rares

10 - 11 Rares

19 - 1 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance
Folders angel reference
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