Resurgence of Obzedat (comments welcome)

Standard fhantom


HarrowShooter says... #1

It might be a little slower than you are looking for but Angelic Accord has some very cool synergy with Trostani/Archangel.

July 20, 2013 4:08 p.m.

fhantom says... #2

Yea I've thought about using Angelic Accord too. It'd be amazing with trostani, but I feel like it'd hit 4 mana a lot of times but I'd either always miss gaining 4 life by like 1 or I'll be getting beat up too much. Though I know once I get 1 angel out it's pretty much guaranteed a free angel every turn with the populate.

I think I'll try running it as a one of since, i've been hitting path of bravery too often when I wanted a creature or something instead.

July 20, 2013 4:15 p.m.

HarrowShooter says... #3

Technically if you populate Trostani with an angel token on the field you can get 2 4/4 flyers and gain 8 life per turn for 3 mana. A strong card (IMO) to guarantee lifegain might be Unflinching Courage It makes lots of your three drops much more dangerous as the game goes on, especially if you run Accord

July 20, 2013 6:51 p.m.

epic_eeyore says... #4

It looks good. I was thinking of doing a deck similar to this. I'm not a fan of Scavenging Ooze as i think Deathrite Shaman fills the role better. Also, have you tried Obzedat, Ghost Council ? He is silly with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice .

July 21, 2013 5:13 p.m.

fhantom says... #5

I think the only thing that's stopping me from putting him in is that the double black may be difficult for me to always get. Mostly i'm using black for the removal and boarding in Sin Collector s against control.

I don't think ghost daddy is out of the realm of possibility though, I just need to get one. My wallet is in going to be in tears when I finally get all those Angels though. T-T

July 21, 2013 7:10 p.m.

kasparekp1 says... #6

I suggest you that you changed Imposing Sovereign into Blind Obedience because it is more difficult to destroy and has Extort

July 25, 2013 2:48 a.m.

Chimpster says... #7

Been playing around with this deck a little as I also saw the potential synergy between Angelic Accord and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and I also came to the same conclusions, it just never really quite works. Definitely agree with the changes though I've found that Sanguine Bond does sterling work in the deck however and is incredibly worthwhile with trots and the archangel. I also still like Obzedat, Ghost Council even if it is yet another 5 drop. To be fair though, my playing buddy favours uber control decks so that could be why. With the Sanguine Bond I also find Alive / Well is superb in this deck (with another token to boot). I find that it's a better overall performer than Ready / Willing , though I occasionally board it in too.

Great deck overall though. Looking forward to your other developments

August 9, 2013 2:09 p.m.

fhantom says... #8

Currently I need to acquire those 3 Archangel of Thune 's and what I run in it's stead is actually just Sanguine Bond and added in a few more tokens to populate. I definitely like to keep my double black mana cost spells as low as possible, also keeping the 5 drops to a minimum.

Overall I feel like the most I would change is adding a 4th Archangel but that's about it. We'll see as I continue deck testing. Also everyone feel free to playtest the deck out and let me know how it does. It can always be improved!

Thanks for the feedback!

August 11, 2013 11:11 p.m.

fhantom says... #9

I'm trying to fit in 2x Primeval Bounty any ideas on what I can swap out?

August 23, 2013 3:14 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #10

Scion of Vitu-Ghazi is just... not very good.
This is a bit of a strange suggestion, but you should put Verdant Haven in. Changes your turn 3 into a turn 5, safely. More safely than a bunch of Elvish Mystic . Not that I'm saying to take them out.
I'd try to get 2 Scavenging Ooze in here too. It synergizes well with everything else.

Take out your Paths for your Bounties.

September 1, 2013 1:42 p.m.

fhantom says... #11

Thanks for your comment. However, the reasoning behind Scion of Vitu-Ghazi , is to populate the tokens I'll most likely have by turn 5 or sooner if I get my ramp turn 1. Also though I like the idea of using Verdant Haven as extra ramp it's a turn where I'm not really affecting the board with threats or at least removing something. I'll pretty much be passing the turn. Though the deck does utilize powerful 5 drops it doesn't rely on them, with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice I can populate, and gain life while pumping out wurms or just doing a good old fashion beat down with Loxodon Smiter on turn 2 or if trostani isn't there a Advent of the Wurm token on turn 3. I recently tried testing Primeval Bounty , it just seems like too much mana, don't get me wrong when it goes down the game pretty much shifts but, getting to the 6 mana is crucial and most of the time even if I added extra land I'd like to put something out that can immediately start killing my opponent or stop them from hurting me that turn. As it turns out even though Path of Bravery doesn't work well on curve I prefer to cast it late game once Archangel of Thune is out to abuse the life gain trigger before combat. Speaking of counters from thune Elvish Mystic gets pretty mean too, which is why I was ok with using those over Verdant Haven .

The card I'm most interested in for post rotation is Bow of Nylea which gives my attacking guys deathtouch, and has a pretty versatile activated ability. I'm curious about what else Theros has to offer.

Once again thanks for the comment, if you have any other suggestions please let me know! I'm always open to hearing new ways of improving my deck or at least providing my reasoning behind my choices.

September 1, 2013 2:31 p.m.

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