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***RETIRED*** $21 Sidisi Ad Nauseam

Commander / EDH Budget Combo Jank Mono-Black


Land (93)

Sorcery (1)

Commander (1)

Commander: Sidisi, Undead Vizier

Copied deck from MortalWombat5

$21 Sidisi Ad Nauseam Combo

Turns 1-4: play Swamps.

Turn 5: Play a Swamp, then play Sidisi, exploiting herself to get Ad Nauseam. Then discard a Swamp at the end of the turn because you have 8 cards in your hand.

Turn 6: Do not play a land yet. Pray to Emrakul that your opponents don't have a counterspell, then play Ad Nauseam, drawing your entire deck, taking, at most, 5 damage. Then play Glacial Chasm as your land for the turn, sacrificing a Swamp. Play Lotus Petal, then crack it for to cast Dark Ritual, floating . Use one mana to play Elixir of Immortality as a contingency plan. Then cast Sickening Dreams, discarding your entire hand except three Swamps, dealing 84 damage to each opponent, thus probably winning you the game.If you didn't win on turn 6

If you successfully Ad Nauseamed: If you have 21 or more life, keep Glacial Chasm, otherwise let it die. Then crack Elixir of Immortality on your turn 7 upkeep (after the Glacial Chasm trigger) to reset the combo and avoid decking out. Then on turn 9 play Sidisi to get Ad Nauseam and start the combo again on turn 10.

If you did not Ad Nauseam: Play Sidisi on turn 7 to get Codex Shredder. On turn 8 play Codex Shredder and sac it to get Ad Nauseam back. On turn 9, start the combo again.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Rares

4 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.14
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