This deck was retired with the ban on Attune with Aether.
This is my version of the deck of the same name, by SaffronOlive.
Enigma Drake is totally the MVP over Deeproot Champion. Bloodwater Entity and Soul-Scar Mage are both super strong as well. Spell Pierce is way more valuable than I expected it to be.
I feel like Cryptic Serpent needs to stay, but I was kinda disappointed in it. Not sure what would take it's place.
The first time I took this to a Regular REL even, every single round, I wished I had fling. I added it, and this past Monday I went from doing terrible to doing slightly better. Fling won me a couple games, and won two games I a single match. First, my opponent tried to kill my Deeproot Champion. Idk why i didn’t do this during my previous turn anyway, but i used Fling to sac it and end the game. We went to Game 3 after that. I had a 10/6 Enigma Drake, cause I pumped it, and swung. My opponent tried to kill it (and my proetection was responsible for some of the pumping) and that tapped him out. During main phase 2, I Flung it for the kill.
Finally, considering whether I should run Baral, to make essentially all instants/sorceries in the deck cost 1. Seems strong, but not sure if he is too clunky.